
HYPOCRITE: Cuomo Denounces Vaccinated Cruz for Not Wearing a Mask

April 16th, 2021 10:24 AM

CNN's Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo reminded viewers Thursday of the Cuomo family's lack of principles and penchant for double standards as he lectured Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (OH) and Senators Ted Cruz (TX) and Rand Paul and right-of-center Americans for purposefully refusing to “listen to science” while “playing politics” as people die from the coronavirus.

NYT: GOP Questioning Puberty Blockers Are ‘Ugly' Anti-Kid 'Tirades'

February 27th, 2021 10:30 PM

In congressional hearings Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul grilled Biden health nominee Rachel Levine, a transgender woman, on the idea of using hormones known as puberty blockers on minors suffering from so-called gender dysphoria. Reporters were outraged, none more so than the New York Times’ Sheryl Gay Stolberg, who characterized Rand’s calm, precise questioning as an anti-trans “tirade”…


Wash Post Op-ed: Paul Is A 'Monster’ For Questioning Trans Policies

February 26th, 2021 12:49 PM

The potential United States Assistant Secretary of Health can’t even get the record straight on her gender but Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is the “monster” for expressing concerns about how someone like that might supervise America’s medical bureaucracy?


'View' Gives Dems a Pass on Inciting Violence, Coronavirus Leadership

February 8th, 2021 2:41 PM

The View hosts displayed their usual double standards for Democrats on Monday’s show on two topics; impeachment and coronavirus leadership. 

Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 12-17-20

Ranting Scarborough Wants Rand Paul 'Sanctioned' for 'Lying'

December 17th, 2020 2:56 PM

Joe Scarborough goes on one of his patented rants against Rand Paul, accusing him 17 times of "lying" or being a "liar." At the end of his rant, Scarborough bemoans the fact that senators can't be "sanctioned" for lying. 

NY Times Meltdown Over GOP ‘Terrorists,’ Forgets About Lefty Protests

December 10th, 2020 3:10 PM

New York Times liberal columnist Michelle Goldberg displayed some laugh-out-loud ignorance in her Tuesday tirade, “No One Expects G.O.P. Civility.” (And no one expects New York Times balance.) The text box gave the flavor: “Election officials are terrorized, and everyone shrugs.” Goldberg’s piece was saturated with ignorant sarcasm: "’s pretty routine for Trumpists to…

HYPOCRITES: The NY Times Cares About Some Violence, Just Not THIS

September 3rd, 2020 12:20 PM

Coverage from the New York Times of the spate of left-wing rioting and attacks on conservatives remains stuck in denial mode, as unwittingly demonstrated in “Three Conspiracy Theories, Debunked." While purporting to knock Trump, the Times actually reveal their paper’s own galling dismissal of left-wing thuggery against conservatives like Sen. Rand Paul.


Top ABC, NBC Morning Shows IGNORE Mob Attacking Rand and Kelley Paul

August 28th, 2020 5:07 PM

After President Trump’s Thursday night RNC speech, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and wife Kelley were attacked and threatened by an angry, far-left, Black Lives Matter mob upon leaving the White House (as were other attendees). But when it came to the top Friday morning network newscasts acknowledging this, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today didn’t think it was worth…


Wallace: 'More Difficult' to Hope Virus Patient Rand Paul Will Be Okay

March 23rd, 2020 7:23 PM
On her MSNBC show, Nicolle Wallace says it's "more difficult" to hope that Sen. Rand Paul, who has tested positive for coronavirus, is okay, given that he didn't promptly self-quarantine. No worries, Nicolle! Nothing "harsh" at all about finding it difficult to hope that someone with a potentially fatal disease is okay! Particularly when, as you twice mentioned, he's a "Republican."

'View' Whines America's Not Socialist: 'We Don't Get Any Free Stuff!'

October 11th, 2019 2:22 PM
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) came to The View on Friday to talk about his book about why socialism is wrong for America. However his ideas were so unpopular with The View hosts and audience that this part of the interview only lasted three minutes.

CNN to Rand Paul: Are You in a ‘Butt-Kissing Contest’ With Liz Cheney?

September 13th, 2019 11:14 AM
When a conservative guest appears on CNN, he or she can expect to be hammered by a host attempting to drive a wedge between Republicans. That’s what happened early Thursday afternoon, when Rand Paul was on the CNN Right Now program and anchor Brianna Keilar attempted to use an “odd feud” between the Kentucky Congressman and Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney to accuse them of engaging in a “butt-…

His Critics Have Not Blamed Him for the California Fires Yet

August 2nd, 2018 5:14 PM
WASHINGTON — It has been a pretty good week for Donald Trump. The economy is growing faster than anyone on the left or in the middle or among the Never-Trumpers believed possible. Inflation is low, and employment is at a record high. Moreover, the president and the European Union reached an understanding on trade last week that signals the likely end of a trade war, at least with Europe.

Shocking Year of Media Indifference Over Three Threats on Paul's Life

July 4th, 2018 6:50 PM
There were two developments Monday in the disgraceful year-long, media-underplayed saga involving threats on Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul's life. First, federal prosecutors appealed the 30-day sentence given to Rene Boucher, who violently assaulted Paul in November. Meanwhile, as NewsBusters' Nicholas Fondacro noted in a separate Monday evening post, Capitol Police arrested a man who…

Nets Skip Man Arrested for Threatening to ‘Chop Up’ Rand Paul, Family

July 2nd, 2018 9:31 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored the horrific death threat issued to Republican Senator Rand Paul (KY) and his family during their evening broadcasts on Monday, even as the liberal media continue to pontificate about President Trump's supposed incitement of incivility across the country. Meanwhile, the same networks found ample time to discuss news of anti-Trump NBA star LeBron James moving…