Louisville Paper: Vandalized 'Kill the NRA' Billboard Only a 'Callout'

February 21st, 2018 7:16 AM
Tuesday at the Louisville Courier Journal, part of Gannett's USA Today network, two reporters claimed that whoever vandalized a prominent billboard in that city to read "Kill the NRA" had "called out" the gun-rights group. David Harten and Darcy Costello never described the billboard as what it was while it was briefly visible: a violent threat.

NYT's Double Standard on Politician Talk: Pelosi Praised, Paul Panned

February 9th, 2018 1:35 PM
A tale of two speeches: On Thursday, the New York Times Sheryl Gay Stolberg celebrated House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s marathon speech, “8 Hours, 7 Minutes and 1 Pelosi Soliloquy.” While not wholly laudatory, Stolberg fawned over Pelosi’s "heart-rending" defense of the so-called Dreamers. Sen. Rand Paul also delivered a delaying tactic of a speech, but Rand isn't nearly so highly regarded at…

Feds Charge Paul Attacker; Media Pushes Unproven 'Pile of Brush' Feud

January 20th, 2018 5:00 PM
The Department of Justice announced Friday that Rene Boucher, the person who attacked and seriously injured Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul 2-1/2 months ago, has been charged with a federal felony and admitted to the attack. Several press accounts are crowing that the DOJ's announcement proves that the attack was not politically motivated. It does no such thing.

Rand Paul’s Wife Slams Media’s ‘False’ 'Hateful' Coverage of Attack

November 22nd, 2017 2:39 PM
Senator Rand Paul’s family and friends have not been happy without how the media have characterized the unsolicited attack he faced from a neighbor earlier this month, that left him badly injured with six broken ribs, among other injuries.

Steyn, Concha Mock Loony Cases of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome'

November 22nd, 2017 1:01 PM
On Tuesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, fill-in host Mark Steyn and The Hill’s Joe Concha enjoyed themselves at the expense of the latest liberal media diatribes, showcasing new cases of the incurably stupid Trump Derangement Syndrome involving everything from the death of Charles Manson to the attack on Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.).

New Yorker Blames Rand Paul Attack on Compost and 'Banality' of Trump

November 20th, 2017 12:54 AM
At The New Yorker on Tuesday, Jeffrey Frank reached what one hopes is the worst we'll see of Trump Derangement Syndrome — but don't get your hopes up. Frank, in attempting to analyze what might have caused registered Democrat Rene Boucher to attack Senator Rand Paul two weeks ago, blamed "the sinister banality of American life ... with a lot of it these days emanating from Donald J. Trump." 

NBC Highlights Rand Paul Slamming Media Reports of Assault by Liberal

November 10th, 2017 9:54 PM
On Thursday afternoon, news broke that Republican Senator Rand Paul's office had disputed claims aired in the media that the Kentucky Senator had been in an ongoing dispute with his neighbor, Rene Boucher, before being tackled in his yard about a week ago, calling the accounts "fake news," and claiming that the two had not even spoken to each other in many years. 

Paul's Neighbors Push Back Against Media Reports About 'Altercation'

November 9th, 2017 12:58 PM
Many of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's neighbors are hotly disputing Louisville Courier Journal and New York Times reports which characterized the Friday assault on the Republican Senator as being the result of "petty arguments over misplaced lawn trimmings and branches" and "a landscaping dispute," respectively. Among their objections: The  Courier Journal's Thomas Novelly described the attack,…

Seriously? KY Paper Sneers: Injured Rand Paul ‘Not a Perfect Neighbor'

November 8th, 2017 5:25 PM
A Louisville Courier Journal item currently carried at USA Today by reporter Thomas Novelly seems to imply that Rand Paul deserved to be blindsided, tackled and to have possibly life-threatening serious injuries inflicted on him Friday afternoon. After all, the headline reads: "Rand Paul is not a perfect neighbor" — according to the developer of the gated community in which Paul and Rene Boucher…

Daily Beast's Sam Stein Publishes Rand Paul's Home Address

November 7th, 2017 3:16 PM
Well, it's a good thing we have experienced journalists in charge of presenting the news at sites like the Daily Beast making sure they protect the privacy of politicians under attack, particularly Republican and conservative politicians. ... Oh, wait a minute. Sam Stein, who became that site's political editor after many years at the Huffington Post, published Rand Paul's home address on Monday.

Nets Skip Key Detail: Rand Paul’s Assailant Is a ‘Liberal’ ‘Socialist'

November 6th, 2017 12:46 PM
Imagine if Senator Elizabeth Warren had been violently assaulted by an arch-conservative. Think journalists would mention that point? Well, they didn’t when Rand Paul was attacked over the weekend by a “liberal” “socialist.” Only ABC even bothered to compare this latest incident to the attempted murder of Republican congressmen in the summer.  The total coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC of this latest…

Print Media Omit Paul Surviving VA Shooting from Assault Coverage

November 5th, 2017 1:44 PM
Friday afternoon, Republican Senator Rand Paul suffered a minor injury when he was attacked as he was mowing the lawn at his home. Most press coverage thus far has failed to note that Paul was present at the baseball practice where Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana and three others were shot in June, or that the FBI reportedly believes that yesterday's attack on Paul was politically…

Nets Denounce Health Care Executive Order as Threat to Obama’s Legacy

October 12th, 2017 10:58 PM
On Thursday, President Trump unveiled an executive order designed to bring new freedom to the health insurance market by allowing people to form associations in order to buy insurance across state lines. But the Big Three networks weren’t going to lie down and let people have affordable insurance. Instead, they would lie and mislead about what the order actually did and about how it would affect…

Frum Opposes ObamaCare Repeal, Admits Only GOPer Over Foreign Policy

June 29th, 2017 8:30 AM
On Tuesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on MSNBC, it was another case of an alleged Republican pushing a left-leaning point-of-view instead of a conservative one as The Atlantic senior editor, former George W. Bush speech writer, and recurring MSNBC guest David Frum argued against Republican efforts to make substantial changes to ObamaCare. At one point, he even admitted he only considers…