Dictionary Sites Pick 'Word of the Year' Focused on Anti-Trump Bias

December 1st, 2016 3:09 PM
Each year Dictionary.com and Oxford Dictionaries pick a Word of the Year that “embodies a major theme resonating deeply in the cultural consciousness over the prior 12 months.”  Of all the words they could have chosen, this year, influenced by the presidential election, the words “xenophobia” and “post-truth” were given the star treatment. Both dictionary organizations chose their specific words…

Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism'

April 6th, 2016 10:21 PM
Bernie Sanders: rabid right-winger? A senior Hillary surrogate has accused Bernie Sanders of "McCarthyism," of all things. Has Bernie's big Wisconsin win knocked the Clinton campaign off its moorings? Five years ago, I wrote that the irascible Barney Frank could pick a fight in a phone booth. Further proof came on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, as Hillary-fan Frank jumped ugly with fellow…

Cornucopia: Wall-to-Wall Bias in Rosenthal's NYT Sunday Review

September 20th, 2015 10:51 PM
It's not just the New York Times news pages that lean left -- conservative viewpoints are virtually shut out of the paper's opinion pages as well, especially under the regime of toxically smug liberal Andrew Rosenthal, whose hobbies include calling Republicans racist and homophobic. The Sunday Review section has long been a particularly opinionated outpost, with Rosenthal using the day of leisure…

Lefty Robert Reich: Disclosure A ‘Key Vulnerability’ for Hillary

June 7th, 2015 12:27 PM
On Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary for Bill Clinton, surprisingly criticized Hillary Clinton over her foundations’s donation issues and insisted “full disclosure is a key vulnerability” for her candidacy.

Reich Frets ‘Press' Has Made ISIS Too Much of ‘a Big Deal’

March 27th, 2015 3:33 PM
While on Thursday’s edition of The Nightly Show on Comedy Central, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich expressed concern that the media has been covering the terrorist group ISIS too heavily and in turn has been causing the group’s ranks to swell. After being asked by host Larry Wilmore to explain why “all these westerners [are] joining ISIS,” Reich dismissed that premise by declaring that “there…

ABC’s 'This Week' Insists GOP Shouldn’t ‘Run Against Obama’ In 2016

January 11th, 2015 1:09 PM
On Sunday, ABC’s This Week took some time away from discussing the horrific terrorist attack in France to examine the 2016 presidential landscape. The panel featured Robert Reich, liberal economist and former Labor Secretary under President Clinton, former Clinton official James Carville, and liberal GOP strategists Nicolle Wallace and Ana Navarro, all four of whom warned the GOP against running…

Robert Reich: Spread Ownership Because ‘Whole Country Ought to Be Pa

April 15th, 2014 5:50 PM
Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich made a very curious statement on Monday’s Morning Joe. During a roundtable discussion on income inequality, former congressman Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) asked Reich what policies, besides raising the minimum wage, the government should employ in order to improve economic mobility and increase middle class purchasing power. [Video below. MP3 audio here…

Bozell Column: 2013's Cultural Winners and Losers

December 28th, 2013 8:11 AM
Let's assess the winners in losers in American culture for 2013. Our first obvious winner is "Duck Dynasty" and its Phil Robertson. He's a winner for standing by his Christian principles after some inartful remarks about homosexuality. A&E suspended him and put the usual statement that they are "champions" of the gay agenda -- and proceeded to start running "Duck Dynasty" marathons. Mark…

Gingrich Schools Reich: 'Every Major City Which Is a Poverty Center Is

December 15th, 2013 12:57 PM
ABC This Week viewers were treated to a classic conservative versus liberal debate Sunday. When former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich tried to blame the increase in poverty in the past five years on Republicans, former Speaker of the House and current CNN host Newt Gingrich called it "baloney" firing back, "Every major city which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats" (video…

Exploiters and Hypocrites Exposed: 'Progressive' Media Outlets Paying

December 2nd, 2013 9:10 PM
Charles Davis at Vice.com has written an eye-opening expose of “Exploited Laborers of the Liberal Media” – unpaid or poorly paid interns at liberal magazines, websites, and radio networks that claim to speak out for the poorly paid working stiffs. Davis notes Harper’s magazine wants interns to “work on a full-time, unpaid basis for three to five months” and The Washington Monthly is offering…

Newt Gingrich Smacks Down Robert Reich on Debt Ceiling: 'This Is Histo

September 22nd, 2013 12:30 PM
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich typically spouted Democrat talking points Sunday concerning the battle over raising the debt ceiling and defunding ObamaCare. Fortunately for viewers of ABC's This Week, CNN's Newt Gingrich was there to smack down Reich saying, "This is historical baloney" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Reich Whines: We've Lost Our CBS 'Arbiters of Truth

August 14th, 2013 6:53 AM
At The Huffington Post, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich railed against how angry and divided America is and blamed it on a yawning gap of economic inequality. James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal added, “Somehow he neglects to notice that his own political allies try to incite resentment of ‘millionaires and billionaires,’ ‘corporate jet owners’ and similar targets." Like many…

Robert Reich: Walmart, McDonalds and Every Hospital in America Should

January 29th, 2013 10:11 AM
Former Clinton labor secretary turned MSNBC contributor Robert Reich has a truly nutty solution for America's current economic woes. Writing at the perilously liberal Huffington Post Tuesday, Reich called for some of the top employers in the nation to unionize.

George Will: People Will Look Back On Fiscal Cliff Deal As Point When

January 7th, 2013 12:12 AM
George Will had an interesting take on the fiscal cliff agreement reached by Congress and the White House last week. Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Will said, “I think people will look back on this deal as where liberalism passed an apogee and went into decline” (video follows with transcript and commentary):