Blogger: Conservatives ‘Marinate’ in ‘Rancid Stew’ of Obama-Hatred

March 15th, 2015 5:00 PM
The American Prospect’s Waldman sympathizes with conservatives who are “unfairly accused of racism,” but says that overall he doesn’t feel too sorry for them given that right-wingers routinely condone actual bigotry from their leaders. Addressing his conservative readers, Waldman admits that sometimes “liberals are too quick to see racist intent in a comment that may be innocuous or at worst…

Brian Williams, Rush Limbaugh, and Audience Loyalty

February 14th, 2015 9:18 AM
Here’s a question. What is the difference between Brian Williams and Rush Limbaugh? What is the dog that isn’t barking? Answer? The audience. There is no sudden groundswell of outraged NBC Nightly News viewers rallying to the support of the suspended anchor, angrily demanding he be restored to his job. On the contrary, when Rush Limbaugh ran into trouble in the Sandra Fluke episode and a handful…

NY Times's Correction on Vaccines Fixes Misattribution of Walker Quote

February 4th, 2015 11:45 PM
Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh believes that because the center-right media and blogosphere pushed back against the vaccine vendetta campaign against Republicans and conservatives, the establishment press is sharply backing away from trying to capitalize on it, especially because both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been shown to have played to the anti-vaxxer crowd during the 2008…

Limbaugh Demolishes Obama's Crowing Over Gas Prices, Energy Production

January 22nd, 2015 2:00 PM
One of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh's most important assets -- a great memory. While telling his listeners yesterday that he didn't waste time watching the laundry list of alleged accomplishments and proposals that seldom get enacted, aka the State of the Union speech, he did catch an excerpt afterward that conveyed a sense of deja vu.

Matthews, Steele Rush to Defend Obama from Paris Terror Criticism

January 8th, 2015 8:24 PM
Equipped with two liberal journalists and moderate Republican Michael Steele, MSNBC's Chris Matthews set about on his January 8 Hardball program to bash Sen. Lindsey Graham (R), former Amb. John Bolton, and talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for their criticism of President Obama's handling of the war on terrorism in light of the deadly terroristic shooting spree at the Paris headquarters of Charlie…

Chris Matthews Offers Lame Limbaugh Conspiracy Theory Re: 2016 Race

December 16th, 2014 9:03 PM
Just a few seconds after complaining that Rush Limbaugh has a loopy "conspiracy theory" for why former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) is seriously exploring a presidential bid in 2016, MSNBC's Chris Matthews offered his own, which amounted to this: Limbaugh opposes Jeb's bid because he "knows" a "Tea Party" GOP nominee would go down in flames to Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring him at least four…

Sharyl Attkisson: Some at CBS Treated Hacking as 'My Fault'

December 13th, 2014 12:05 PM
Former CBS News journalist Sharyl Attkisson, who publicly clashed with her bosses over opposition to covering Obama administration scandals, told Rush Limbaugh that some at the network seemed to blame her for a hacking attack

Rush Limbaugh On Ferguson: ‘Truth Is Relative’ To Liberals

December 7th, 2014 10:33 AM
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh made a rare TV appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss a variety of topics including the state of race relations in America following two grand jury decisions in Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island in which police were not indicted following the deaths of two African American men. Speaking to Wallace on the “hands up don’t shoot…

Scarborough, Heilemann to GOP: Ignore Rush, Do Deals With Obama

November 7th, 2014 8:11 AM
Rush Limbaugh likes to say that when the liberal media says "talk radio," they mean him.  Rush's point was perfectly illustrated on today's Morning Joe.  John Heilemann first spoke of "talk radio  . . . howling" at Boehner and McConnell not to capitulate to President Obama.  Just a moment later, Heilemann made explicitly clear whom he had in mind: "you got to listen to Rush Limbaugh for just one…

NPR Exposes Right-Wing Ebola Hype...Oops, Democrats Panic, Too

October 10th, 2014 2:58 PM
On Thursday night's All Things Considered, Texas-based NPR correspondent Wade Goodwyn delved into alleged right-wing panic over Ebola derived from "visceral loathing of President Obama,", including claims that some leftists want an Ebola epidemic in America. Goodwyn quoted radio hosts Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, and Michael Savage -- all featured recently on left-wing blog sites. So it might…

Jonathan Chait: Limbaugh ‘Obsessed’ With Slavery

October 8th, 2014 9:46 PM

The New York magazine blogger says that Rush not only “cannot stop talking about” slavery but “believes that, rather than a blight on white America, it should be seen, in a world-historical context, as a point in its favor.”

Bozell: 'Stop Rush' Campaign's a Fraud, Attack on Freedom of Speech

September 24th, 2014 3:10 PM
It’s time to expose the "Stop Rush" campaign for what it is: yet another shameless attack on the First Amendment by left-wing enemies of free speech. Their scheme is nothing more than a pathetic Potemkin village of lies and social media fraud perpetrated by a small handful of hacks trying to intimidate small business owners who advertise on conservative radio.

Limbaugh Show Launches Attack on Fake Grassroots 'Stop Rush' Campaign

September 24th, 2014 1:08 PM
The Rush Limbaugh Show is going on the attack against leftist “Stop Rush” agitators trying to ruin his program among advertisers. In particular, they’re challenging the idea that this is a “grassroots” movement of ordinary American consumers targeting advertisers. They say there are no average customers here, just a “small number of hardcore political activists" on the Left.

Rush Limbaugh Levels Gwen Ifill's 'Is That America?' Piety on Ferguson

August 27th, 2014 7:40 PM
Among the things that conservative firebreather Rush Limbaugh deservedly loathes, it's sanctimony from an ostensibly neutral news anchor. Gwen Ifill, moderator of "Washington Week" and co-anchor of "PBS NewsHour," was among the panelists who appeared on "Meet the Press" this past Sunday. The discussion inevitably turned to the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and the civil…