Rush Limbaugh: New Media Kept Press From Turning 'Gentle Giant' Into R

August 25th, 2014 10:32 PM
Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh declared during his radio show on Friday that the “mainstream media” was unable to transform “gentle giant” black teenager Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on August 9, into Rodney King -- the black man who became famous for a high-speed pursuit by the police and later asking “Can't we all get along?” 22 years ago --…

Rush Limbaugh on Outrage Over Ferguson Video: 'It Destroyed the Myth

August 19th, 2014 8:35 PM
Ever since police in Ferguson, Mo., released surveillance footage that appears to show Michael Brown stealing cigars from a convenience store minutes before he was shot to death after a confrontation with a local cop, we've heard an endless chorus of perceived wisdom that releasing the video was certain to cause more chaos. The fact that civil disorder grew far worse in the wake of the video…

Obama Protests the Arrest of Journalists; Many Compare to Obama's Hist

August 15th, 2014 9:36 AM
Obama declared on Wednesday, “Here in the United States of America, police should not be bullying or arresting journalists who are just trying to do their jobs.” The Columbia Journalism Review website was among the many – including Rush Limbaugh on the radio – who saw the hypocrisy, since President Obama is our nation’s most prosecutorial president toward journalists:

Rush Limbaugh Slams Liberal, Media Misquotes of His Remarks on Robin W

August 14th, 2014 7:08 AM
It's always interesting when liberals and members of the mainstream media think they've caught conservative icon Rush Limbaugh making an inappropriate comment during his three-hour weekday radio program. Even though almost none of them bother to actually listen to his remarks, the outrage flies from online posters and news outlets across the country. This was the case on Tuesday, when…

Limbaugh: Nixon Fell on the Sword for His Country - Twice

August 8th, 2014 8:40 PM
Leave it to Rush Limbaugh to rain on one of liberals' most sacred observances -- the anniversary of Richard Nixon's resignation from the presidency. Since this year's anniversary ends in a zero, four decades having passed from that somber day in August 1974, liberals are more choked up than usual. (Audio after the jump)

Daily Beast Columnist Apologizes for Tweeting Conservatives 'Love Seei

July 30th, 2014 9:02 PM
Dean Obeidallah, a liberal columnist for the Daily Beast, ignited a firestorm last Friday, when he asked on Twitter: “Do conservatives defend [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu because they share the same values or because they love seeing Arabs get killed?” His answer? “Trick question: It's both.” Five tumultuous days later, the Arab-American comedian posted: “I want to sincerely…

Limbaugh Asks How Sandra Fluke Can Donate $100K-Plus to Her Campaign Y

July 29th, 2014 9:35 PM
Two years after he was widely vilified for suggesting that Sandra Fluke was a "slut" and "prostitute" for insisting that other people -- taxpayers or insurance companies, she wasn't picky -- pay for her birth control, Rush Limbaugh asked a question about Fluke today on his radio show that we're unlikely to hear from what he derides as the "drive-by media." Fluke, who somehow survived her…

Zing! Limbaugh Aptly Compares Obama to MSNBC's Ronan Farrow

July 25th, 2014 7:16 PM
Five years and running into the Obama presidency and Rush Limbaugh may have just come up with the best analogy for it. On his radio show Wednesday, Limbaugh cited an awkward parallel between our gallant leader and Ronan Farrow, the lighter-than-air MSNBC midday anchor of indeterminate paternity. (Audio after the jump)

New York Times Suddenly Respects Religion, When It Comes to Sheltering

July 24th, 2014 11:41 AM
When the New York Times starts praising religious activists, you know there's a deeper agenda at work. National religion reporter Michael Paulson, whose reporting is preoccupied with gay marriage and the church, praised denominations of all stripes that lined up on the Times' side of an issue -- granting amnesty to the streams of unaccompanied children crossing the U.S. border illegally, while…

Limbaugh Mocks Liberal Myth of 'Take Back Our Country' as Coded Racism

July 15th, 2014 9:49 PM
Funny how it wasn't considered racist when liberals were demanding to "take back our country" during the Bush 43's stint in the White House. A single presidency later, the term is unabashed dog-whistle racism, at least according to those who were so inclined to spout it in the past. As ever, it's only racist when conservatives say it. Liberals, as shown by their ardent devotion to the…

False Reuters Headline at Yahoo News: 'President Obama Visits the Bord

July 10th, 2014 5:56 PM
I'm sure that many will pass off what Reuters and Yahoo News have just been caught doing as some kind of an innocent mistake, and perhaps it was. But isn't odd how often those "mistakes" so often end up giving President Obama and the left more credit than they deserve? Yesterday, a Reuters story at Yahoo News was headlined "President Obama Visits the Border." That's a pretty remarkable…

Where is Hollywood Telethon for Illegal Immigrant Children, Limbaugh A

July 10th, 2014 1:51 PM
A perceptive question that no one else has thought to ask, at least not to my knowledge. Rush Limbaugh followed that by explaining why such a high-visibility fundraiser for tens of thousands of "unaccompanied alien children" converging on the border won't be held. Given the scale of the crisis, you'd think that the civic-minded denizens of Hollywood would be in high gear to do something,…

Limbaugh Eviscerates Chelsea Clinton's Laughable Claim That She Doesn

June 25th, 2014 11:57 AM
You'd think the Clintons would have learned by now that if they keep lobbing meatballs over the plate, Rush Limbaugh will keep cranking them out of the park. Latest example of that delightful dynamic occurred after it was reported in the New York Daily News that Chelsea Clinton claims she is -- sigh -- indifferent toward money. Yes, the same Chelsea Clinton who, along with equally…

Limbaugh Predicted Obama Would Go After Redskins' Trademark

June 20th, 2014 3:56 PM
While it may have come as a surprise to many when the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled six trademark registrations owned by the Washington Redskins pro football team, Rush Limbaugh saw it coming months ago. Limbaugh told his radio listeners Wednesday that he mentioned on his show January 9 that the Obama administration would target the Redskins specifically through the Patent and…