Bill Maher Praises PETA, Tells Liam Neeson to 'Just Shut Up' Over Trea

June 18th, 2014 7:52 PM
It's not hard to tell where the host of Real Time With Bill Maher stands on the issue of “animal rights.” As with most topics, the comedian hasn't held anything back since before 2003, when he received the Celebrity Animal Advocate of the Year Award at the Animal Rights National Conference in Los Angeles. During the past week, however, the HBO host set his sights on two interesting targets:…

Poll: MSNBC Least Trusted TV News Source, Fox News Most Trusted

June 10th, 2014 9:28 PM
Most surveys regarding cable news channels focus on ratings and the opinions of their viewers. However, a recent poll conducted by the Brookings and Public Religion Research Institute sought the views of all Americans toward all news sources in the nation. A mere 5 percent of the respondents called the left-wing MSNBC cable channel their “most trusted” TV news outlet. On the other end of the…

Stunned CNN Reporter: VA Wait-List Scandal Exists, 'Doesn't Have to Be

May 22nd, 2014 10:11 AM
In discussing President Obama's Wednesday press conference on the Veterans Administration wait-list scandal, CNN's Drew Griffin, identified by the network's Jake Tapper as "the reporter who began this whole story with his investigation into the Phoenix VA," appeared to barely contain himself as he described the "disconnect between what's happening out here in the country and what the president…

Limbaugh is Right, Thom Hartmann Admits, Liberal Talk Radio Competes M

May 16th, 2014 7:29 PM
Thom Hartmann is a rarity among liberal radio hosts. Not only does he frequently invite conservative guests on his show, and engage them in debate that is often contentious but rarely unpleasant, he did something this week that many liberals are ideologically incapable of doing. Hartmann was speaking with fellow radio talker and author Michael Smerconish on Wednesday about changes in the…

Jon Stewart Proposes New Twitter Hashtag: ‘#F*@K You Rush

May 14th, 2014 3:21 PM
Jon Stewart and Rush Limbaugh couldn’t be more polar opposite politically and that was never more evident on Monday’s episode of “The Daily Show” when Stewart attacked the conservative talk radio host for criticizing Michelle Obama’s “hashtag activism.”  How did Stewart propose viewers could join in his disdain for Limbaugh? With another hashtag, "#F*@KYouRush."  On Monday, Limbaugh called…

Shocker From Ed Schultz on Donald Sterling: 'He Has a Right to Be a Ra

May 13th, 2014 7:07 PM
Ed Schultz briefly revealed what he actually thinks on his radio show yesterday, then quickly retreated to the comforting confines of the nonsensical. Schultz was talking about embattled Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his interview with Anderson Cooper of CBS about racist remarks made by Sterling and recorded by a gold-digger girlfriend working for him as an "archivist." (…

Salon Links Sterling to Rush, Fox News: 'Button-Down' Psychopaths on

May 2nd, 2014 1:35 PM
Liberals seeking examples of conservative craziness often look for the wrong thing. That's the word from California writer Paul Rosenberg, who in a Thursday piece for Salon stated that "the wild-eyed kind of crazy we’ve all been led to expect" is much less common than "the button-down, conservative kind we heard in the Donald Sterling tape — or that we can hear on [Rush] Limbaugh’s radio show, or…

CBS CEO Defends 'Moderate' Stephen Colbert From Attack by Rush Limbaug

April 30th, 2014 10:33 PM
Les Moonves, chairman and chief executive officer of the CBS Corporation, responded to criticism that the network was replacing David Letterman, a liberal comedian and longtime host of the weeknight Late Show program, with Stephen Colbert, another liberal comic and host of The Colbert Report, who is likely to continue making fun of conservatives and Republicans when he leaves his Comedy Channel…

Ed Schultz Robotically Blames 'Right-Wing Talkers' for Sterling's Raci

April 30th, 2014 12:11 PM
Did you know that many conservative commentators are also consummate ventriloquists? Or so Ed Schultz seems to believe. Schultz, who loves going out on a limb that invariably collapses under the weight of his hypocrisy, is blaming "right-wing talkers" such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, his two favorite targets in the genre, for racist remarks made by LA Clippers' owner Donald Sterling…

On MSNBC, Bill Maher Says Rush Limbaugh Is Worse Than Donald Sterling

April 29th, 2014 11:31 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's All In on MSNBC to discuss the controversy over Donald Sterling's racist comments, HBO comedian Bill Maher managed to make a crack about Rush Limbaugh. He answered a question from host Chris Hayes about whether there would be an increase in the number of people defending Sterling in the aftermath of his punishment. Maher said Limbaugh will "find a way to say…

MSNBC Panel Trashes Paul Ryan, GOPers 'Fuel Racism' and 'Attack Minori

April 29th, 2014 1:32 AM
On the Monday, April 28, The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz devoted the first segment of nearly 15 minutes of his show to trying to link prominent conservatives like Paul Ryan to the racist views of people like Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling, whom the MSNBC host failed to label as a Democratic donor.  Schultz charged that Ryan and other GOPers "support policies that attack minorities" and…

Chelsea's Liberal Media Fans Act Like She's a Forever Unmockable Child

April 19th, 2014 3:00 PM
“Why we root for Chelsea Clinton” was the latest from the Washington Post’s new culture blogger Alyssa Rosenberg. “For those of us who were once curly-haired, awkward daughters, Chelsea Clinton’s arrival on the national stage at age 12 meant years of sympathetic wincing. The barbs directed her way landed on us by proxy,” including Rush Limbaugh’s old “family dog” joke. Youngsters might not…

Nutritionist Goes After Bubba Watson For Celebrating Masters Win at Wa

April 15th, 2014 9:27 PM
After his Masters victory, pro golfer Bubba Watson celebrated with his family at a Waffle House. Pictures tweeted from there went viral. Waffle House appreciated the appreciation. What's not to like about this great story? Apparently some self-appointed nanny state-loving guardians of nutrition like Katherine Tallmadge believe that Watson set a bad example for Americans by eating there. Oh,…

Jonathan Alter: When Will Liberals Call for More Boycotts of 'Racist

April 15th, 2014 6:54 PM
Former Newsweek editor Jonathan Alter appeared on The Ed Show, Tuesday, to lobby for more boycotts of the "racist" Rush Limbaugh. The radio host's crime, according to the writer, is making a few joking comments about the shoe-throwing incident involving Hillary Clinton. On his show, Limbaugh mused, "I can totally relate to people who think that everything the Clintons do is staged...I just don'…