MSNBC's Hayes: GOP Making Immigration Bill 'Less Humane' and 'Worse fo

June 25th, 2013 3:23 PM
On Monday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes complained about Republicans trying to increase the number of border agents and to bar illegal immigrants from collecting Social Security benefits based on taxes they've paid into the system. After recounting the time when he worked with several illegal immigrants in a bakery who paid Social Security taxes, and the efforts by Republicans to…

MSNBC Panel Sees 'Hate' in Limbaugh 'Mantra,' Conservatives Are in 'Ec

June 17th, 2013 11:34 AM
On Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Karen Finney asserted that Rush Limbaugh's "overall mantra" is "us versus them and hate in general," as she responded to a clip of the conservative talk radio host accusing the Republican establishment of being "ashamed" of the conservative base. A bit later, host Al Sharpton asserted that conservatives are "almost like in an echo chamber. They're talking to…

MSNBC Panel: 'Limbaugh Cohort' 'Don't Like' Hispanics, Are 'Haters of

June 14th, 2013 4:26 PM
On Thursday's The Last Word show on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell and MSNBC contributor Joy Reid asserted that Republicans who oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants are "haters of" and "don't like" Hispanics as the panel discussed the concerns expressed by Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh about  increasing the number of immigrants in the U.S. by tens of millions. After coining the term "…

WashPost's Michael Gerson Slashes Limbaugh, Levin, and Ron Paul; Levin

June 14th, 2013 11:45 AM
Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson – President George W. Bush’s top speechwriter from 2001 to 2006 – was hired by the Post in 2007 because he would be “a different kind of conservative” and "an independent voice." Translation: he would slash other people on the right as dishonest, dishonorable, unpatriotic people. He has not attacked talk-show hosts on MSNBC or other leftists this way…

Smear Patrol: Cheerios Ad Flap Used to Slime Conservatives

June 13th, 2013 3:40 PM
It may never occur to liberals that crying wolf ad infinitum where racism doesn't exist makes actual examples less likely to be believed. The claim has been so abused by the left since this allegedly racist country elected a man of color as president in 2008, then re-elected him four years later, that it is more often met now with skepticism instead of revulsion. (Audio after the jump)

Limbaugh Boycott Collapsing as New and Old Advertisers Flock to Progra

June 6th, 2013 10:03 PM
Liberals thought their fondest dream had come true on Feb. 29, 2012, when weekday radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh referred to Georgetown University Law Student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” and a “prostitute” after she testified the week before to House Democrats in favor of forcing insurance companies to pay the full cost of contraceptives. Democrats quickly urged sponsors to boycott the…

Daily Kos Rants Rush Limbaugh Show 'Contributes to the Military's Rape

May 31st, 2013 8:29 AM
Over at the Daily Kos, they have identified one of the villains that's creating a "rape epidemic" in the military: it's the Rush Limbaugh show airing on the Armed Forces Network around the world. These leftists have tried to remove Rush from AFN in many ways, but this must be the lowest. The article by "Proglegs" is titled "How Rush Limbaugh's Presence on Armed Forces Radio Contributes to the…

Leno: It’s Gotten So Bad for Obama Fox News Changed Its Slogan to

May 18th, 2013 1:43 PM
Jay Leno on Friday continued his humorous attacks on the White House. The NBC Tonight Show host finished a string of opening monologue jokes aimed at President Obama saying, “Let me tell you how bad it's gotten: Fox News has changed its slogan from ‘Fair and Balanced’ to ‘See, I Told You So!’" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN Commentator Gloats That Rush Limbaugh Is Becoming a 'Relic,' 'as D

May 14th, 2013 1:17 PM
Rush Limbaugh is fast becoming a "relic," "as dated as Jazzercise or 'Macarena'" – or so says CNN regular Dean Obeidallah in a new op-ed. Ironically, a CNN contributor is calling someone else irrelevant. But in all seriousness, Obeidallah gloats over Limbaugh's lost ad revenue in the past year and points to his inevitable decline: "Has Limbaugh become as dated as Jazzercise or '…

Letterman: Christie Got His Stomach Stapled, Limbaugh Should Get His M

May 10th, 2013 11:00 AM
Is it possible for David Letterman to get more partisanly petty? On the CBS Late Show Thursday, the host said, “So Chris Christie had his stomach stapled, and now if we can get Rush Limbaugh to have his mouth stapled” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Read It Twice: Newsweek Predicts the Demise of Rush Limbaugh's Show

May 9th, 2013 7:15 AM
Predictions of the demise of Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio are a dime a dozen. That liberal wish has been a repeated incantation. But it’s more amusing when the demise talk comes from .... “Newsweek.” Come again? Who’s yesterday’s news? John Avlon of the Daily Beast asserts Rush Limbaugh “Bleeds Millions From His Carriers as Toxic Talk Slumps.” Ahem, nobody’s bought Rush’s show…

Singer Lauryn Hill Blames Slavery for Her Failure to Pay $1 Million in

May 8th, 2013 7:15 AM
Every now and then, some celebrity gets caught breaking the law and counts on his or her fame in getting off the hook, no matter how lame an excuse that's given. That was the case with Grammy Award-winning hip hop singer Lauryn Hill, who in federal court on Monday compared her experience in the music business to the slavery her ancestors endured. Nevertheless, U.S. Magistrate Madeline Cox…

'GOP' Pollster Frank Luntz Denounced Limbaugh, Levin as 'Problematic

April 25th, 2013 7:11 AM
The leftists at Mother Jones are brandishing another secret tape. Pollster Frank Luntz, denounced as too conservative by liberals when he turns up on liberal networks, told a group of college students at the University of Pennsylvania this week that Rush Limbaugh and right-wing talk radio are "problematic" for the GOP and that he and Mark Levin were “killing” Marco Rubio for his immigration…

'Amazing Race' Contestant: ‘Rush Would Be Really Upset With Me Missi

April 22nd, 2013 10:01 AM
There was a moment on CBS's reality show Amazing Race Sunday that's guaranteed to put a smile on conservative faces. Not only did the contestant currently in first place admit to being a "cigar-chomping, Republican conservative," he also said, "Rush would be really upset with me for missing" a question about Ronald Reagan (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):