Limbaugh Slams Liberals for Defending Muslims While Blaming 'Right Win

April 17th, 2013 11:57 AM
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh used his Tuesday radio program to criticize members of the mainstream media and others on the political left for diverting any potential blame from Muslims as the possible terrorists behind Monday's Boston bombings while suggesting that “right-wing” groups were possibly involved in the attack on the marathon. “If you are a Muslim, and it turns out…

MSNBC's O'Donnell Blames Shooting Deaths on 'Cowardly Lawmakers' Oppos

April 12th, 2013 5:32 PM
On Thursday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, host O'Donnell ranted against Republicans who have argued that the proposed new gun laws would not have prevented recent high-profile shootings, as the MSNBC host referred to such talk as "the worst, most vicious lie being told by Republicans." Referring to nine-year-old shooting victim Christina Taylor Green, who died in the Tucson,…

Geraldo To O'Reilly: Isn't Rush Jealous Of Your Success

April 11th, 2013 8:04 PM
Were you aware of a parallel universe, one where Rush Limbaugh is unsuccessful and jealous of fellow broadcasters? Neither were we. Luckily, Geraldo Rivera lives in this strange place and is able to shed light on life there. During a recent interview with Bill O'Reilly on the former's daily radio show, He-Of-Empty-Vaults-And-Over-The-Top-Melodrama repeatedly pushed the amusing idea that El…

Rush Limbaugh Left Off '35 Most Powerful People in Media' List

April 10th, 2013 5:30 PM
Rush Limbaugh is the most listened to talk radio host in America. Yet for at least the second year in a row, he's been left off the Hollywood Reporter's "35 Most Powerful People in Media" list.

Herman Cain: 'Maybe Chris Matthews Doesn't Have Enough Black Friends T

April 3rd, 2013 4:25 PM
As NewsBusters reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday actually said, “Racism is the belief that one race - whites - should rule all others.” Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain responded to this nonsense on Fox News's Hannity Tuesday stating, "It's laughable what Chris Matthews is saying...Maybe he doesn't have enough black friends who's telling him the truth" (video…

Matthews Actually Says 'Racism is the Belief That One Race - Whites

April 1st, 2013 6:28 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews seems to think that only white people can be racist. On Monday’s Hardball, he actually said, “Racism is the belief that one race - whites - should rule all others” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PBS Panel Nominates Charles Krauthammer Over Rush Limbaugh as Voice of

March 23rd, 2013 3:06 PM
In the midst of a segment bashing Rush Limbaugh Friday, PBS's Inside Washington panel nominated Charles Krauthammer over the talk radio host for voice of the Republican Party. Playing along with the joke, Krauthammer replied, "If nominated, I will not run. But if elected, I’ll serve" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Limbaugh Rips Maher: 'It's Amazing the Things Liberals Do Not Know

March 19th, 2013 6:06 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, HBO's Bill Maher said Friday that liberals could lose him because of the combined federal and state income taxes he now pays as a California resident. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh had some fun with this Tuesday saying, "It's amazing the things liberals do not know" (transcript follows with commentary):

Rewriting the Bible: The Gospel According to Liberals

March 13th, 2013 1:45 PM
When liberals and their media allies have an agenda to push, they’ll use any tool at hand. The left often rails against the presence of religion in civic life, mocking conservative Christians as “Taliban” agitating for theocracy. But other times, they find faith to be a handy weapon to bludgeon conservatives. And they’ll go so far as to reinterpret and rewrite the Bible to justify any liberal…

Daily Kos Week in Review: Slanted and Disenchanted

March 8th, 2013 11:13 PM
Regular readers of NewsBusters are by definition familiar with liberal media bias. For Kossacks, however, the concept is a non sequitur, since they consider the mainstream media to be water-carriers for corporatist, right-wing Republicans. Go figure. As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

WaPo: 'Scale of the (Sequestration) Cuts May Be Overstated

February 28th, 2013 9:04 AM
On Saturday, Washington Post reporters Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane fretted, with the help of several leftists they quoted, that sequestration might not cause enough pain. Given that the so-called "cuts" under discussion are really "reductions in projected spending growth," that is a legitimate fear if your perspective is that government shouldn't ever shrink under any circumstances. Rush…

Unlike Conservative Media, We Don't 'Make Stuff Up' at MSNBC, Proclaim

February 23rd, 2013 1:20 PM
Does Ed Schultz ever actually watch the cable network that employs him? While complaining about crimes against humanity by conservatives in media, Schultz on his radio show this week depicted MSNBC as the principled epitome of accuracy and balance. (audio clip after page break)

Bashir Bashes Tea Party's Rove-Nazi Picture, Ignores His Own Nazi Refe

February 20th, 2013 5:59 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir bashed the Tea Party Patriots for creating a picture of Karl Rove dressed in a Nazi uniform as part of a fund-raising email. While he ridiculed "Conservative hypocrisy on Hitler at its blatant best," Bashir conveniently ignored his own Nazi references to conservatives (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Joe Scarborough Rants Against Conservatives 'In Their Own Little Media

February 20th, 2013 9:48 AM
On Tuesday's MSNBC Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough blamed conservative media outlets for recent Republican electoral defeats: "...for conservatives that think they have to stay in their own little media world, since Rush Limbaugh went on the air and became a national figure, Republicans have lost five out of the last six presidential elections in the popular vote. Since Fox News went on the…