NYTimes's Matt Bai Calls Bill Clinton a 'Centrist' and Suggests Rush L

October 25th, 2012 1:45 PM
Bill Clinton the centrist, Rush Limbaugh among the "far right"? That's the gist of New York Times magazine political writer Matt Bai's thesis Wednesday on how the former president may actually have hurt President Obama's chances for reelection. Bai also made his usual case about "extreme forces" in the Republican Party. Bai argued that Clinton made a strategic misstep when he advised Obama to…

Black Sports Columnist Jason Whitlock Criticizes Politically Correct

October 25th, 2012 11:29 AM
Back in 2003, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh ignited a firestorm of criticism from the left-dominated sports media for daring to point out the obvious fact that many people in the NFL and the media hype up black quarterbacks in the hopes of seeing them succeed. Limbaugh revisited the topic yesterday on his program by highlighting a column by black sports writer Jason Whitlock, a…

ABC Wednesday Night: You’re ‘Huge and Loud’ – Just Like Rush L

October 17th, 2012 4:48 PM
A gratuitous shot at Rush Limbaugh is coming in tonight’s (Wednesday) episode of ABC’s Modern Family sit-com. In a promo clip played during the network’s post-debate coverage Tuesday evening, “Jay,” played by actor Ed O’Neill, tells a female character: “You’re huge and you’re loud. It’s like sleeping with Rush Limbaugh.”

Limbaugh: 'If There Were Any Journalistic Standards,' Crowley Blew Up

October 17th, 2012 4:31 PM
"She committed an act of journalistic terror or malpractice last night. If there were any journalistic standards, what she did last night would have been the equivalent of blowing up her career like a suicide bomber." So said conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh Wednesday regarding Candy Crowley's shameful behavior during the previous night's presidential debate (video follows courtesy…

Bravo's Andy Cohen: I'd Marry Paul Ryan, 'Hate-Shag' Rick Santorum and

October 2nd, 2012 4:42 PM
Andy Cohen plays a ridiculous game on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live called "Marry, Shag, or Kill" in which he gives three names to his guests, and they have to choose who they'd marry, shag, and kill. On Current TV's Say Anything Monday, host Joy Behar played this game with Cohen with the subjects being conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, Republican presidential nominee Paul Ryan,…

Put This in Your Polling Pipe and Smoke It: Big Drops Since '08 in Vot

September 29th, 2012 7:16 AM
Rush Limbaugh brought up an important matter relating to polling Friday, which even beyond what is already known about party affiliation from Rasmussen and Gallup, further supports the notion that performing presidential preference polls based on 2008 presidential turnout is fundamentally flawed. Read it below, because you can virtually bet what's left of the value of your home that you won't…

Bay Buchanan Challenges Joe Scarborough's Conservatism Right To His Fa

September 23rd, 2012 5:03 PM
Bay Buchanan, one of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's senior advisers, got into quite a heated exchange with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday. After Scarborough took issue with Buchanan implying that she was the only conservative present on a panel filled with liberals, Buchanan replied, "You know, Joe, on this set, you appear to be one of the four" (video…

CNN to Fluke: Does Limbaugh Calling You a ‘Slut’ Reflect ‘Romney

September 4th, 2012 9:28 PM
CNN’s Brianna Keilar cued up Sandra Fluke, Obama’s poster girl for “free” contraception and forcing religious institutions to violate their beliefs, to tar Mitt Romney and all Republicans with a derogatory comment made by Rush Limbaugh: “I’m wondering, do you think that Rush Limbaugh – now he called you, and these are his words, ‘a slut.’ Do you think that his views represent Mitt Romney and…

Conservatives Should Confront Media Bias Rather Than Work Around It

August 30th, 2012 5:15 AM
On his radio program Wednesday, a very frustrated Rush Limbaugh wondered aloud at what he characterized as an insufficient amount of attention to President Obama's record. He blamed the problem on Republican election consultants (including perpetual failure  Ed Rollins) and their misbegotten belief that telling the truth about liberalism will somehow disenchant unaffiliated voters. "I want to…

Sam Donaldson Tells NewsBusters 'Real Journalism' Is 'A Dying Breed

August 27th, 2012 1:10 PM
"I think there’s some real journalism left, but it’s a dying breed.” So said ABC's Sam Donaldson during an impromptu interview with NewsBusters at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Monday (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Bozell Column: Liberals On The Lying Frequency

August 25th, 2012 8:24 AM
As easy as it might be to forget them in the cobwebs of the AM radio dial, the liberal pretenders to the Rush Limbaugh throne are still broadcasting, and they're often utterly, shamelessly ridiculous. Case in point: Even Al Sharpton lamely used his radio show to defend Joe Biden's anti-Republican "they want to put y'all in chains" race baiting in front of a black audience. Another case in…

Kurtz Asks Libtalker 'Won't People Like You and Ed Schultz Be Drowned

August 12th, 2012 5:07 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday asked liberal talk radio host Stephanie Miller a question that most right-thinking Americans pray the answer is "Yes." "You are a liberal in a conservative media...dominated by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham," said the Reliable Sources host. "Won't people like you and Ed Schultz and some of the few liberal national voices on talk radio…

Former Limbaugh Advertiser Carbonite Admits Ditching Host Harmed Profi

August 3rd, 2012 8:46 PM
Just as the campaign to ostracize Chick-fil-A seems to have blown up in leftists' faces, so too has the earlier left-wing censorship campaign to pressure advertisers of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh's ratings are higher than before the recent brouhaha over Sandra Fluke and the effort to remove him from the air is collapsing on itself. Now more bad news has come out for…

Sports Media Launches Olympic-Sized Blitz from Left

July 26th, 2012 11:57 AM
The Olympic Games, which begin this week, is an exhibition of the sportsmanship, teamwork, and the competitive spirit that make sports so enjoyable. But for many in the media, sports is just another excuse to engage in divisive political commentary. The sports media transform an apolitical past-time into a forum for their own politics. Progressives have actively attempted to remake the…