David Gregory Ties Clinton's Oklahoma City Bombing Speech About Limbau

July 22nd, 2012 3:16 PM
There has yet to be any evidence circumstantial or otherwise to indicate that James Holmes had a political motivation or enticement to murder innocent people at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Friday. Despite this, in the middle of a panel discussion about this massacre Sunday, NBC Meet the Press host David Gregory brought up former President Bill Clinton's words following the 1995…

Twitchy Documents Liberals Blaming Rush Limbaugh for Aurora Movie Thea

July 20th, 2012 10:47 AM
Our friends at Twitchy have an astounding roundup of tweets from liberals who are blaming Rush Limbaugh for the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. None of the folks they featured are liberal celebrities or members of the media, but given how the media have blamed conservative talk radio for mass shootings before, it would not be surprising if liberal journalists and pundits today…

Charles Blow: Mitt Romney 'Is Not a Person' - 'Just a Robot' With 'Not

July 18th, 2012 1:10 AM
"This man does not have a soul. If you opened up, you know, his chest, there's probably a gold ticking watch in there and not even a heart. This is not a person. This is just a robot who will do whatever it takes, whatever he's told to do, to make it to the White House." So said New York Times columnist Charles Blow about presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on MSNBC's The…

William Raspberry Obituaries Fail to Note Famous Change of Mind About

July 17th, 2012 9:43 PM
Former Washington Post columnist William Raspberry has passed away. The obituaries in both the Post and the New York Times noted that while Raspberry was generally considered a liberal, he often expressed opinions that defied easy labels. Perhaps the most famous such case of an unconventional Raspberry column, which neither newspaper mentioned, was when he publicly changed his opinion of Rush…

Ex-CNN's Franken: Romney Painted NAACP as 'Willie Hortons,' 'Grand Dra

July 17th, 2012 7:44 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, syndicated columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken obnoxiously accused Mitt Romney of trying to portray the NAACP audience he spoke to as "Willie Hortons" whom he could use to motivate his Republican base. He went on to claim that Rush Limbaugh, whom he called the "grand dragon of radio," represents people who wish to…

HuffPo Mocks GOP Congresswoman, Mixes Video of Her with Movie Orgasm

July 2nd, 2012 2:02 PM
The Huffington Post decries attacks on women – at least, those it agrees with. But the outlet has no problem with sexually sliming conservative women.   The Huffington Post created a video mixing scenes of Republican congresswoman Jean Schmidt celebrating initial, inaccurate reports that Supreme Court struck down the individual mandate with the iconic orgasm scene from the movie “When Harry…

Time Magazine: Romney Is 'Too Focused' on the Economy

June 27th, 2012 5:08 PM
It might sound ridiculous, but Time magazine writer Michael Crowley actually grumbled in an article on Monday that the GOP presidential candidate is “One-Note Mitt” Romney, whose campaign defines this year's election as merely “a referendum on Obama's handling of the economy.” The author then noted that with “almost comical discipline,” Romney “steers virtually every topic” back to the…

Author David Maraniss Distraught Conservatives Using Book to Debunk Ob

June 21st, 2012 6:20 PM
Liberal historian and Barack Obama biographer David Maraniss is almost beside himself that people everywhere are talking about his new book Barack Obama: The Story. While most authors would be overjoyed at the amount of free publicity that Maraniss is receiving, the veteran author is almost distraught that conservatives are talking about the book in a way he didn't intend--to debunk many of…

Limbaugh: 'NBC News Is An Annex of the Democrat National Committee' fo

June 19th, 2012 7:16 PM
As NewsBusters reported Monday, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, on the MSNBC program bearing her name, aired a video of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney selectively edited in a fashion designed to make him look like an out of touch imbecile. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh excoriated those involved with the airing of this video Tuesday going so far as calling NBC News “an…

Don Lemon Agrees With Sam Donaldson About Conservatives Opposing Obama

June 18th, 2012 12:14 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson said Saturday, "Many on the political right believe this president [Barack Obama] ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his policies and political view but for who he is, an African American!” On CNN Newsroom Sunday, Don Lemon agreed with Donaldson's indefensible observation (video follows with…

Rush Calls Sam Donaldson 'Ignorant' for Saying People 'Like Limbaugh

June 17th, 2012 12:17 AM
As NewsBusters reported Saturday, former ABC White House correspondent Sam Donaldson told the Huffington Post, "Many on the political right believe this president [Barack Obama] ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices [sic] and political view but for who he is, an African American! These people and perhaps even certain news organizations (certainly the right wing talkers…

Sam Donaldson: Many on Right 'Like Limbaugh' Oppose Obama 'Not for His

June 16th, 2012 7:16 PM
The mainstream media's response to Barack Obama being interrupted by a Daily Caller reporter during a Rose Garden press conference Friday is getting more preposterous with each passing second. ABC's former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson told the Huffington Post Saturday, "Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices […

Bozell, Hannity Discuss Matthews's Offer of Help to Elizabeth Warren

June 15th, 2012 11:05 AM
With a program entitled Hardball, MSNBC audiences should expect, well, "hardball" questions of politicians no matter what their ideological leanings, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the June 14 edition of Fox News Channel's Hannity. Instead, host Chris Matthews recently and quite openly confessed his eagerness to aid Democrat Elizabeth Warren's campaign to defeat Sen. Scott Walker (…

Liberal Bias in Action: Maher Gets Mets While Limbaugh Gets Booted

June 14th, 2012 7:49 PM
The double standards operating against outspoken conservatives are legion. Perhaps no one knows this better than talk radio host Rush Limbaugh who has been the target of the left's hatred for decades now. Watching the latest news in the business of sports, he's got to be shaking his head in dismay. If you're a liberal like Bill Maher, a generous donor to a Super PAC support Barack Obama's re-…