Tim Pawlenty

CNN Plays Up 'Bizarre' Rubio's Mocking of WashPost on Twitter
May 17th, 2016 5:05 PM
CNN's At This Hour on Tuesday spotlighted Senator Marco Rubio's attack on the Washington Post on Twitter. An on-screen graphic hyped how "Rubio Launches Bizarre Tweetstorm Against Media." The Florida Republican mocked the "genius line" in the liberal newspaper that "claims that I'm a bit at sea in terms of [my] next step politically." Rubio added, "Ummmm, not really. I have only said like 10,000…
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Calls Scott Walker A 'Bad Socialist'
August 12th, 2015 12:14 PM
In his MSNBC show The Last Word Tuesday evening, Lawrence O’Donnell dedicated a segment to describing his opinion of what “good and bad socialism” looks like. Naturally his example of “good” socialism included the man and policies Bernie Sanders. It also included a 6 year old cover from Newsweek magazine that proclaimed “We Are All Socialists now,” which detailed how it's becoming normal (and…

MSNBC's Mitchell Omits Key Details From TX Abortion Bill – The Ones
June 30th, 2013 5:10 PM
The June 28 broadcast of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports wouldn’t be complete without some mentioning of abortion and the 11-hour filibuster by Texas State Senator Wendy Davis on Tuesday. Davis, who worked herself through Harvard Law despite having had the hardship of being a teenage single mother, temporarily killed the bill which would have made it illegal to conduct an abortion after 20…

Republican VP Short List = Nasty Media Hit List
August 8th, 2012 12:13 PM
In just a matter of days, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney will announce his choice for his 2012 running mate. No matter who Romney picks, however, the liberal media's line of attack is already clear. The Media Research Center reviewed news coverage of several potential picks, and found many have already been caricatured as too far right or outside the mainstream.

Maher: Romney Should Pick George Zimmerman VP for 'The Black Guy’s U
June 30th, 2012 11:24 AM
Bill Maher on Friday made another in a long line of disgusting remarks about Mitt Romney and Republicans being racist.
In the concluding segment of HBO's Real Time, the host encouraged Romney to choose Trayvon Martin's assailant George Zimmerman as his vice presidential candidate to "personify [his] campaign theme of 'I Think The Black Guy’s Up To No Good'" (video follows with transcript and…

Open Thread: Will Pawlenty's Endorsement Help Romney
September 12th, 2011 10:09 AM
Former presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty has been out of the race for nearly a month, following poor results at the Iowa Straw Poll, but he hasn't been completely silent. He endorsed Mitt Romney for president this morning on Fox News.
In his words, "There's one candidate in this race who's unmatched in his skills and experience and talent when it comes to turning around this economy and…

NB Publisher Bozell: Gingrich Won Debate, 'It's Over' for Pawlenty
August 12th, 2011 10:56 AM
Editor's Note: What follows is NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell's thoughts on who won, who lost, and who should just pack it all in following last night's Republican presidential debate in Ames, Iowa.
Gingrich: The winner. Wasn't even close. Showed why Obama would pee in his pants having to debate this man.
Santorum: Also a winner. Showed most passion, and took on and beat up other…

Open Thread: Iowa GOP Debate
August 11th, 2011 9:55 AM
Just days before the Iowa Straw Poll, Republican presidential candidates face off tonight to debate at the Iowa State Fair. Absent from the debate are two rumored candidates, Gov. Rick Perry and Sarah Palin.
Included is the still wide field of GOP contenders, Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman. Will you…

Open Thread: What Should Be the Focus of GOP Campaigns
July 25th, 2011 11:07 AM
For a field of Republican presidential hopefuls spread so thin, it seems that the clearest strategy to gain support would be to orchestrate the best campaign against President Obama, especially against his failed economic policies. Instead of focusing all their attention on the president's failures, though, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Rep. Michele Bachmann, both of Minnesota, are also spending…

MSNBC's Schultz Defends Bachmann from 'Right-Wing Hit Job,' 'Maybe' a
July 21st, 2011 7:34 AM
On Wednesday’s The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz came to Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s defense against what he called a "right-wing hit job" from the Daily Caller in the form of an article alleging that the Minnesota Congresswoman suffers from severe migraines. But one may question whether Schultz waded into taking a side in the controversy as an excuse for bolstering…

No 'Chris Matthews Show' Panelist Can Name Republican Candidate That C
July 17th, 2011 6:39 PM
Chris Matthews as usual had four guests on the weekly syndicated program bearing his name.
When he asked them which of the current Republican candidates could end up being a great president, nobody chose to identify a single one (video follows with transcript and commentary):
NBC's Gregory Grills Pawlenty on GOP 'Purity Test' on Taxes
July 11th, 2011 12:35 PM
In an interview with Tim Pawlenty on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory cited New York Times columnist David Brooks slamming Republican opposition to tax increases in debt ceiling negotiations as "fanaticism" and proclaimed: "There is this purity test which is no tax increases, no revenue increases at all."
Pawlenty responded by pointing out Brooks's liberal leanings: "Well,…

Chuck Todd: Limbaugh Couldn't Win GOP Nomination - Doubtful Palin Coul
July 10th, 2011 6:24 PM
David Gregory decided to have a very fair and balanced roundtable discussion at the conclusion of Sunday's "Meet the Press" exclusively with the perilously liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and the equally left-leaning Chuck Todd of NBC News.
With the subject being Newsweek's new cover story about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, Todd mysteriously made the case for how slim…

Breitbart: Media Ask Palin and Bachmann Gotcha Questions to Make Them
July 3rd, 2011 11:14 AM
Conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart was on Saturday's "Fox & Friends" to discuss the double standard concerning how President Obama's gaffes are reported compared to the miscues of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
In Breitbart's view, "Life for [Palin and Bachmann] is a permanent game of Jeopardy where the George Stephanopouloses of the world, he of the Clinton war room, are there to…