
MSNBC: Trump Went From ‘Useful Idiot’ to ‘Unwitting Asset’ for Russia

November 12th, 2019 6:09 PM
As part of their never-ending quest to take down President Trump, the “experts” at MSNBC came up with a unique charge on Tuesday’s edition of the Morning Joe program, when a guest claimed that the GOP occupant of the White House was “compromised” by Russia as far back as 1977. Instead of questioning the unlikely accusation, co-host Willie Geist agreed with the charge that Trump had gone from…

Morning Joe Wonders If Trump Is a Russian Agent or Just a Useful Idiot

November 12th, 2019 10:02 AM
It was on Friday that Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough was upset that Louisiana Senator John Kennedy called Speaker Nancy Pelosi "dumb." But that was then and this is now. Apparently, Scarborough doesn’t remember what he says from day-to-day.  On Monday, he was up to his old tricks questioning whether President Trump is a Russian agent or simply a useful idiot.  

Williams Asks Snowden If the White House Is a National Security Threat

September 18th, 2019 11:01 AM
In a segment that shockingly did not come out of The Babylon Bee, MSNBC, the network that came up with the phrase "Moscow Mitch" and other dignified political commentary that asserts that behind every Republican is a Russian stooge, decided it would be worth their while to give a wide-ranging interview to an actual Russian stooge, NSA leaker Edward Snowden, on Monday night's The 11th Hour with…

MSNBC: When Trump Gets Tough On Russia, He Still Gives Gifts to Putin

August 2nd, 2019 6:23 PM
The folks over at MSNBC have created a "heads I win, tails you lose" approach to President Trump and Republican policy towards Russia. The same network that has come up with "Moscow Mitch" for Republicans being allegedly too soft on Russia now claims Trump is giving Vladimir Putin "a gift" by withdrawing from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, because Russia refuses to come back…

Nance: Foreign 'Cabal' Could Make This America's 'Last Free Election'

July 27th, 2019 3:18 PM
On AM Joy, Malcolm Nance tells Joy Reid that "this could be the last free and fair election in American history" because of manipulation of the results by a foreign "cabal."

In Repetitious Rant, Scarborough Trashes McConnell as 'Moscow Mitch'

July 26th, 2019 11:19 AM
In an extended rant, Joe Scarborough calls Mitch McConnell "Moscow Mitch" no fewer than 14 times, with sidekick Donny Deutsch using the phrase twice.  Scarborough was angered that McConnell had blocked two partisan Democrat bills ostensibly seeking to promote "election security" in light of past and possible future Russian attempts to interfere with US elections. 

Scarborough: Republicans Are ‘Useful Idiots’ for the Russians

July 25th, 2019 5:18 PM
Joe Scarborough can’t contain the hate he has for his former Republican Party. On Wednesday, House Democrats brought in Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify about a 400-page report that was already released to the public, regarding Russian collusion that never happened. 

This Hollywood Director Wishes Putin Was Godfather to His Daughter

July 22nd, 2019 5:32 PM
Few Hollywood liberals love thug strongmen as much as Oliver Stone. The conspiracy-loving director even wants one in the family. The Daily Mail on Sunday described the “bizarre” request Stone had for Vladimir Putin during an interview: To be the godfather to his daughter. In a transcript released by the Kremlin, Putin explained: 

Matthews, Panel Bash Trump’s 4th Plans as ‘Un-American’ Like the USSR

July 2nd, 2019 10:13 PM
Wish that President Trump would not have inserted himself into Washington, D.C.’s Fourth of July celebrations, allowing A Capitol Fourth to remain on its own? Fine. But to declare the President’s plans “un-American” and a sign he wants to make America like North Korea or the former Soviet Union? That’s nonsense, folks. And as evidenced by those hot takes on Tuesday’s Hardball with MSNBC host…

Ryan: Trump's Fourth of July Parade Is About 'Looking Like a Dictator'

July 2nd, 2019 7:59 PM
There have been plenty of criticisms of President Trump's desire for a Fourth of July event to take place in Washington D.C. Criticisms include it being a misguided use of funds, the tanks being too heavy for D.C.'s streets and bridges, and assertions it would resemble a Soviet military parades down Red Square. On Monday, Trump raised eyebrows with his comments about "brand new Sherman tanks,"…

MSNBC: Trump ‘Begging’ Putin to Interfere in Election

July 1st, 2019 5:44 PM
On Friday night’s The Last Word, host Lawrence O’Donnell was joined by MSNBC contributor and former Obama official, Wendy Sherman to, not surprisingly criticize the President. O’Donnell began, “There is a very smiling and happy Vladimir Putin joking about how much he hates the news media along with Donald Trump.” Of course, this was very triggering for the liberal media. Sherman commented: “…that…

Scarborough Comes Unglued on Pompeo: 'Absolute Fool, Beyond Contempt'

May 6th, 2019 8:16 AM
Joe Scarborough's white-hot hatred of Donald Trump apparently extends to members of the President's administration. On Morning Joe, Scarborough launched a nasty, personal attack on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Scarborough's stream of insults about Pompeo included the following: "absolute fool; disgraceful; beneath contempt; should be ashamed of himself; bumbling, stupid act; unworthy to hold…

A Hero Amongst the Liars

April 26th, 2019 2:16 PM
WASHINGTON -- Over the weekend in the Wall Street Journal, Brian Lamb, the founder of C-Span, tendered a Solomonic statement in his valedictory interview after some 40 years before the television cameras. Said Lamb, “Lying is the word that I would use to describe this town.” And he went on, “I don't know if it will ever stop. It's gotten worse rather then getting better, and both sides do it.

Matthews Hails Schiff Still Hoping for Collusion; His ‘Finest Moment’

March 28th, 2019 10:31 PM
NewsBusters has documented how MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews has become a 9/11 truther of sorts when it comes to hold out hope for evidence proving Trump-Russia collusion. The nonsense continued into Thursday’s show in which Matthews wondered if Trump “did...or didn’t he play ball with Vladimir Putin.” Assisted by the chyron “Mueller Report; If Not Collusion, Quid Pro Quo,” Matthews gushed…