NPR Editor: Millennials Spared US 'Propaganda' on Perils of Communism

February 19th, 2019 10:58 PM
High atop the list of old habits in media that will never die: kneejerk apologia for the failed utopia known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Russian President and former KGB spook Vladimir Putin isn't alone in pining for its glories. During a weekly roundup of the NPR Politics podcast on Feb. 14, Domenico Montanaro, the state-funded radio network's "lead political editor," chided…

Morning Joe: Trump Is A Putin Puppet, Lamentable McCabe Isn't Trusted

February 18th, 2019 1:23 PM
According to fired FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, intelligence officials were briefing President Trump on the state of North Korea's ballistic missile program when Trump said he did not believe North Korea possessed the capability to launch missile attacks on the United States because Russian President Vladimir Putin told him that Pyongyang did not possess such missiles.

Cuomo: 'Why Does Putin Command Such Deference and Secrecy' From Trump?

January 30th, 2019 10:22 PM
During Tuesday’s Cuomo Prime Time, CNN host Chris Cuomo closed by peddling conspiracy theories related to President Trump and Russia, acting as if it were an indisputable fact that President Trump colluded with Russia. Cuomo began by asking: “If you did nothing wrong, then why aren't you telling me the truth?” Cuomo described that question as “what we tell our kids…so they know to just come clean…

Morning Joe Argues Putin Has Something on Trump

January 30th, 2019 1:25 PM
The Wednesday edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe kicked off with a conspiritorial and unsophisticated look at President Trump's policies towards Russia.  After the intel chiefs condradicted Trump on multiple fronts on Tuesday in front of a Senate committee, Morning Joe was not content to criticize Trump, but said on multiple occassions that such a disconnect between the President and the IC was…

'Worst in Cinema' Awards Blows Golden Raspberry at Trump, First Lady

January 23rd, 2019 7:09 PM
The Razzie Awards, given out annually for the “worst in cinema” of the year, may not be the first place you think of when you think of political bias. But the 2019 edition of the Golden Raspberry (“Razzies”) Awards took an obnoxious anti-Trump angle that extended to the First Lady. One nominee for Worst Actor: Donald Trump, for his appearances in two documentaries, right-winger Dinesh D’Souza’s…

Tur, Panelists Freak Over ‘Man Baby’ Trump’s Letter Causing ‘Khaos’

January 17th, 2019 6:07 PM
In similar fashion to their fellow lefties at CNN, MSNBC Live was beside itself on Thursday afternoon after President Trump’s letter canceling Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s overseas visits to Afghanistan, Brussels, and Egypt. Host Katy Tur and assembled panelists blasted the “childish” “man baby” of a President for actions further illustrating the need for his removal via impeachment or the 25th…

‘Time’ Person of the Year Shortlist Is as Liberal as You Expected

December 10th, 2018 1:07 PM

On Monday morning, Time Magazine released its top ten “shortlist” ahead of the Tuesday reveal for its annual “Person of the Year” issue and many of the nominees came as no surprise. Whether it was the March for Our Lives students or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, it was a liberal list made in heaven.

Disgusting: NYT Publishes Trump Assassination Fiction, ‘How It Ends'

October 24th, 2018 7:41 PM
On a day when pipe bombs were sent by an unknown party to Democratic politicians and mainstream media outlets, with the press presuming Trump and his supporters guilty of the crimes by association, thriller author Zoe Sharp proudly tweeted a Trump assassination fantasy short story that’s been published in a special section of the New York Times.

'Morning Joe': Trump Is a 'Weaponized Virus' Made By Vladimir Putin

July 23rd, 2018 4:13 PM
On Monday, Tulane history Professor Walter Isaacson took to the airwaves of MSNBC's Morning Joe to condemn President Trump. The swipe began by Isaacson making the bold declaration that Donald Trump was "a weaponized virus" and that he's been "weaponized over the years by Vladimir Putin to go in and do Putin's bidding."

CNN Boasts Trump/Russia Conspiracies Now in America’s ‘Bloodstream'

July 22nd, 2018 2:27 PM
In the days since President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin, the liberal media have been bringing back their Russian collusion narrative in a very big way. They’re now openly pushing claims Trump committing treason, a crime punishable by death, and have been growing bold in suggesting the President was a Russian agent. CNN media reporter Brian Stelter even boasted about their new courage…

Tinfoil Hats: ABC Becomes a Home for Trump/Russia Conspiracies

July 22nd, 2018 11:27 AM
Following President Trump’s meeting with Russia President Vladimir Putin last Monday, ABC was the first broadcast network to boost hysterical cries of “treason” from loony leftists. During Sunday’s This Week, the network appeared to be getting their employees fitted for their tinfoil hats as they kicked up the lunacy with incessant suggestions that the President was under the direct control of…

NYT Hypocrisy on Russia: Romney's 2012 Warnings 'Reckless...Unworthy'

July 20th, 2018 7:01 PM
The media is ready to convict President Trump of “treason” for his shaky summit in Helsinki with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and has been obsessed with Trump’s supposed “collusion” with Russia during the 2016 election campaign. But this new-found fear of all things Russia is more than a little politically expedient. The New York Times is just one outlet that dismissed the very idea of Russia…

Politico Editor: Trump Body Language Reveals Possible Russia Collusion

July 20th, 2018 6:13 PM
Politico's editor in chief Blake Hounshell has proclaimed on July 20 that he is no longer a skeptic of Trump-Russia collusion. See, back in February, on the heels of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's  indictment of a number of Russian companies but with no finding of collusion with any American,  Hounshell declared himself a skeptic. However, now that a second set of indictments of Russians have…

News Media Find Trump Guilty of Treason

July 20th, 2018 8:45 AM
Since President Trump’s press conference in Helsinki on Monday, many in the liberal media have hyperventilated about how his lack of aggression toward Russian President Putin makes him somehow guilty of treason.