
Obsessed: CNN Devotes Over 7 Hours to Trump’s Summit ‘Treason’

July 19th, 2018 4:32 PM
In just three nights (July 16-July 18), CNN swamped their primetime shows with over 7 hours of coverage – almost all of it critical – of Donald Trump’s Helsinki Summit with Vladimir Putin, including CNN’s hosts and guests speculating that Trump had been compromised by the Russian president and committed treason.   

CNN Historian: What Trump Did Was 'Clearly Treasonous,' Flashed Guilt

July 18th, 2018 12:49 AM
Treason. What started out as the hyperbolic ramblings of a person on the far fringe of the left with Obama-era CIA Director John Brennan, has made its way into the liberal media as a whole. In the hours since President Trump’s press conference in Helsinki, the liberal media’s mouth-foaming rage had only grown worse. And on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight, the network’s presidential historian declared there…

Jon Meacham Suggests Trump Committed Treason at Helsinki Summit

July 17th, 2018 6:16 PM
Impeachment seems to be on the mind of liberal historian Jon Meacham lately. In May Meacham predicted that a newly elected Democrat House will impeach President Donald Trump as a "season finale." Meacham's I-word obsession returned to Meacham on Tuesday's Morning Joe when he suggested that Trump somehow committed treason at the Helsinki Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

FLASHBACK: When Hardball Mocked Romney’s ‘Outdated’ Russia View

July 17th, 2018 4:58 PM
Chris Matthews joined the chorus of apocalyptic media takes on Donald Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin, but it wasn’t that long ago he mocked Mitt Romney’s warnings about Russia back in 2012.   

MSNBC Analyst: Helsinki Was JUST LIKE Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor!

July 17th, 2018 4:10 PM
It’s well-established that Monday was not the brightest day in the Trump administration and possibly one of the most controversial with the President’s ill-advised comments seeming to take the word of Russia and not U.S. intelligence concerning 2016 election meddling. That said, the liberal media did themselves no favors in trying to expand their tent as legal expert Jill Wine-Banks asserted…

CNN’s Lemon Doubts We Can Continue to Call Trump the President

July 17th, 2018 12:29 AM
Following President Trump’s Monday press conference with Vladimir Putin, CNN had worked themselves into a maddening rage. So much so, that by the time they got deep into their prime-time lineup hours later, their programming resembled a DNC campaign planning session or telethon rather than an objective news organization.

Video Montage: Cable News Sees the Apocalypse in Trump/Putin Summit

July 16th, 2018 9:51 PM

Within mere hours of President Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin concluding, cable news had worked themselves into a frenzy that suggested the sky itself must be falling. While criticism of Trump’s foreign policy decisions – especially those pertaining to Russia – has been bipatisan, the sheer meoldrama of the liberal media’s comments suggested they had lost sight of what they were…


ABC Pushes Claim Trump Committed 'Treasonous' Act, Speculate Blackmail

July 16th, 2018 9:40 PM
During Monday’s edition of World News Tonight, ABC demonstrated what they really thought of President Trump when they pushed political accusations that he committed an act of treason during his press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. And that’s not hyperbole. The on-screen headline ABC ran with stated it definitively: “Critics: Trump’s Press Conference ‘Treasonous’”.

CNN's Phil Mudd Calls for ‘Shadow Government’ to Rise Up, Oppose Trump

July 16th, 2018 5:50 PM
In a disturbing declaration during Monday’s CNN Newsroom following President Trump’s controversial press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, CNN analyst and former CIA/FBI official Philip Mudd called for a self-appointed “shadow government” to step forward and counter the democratically elected one. He then had the audacity to complain about “Trumpianism” fighting Americanism.

Lunchtime CNN: Trump’s ‘Shocking Barrage’ Could Warrant Impeachment

July 16th, 2018 4:17 PM
If you had felt that CNN would slowly run out of steam going into the afternoon hours overreacting to Monday’s bizarre and troubling Trump-Putin press conference, consider yourself sadly mistaken. Throughout the 1:00 p.m. hour, CNNers remarked that this “truly extraordinary moment in American history” was a “shocking barrage” that could warrant Trump’s impeachment.

MSNBC Analyst ‘Nauseous’ After Summit, Orders GOP ‘Mass Resignations’

July 16th, 2018 4:02 PM
Heads were exploding over at MSNBC following Monday’s summit between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the 1:00 p.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC Live, the network’s national security analyst and former Obama official Evelyn Farkas lambasted the President’s performance as “despicable” and “outrageous,” and called for “mass resignations” from the Republican Party. 

CNN: ‘Surreal’ Summit Is ‘Incredibly Depressing Moment’ in Our History

July 16th, 2018 1:45 PM
After AC360 host Anderson Cooper deemed Monday's Trump-Putin press conference “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president,” the craziness continued with Cooper stating that “today is just an incredibly depressing moment in our time in our history as an American” while other panelists opined that it’s been a “surreal” day known as “the surrender summit.” 

Cooper: ‘One of the Most Disgraceful Performances’ by a U.S. President

July 16th, 2018 12:41 PM
Reacting to the late Monday morning joint press conference (U.S. time) between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, CNN’s Anderson Cooper declared that he had just witnessed “perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president at a summit in front of a Russian leader certainly that I've ever seen” at “[a]n extraordinary press conference.”

ABC Touts Vladimir ‘Victory’ in 'Helping Elect Donald Trump'

July 16th, 2018 11:59 AM
All three networks broke in with live coverage of the presidential press conference in Helsinki, Finland this morning, as President Trump met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. After setting the stage with pessimistic predictions and whining during their morning shows today, ABC broke in shortly before to compare Trump to Obama and Hillary Clinton, arguing that they were much tougher on Russia…