Leftist Blogger Lumps Tea Party With Pro-Russia Forces That Shot Down

July 18th, 2014 2:10 PM
In a Friday-morning post, Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall likened the Tea Party to pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine who apparently are responsible for the shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Marshall wrote, “Here we have them break into nursing homes to photographs [sic] senator's comatose wives; there Putin gives them heavy armaments designed for full…

Of Big Three Networks, Only NBC's Jansing Asked White House About Canc

July 17th, 2014 8:43 PM
Of the Big Three evenings newscasts for Thursday, July 17, only ABC's World News failed to mention that President Obama was attending two fundraisers in New York City as previously planned despite the day's events: a downed Malaysia Airlines jetliner in Ukraine and Israel sending ground forces into the Gaza Strip. CBS's Major Garrett mentioned in passing the president flying to New York for a…

The View Crew to Paul, Putin and Lewinsky: Leave Hillary Alone

June 5th, 2014 4:16 PM
The women of The View are sick and tired of people picking on Hillary Clinton. On Thursday’s episode the entire cast of Whoopi Goldberg, Jenny McCarthy, Sherri Shepherd and guest host Roseanne Barr all took turns defending the former First Lady from Monica Lewinsky, Rand Paul and Vladimir Putin. Whoopi Goldberg, setting up the segment, noted Clinton was asked about Lewinsky in her People…

Chris Cuomo Prompts Former Clinton Official to Defend Obama's Handling

April 16th, 2014 3:53 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo tried to get former Assistant Secretary of State Jamie Rubin to defend President Obama's response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine during a segment on Wednesday's New Day. Cuomo cited how Russian President Vladimir Putin "did this in Georgia.....under President Bush" in 2008, and wondered, "Is it fair to look at this situation and say, the weakness or perception of weakness…

Zbigniew Zings Obama's Weakness On Ukraine: 'Can't Win Military Confli

April 15th, 2014 8:47 AM
Q. How do you know when Barack Obama has set a dubious new record for presidential weakness?  A. When Jimmy Carter's former top adviser mocks his anemic response to an international crisis. On today's Morning Joe, Zbigniew Brzezinski argued that the US needs to discuss with Ukraine the provision of defensive weapons in the face of the Russian threat.  He then mockingly observed: "the…

Bob Costas Tells NBC's Seth Meyers That Only 'Extreme' People Were Hea

April 3rd, 2014 6:53 PM
Longtime NBC sportscaster Bob Costas appeared on Wednesday's edition of the network's hour-long Late Night program, which is hosted by Seth Myers. The former member of the Saturday Night Live cast threw softball questions at his guest regarding “minor controversies” he caused by inserting liberal political commentary into his sports coverage. After a discussion that included the TV…

Sarah Palin Makes Tonight Show Cameo; Tells Vladimir Putin He's 'No Ma

April 3rd, 2014 12:18 AM
Sarah Palin made a surprise visit to NBC's Tonight on Wednesday. She conducted a mock interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin, played by host Jimmy Fallon. Palin mocked Putin as "no match for a mama grizzly" and told him to get out of the Ukraine. Both enjoyed a laugh at Obama's NSA spying program, as well. Below is a video of the highlights:

WashPost’s David Ignatius Cheers On Obama ‘Trying To Understand

March 30th, 2014 2:36 PM
Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, The Washington Post’s David Ignatius did his best to shill for President Obama following the president’s interview with CBS anchorman Scott Pelley. Speaking with moderator Bob Schieffer on Sunday, Ignatius opined, “It's crucial for statesmen to try to see the world as their adversaries see it” while urging President Obama to see the world…

Press Morphs Obama's 'Regional Power' Assertion About Russia Into an I

March 25th, 2014 11:46 PM
At President Barack Obama's press conference in The Hague, Netherlands today, as part of a much longer question, ABC's Jonathan Karl asked Obama whether "Mitt Romney had a point when he said that Russia is America’s biggest geopolitical foe? If not Russia, who?" It's important to note that Obama's response to that portion of Karl's question pertained to and was directed at Romney. A video…

CNN's John King: Obama Claimed 'He Could Unite The World,' But Can't G

March 24th, 2014 4:18 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's John King refreshingly spotlighted one of President Obama's key campaign promises from 2008 about foreign policy during a discussion about how to respond to Russia's aggression in Crimea. King wondered if "a President who came to office saying he could unite the world and would have better international diplomacy than George W. Bush – at least on this one, doesn't…

Mitt Romney on Obama’s Handling of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

March 24th, 2014 9:24 AM
Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney had some harsh words for President Obama over his handling of the crisis in Ukraine. Appearing as a guest on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday March 24, Governor Romney reaffirmed statements he made during the 2012 election that Russia was America’s number one geopolitical foe by reiterating that we “really need to understand that Russia has very…

Watch: Jimmy Fallon 'Burns' Obama Over Health Care Law

March 21st, 2014 11:56 AM
Comedian Jimmy Fallon isn't known for his animosity towards the Obamas, but he "burned" the President's health care law on Wednesday's Tonight Show. Impersonating Russian president Vladimir Putin on a mock phone call with Obama, Fallon took a swipe at ObamaCare after the President accused him of forcing Russian allegiance upon Crimea: [Video below the break. Audio here.]

Maddow Touts Obama's 'Infinite Room' to Punish Russia With Sanctions

March 21st, 2014 6:45 AM
Providing, of course, that the Secret Service prevents kryptonite from being brought anywhere near the president. The Obama-as-godlike-figure meme has appeared again, this time on MSNBC, though it's a safe bet on any given day that this is where it will surface, usually before the end of "Morning Joe." (Video after the jump)

Ed Schultz Says Putin Undeterred, Then Questions Patriotism of 'SOB' R

March 20th, 2014 11:33 AM
Remember back in the Bush years when the left deemed dissent to be the most glorious form of patriotism? As every conservative knew, that allegedly principled belief was contingent upon a Republican serving as president. Once a Democrat returned to the White House, this ardent trumpeting of dissent as humanity's highest calling oddly began falling into disrepute, as to be expected whenever…