NBC Hits Obama From the Left on Nuclear Power: What Is the President

February 17th, 2010 12:39 PM
NBC's Nightly News and ABC's World News on Tuesday provided drastically different reports on the Obama administration's announced plans to build the country's first new nuclear power plant in 30 years. Nightly News host Brian Williams showcased liberal concern and fretted, "...[Obama's] critics are openly wondering what it is he's up to." The segment by correspondent Anne Thompson attacked Obama…

In Touting 'Climate Justice' Protesters, Networks Oblivious to Communi

December 13th, 2009 10:42 PM
Network journalists who were quick to see racists, haters and extremists amongst the “tea party” protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the “climate justice” march in Copenhagen whose cause they trumpeted -- even as the video they showed included brief shots of marchers waving red flags displaying the Soviet Union's hammer and sickle. “The streets were filled today with tens of…

ClimateGate 'An Inconvenient Scandal' Which 'Threatens to Crumble' Glo

December 10th, 2009 12:41 AM
ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy and quoted the “most-damning” of the e-mails, the ones referring to a “trick” to “hide the decline” in a temperature measurement and in which a scientist fretted “we can't account for the lack of…

CBS and NBC Trumpet UN Predictions About Warmest Decade Since

December 9th, 2009 9:46 AM
CBS and NBC on Tuesday nightly eagerly pounced on the latest UN pronouncement about a warming world, without any regard for ClimateGate disclosures about manipulation of past data and without mentioning, as the AP noted, “the United States and Canada experienced cooler conditions than average.” CBS anchor Katie Couric announced: “At the world climate conference in Copenhagen today, scientists…

Nets Panic: Clock at Zero in 'Life and Death' Effort to Avoid 'Global

December 7th, 2009 11:59 PM
“Facing a clock some say has ticked down to zero, today 192 nations came together to take on a potential global catastrophe,” a dire ABC reporter Bob Woodruff ominously intoned from Copenhagen on Monday’s World News with “Saving the Planet?” on screen. Those attending the conference on climate change “where an official said today the clock has ticked down to zero and it's time to act,” NBC anchor…

NBC's Thompson Covers Climategate Only to Dismiss It

December 7th, 2009 11:37 AM
NBC's Anne Thompson, on Monday's Today, covered the Climategate story only to essentially dismiss it in a nothing-to-see here, move along fashion. CBS's The Early Show had a brief mention of it, and ABC's Good Morning America did nothing. Thompson, reporting live from Copenhagen, opened her piece declaring that delegates determined "this could be their last best chance to deal with the…

ABC and NBC Acknowledge 'ClimateGate,' But Remain Undeterred: 'Science

December 7th, 2009 12:23 AM
More than two weeks after ClimateGate broke, ABC's World News finally got around to mentioning it on Sunday evening, but not to explore how the e-mails discredited leading scientists who insist mankind is causing global warming as, instead, ABC declared “the science is solid” and NBC assured viewers “the evidence is overwhelming that man is behind climate change.”ABC reporter Clayton Sandell…

NBC Nightly News Takes Up ClimateGate, But Frets It Could 'Delay Takin

December 4th, 2009 9:05 PM
Two weeks after the scandal broke, NBC Nightly News on Friday night became the first broadcast network morning or evening news program to inform viewers about “ClimateGate,” but only in the most cursory manner as correspondent Anne Thompson, a long-time ally of the environmental left, despaired the e-mails may end up “giving politicians from coal and oil-producing states another reason to delay…

NBC: Fighting Global Warming ‘Requires Balancing the World’s Needs

November 27th, 2009 11:43 AM
The the three broadcast network evening newscasts on Wednesday informed viewers that President Obama has decided to attend the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen – while ignoring news of Climategate – but the NBC Nightly News uniquely devoted a full story to Obama’s intention to take part in the conference, and the prospects that America will bend to pressure from other countries in…

NBC Begins 'Green Week' With Energy Double Standard; Ironically Favors

November 16th, 2009 1:37 PM
On any other day, NBC "Nightly News" would be attacking coal for being a dirty pollutant and advocating reliance on other forms of energy. But on Nov. 15, as it began the first of its "Our Planet" segments for green week, the network used coal power as part of the argument in favor of destroying manmade dams. "This is what the dams harness: the power of the Elwha to generate electricity…

Obama Disappoints NBC By 'Falling Short' on 'Climate Change,' Fret Exp

September 22nd, 2009 10:23 PM
A lover's quarrel emerged Tuesday night in the media's love affair with President Barack Obama. He disappointed NBC by failing, at the UN's “Summit on Climate Change,” to go far enough on global warming. “President Obama's being accused of falling short on the environment today with the whole world watching,” Brian Williams teased NBC Nightly News. Williams framed his lead story through the prism…

'Nightly News' Focuses on Greenland Melt, Ignores Antarctic Ice Expans

September 21st, 2009 2:27 PM
It's no secret General Electric (NYSE:GE) has a lot to gain from the regulation of greenhouse gases, so is it a coincidence NBC, a GE product, offered more anecdotal evidence that global warming is putting the planet in danger? "NBC Nightly News" provided yet another report on Sept. 20 agonizing about anthropogenic climate change melting ice in Greenland. "There are new concerns tonight about…

'Today' Misses Partisan Aspect of Ted Kennedy's 'Poignant' Succession

August 20th, 2009 10:52 AM
Lost in Thursday's "Today" coverage of Senator Ted Kennedy's letter requesting a succession plan, should the Massachusetts senator be unable to serve due to health reasons, was how nakedly partisan the act was. While NBC's Matt Lauer noted, at the top of the show, that Kennedy sent a "poignant letter to lawmakers," asking for a succession plan, he nor any other NBC correspondent, mentioned that…

'Nightly News': Don't Let the Mild Weather Fool You, There's Still Glo

June 16th, 2009 3:20 PM
With a cooler-than-usual winter and a mild temperatures leading up to the beginning of summer, global warming alarmists are finding they are losing steam in the debate. But "NBC Nightly News" won't give up the fight. On the June 15 broadcast, anchor Brian Williams noted the peculiar weather patterns along the East Coast. "The weather along the eastern seaboard has been more like Scotland in…