Broadcast Networks 'Hail' Obama Auto Fuel Efficiency Standard

May 22nd, 2009 11:39 PM
After 120 days of the new presidency, the automobile industry provides some of the best evidence of an administration that favors the heavy hand of government meddling in the private sector. And as is the case with mostcoverage of President Obama and his policies, criticism of his automotive tinkering has been sparse. On May 19, Obama announced a 30-percent increase in Corporate Average Fuel…

NBC Brings Back Polar Bears and Penguins for Global Warming Alarmism

April 7th, 2009 10:07 AM
Between the very cold winter in many places and everyone including Vanity Fair focused on the economic downturn, many in the news media took a vacation from global warming alarmism. But on April 6, NBC brought the hype back with yet another story about the threat of melting ice caps. Anchor Brian Williams introduced an "Our Planet" segment by reminding viewers that the Obama administration was…

CBS and NBC Champion Gore's 'Green Gauntlet' to End Fossil Fuels

July 17th, 2008 11:08 PM
The media love affair with Al Gore continues. Thursday night, after Gore delivered a speech calling for the end of “carbon-based fuels” within ten years, CBS anchor Katie Couric asserted that “as many as 10 million families could have their electricity shut off this year because they simply can't pay their bills,” but, she assured viewers, “Al Gore says there is a green answer.” Reporter Nancy…

NBC: Bush Goes Left on Global Warming, But Not Left Enough

May 15th, 2008 1:59 PM
Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News cheered the Bush administration’s recent liberal moves on climate change — “a very big week for those who are fighting to save the environment,” anchor Brian Williams celebrated — but NBC’s “Environmental Affairs” correspondent Anne Thompson nevertheless trotted out an activist with the National Resources Defense Council to complain that the administration still hasn’…

NBC 'Green with Envy' Over Swedes for 'Showing Kindness to Planet

April 22nd, 2008 2:12 AM
Monday's NBC Nightly News kicked off “Earth Week” by trumpeting Sweden as an environmental and economic paradise that could point the way for the United States. Anchor Brian William contended Swedes “always seem to be so happy and beautiful” and now “there's another reason to be green with envy about the Swedes. We're told they are living green lives, showing kindness to the planet, and saving a…

ABC's Harris Sees 'Controversial' 'Hardliner' Pope with 'Tin Ear

April 14th, 2008 6:33 AM

'Evening News' Showcases War of the Greens: Trees vs. Solar Panels

April 8th, 2008 11:07 AM
Suppose you had trees on your property that served as a privacy barrier and provided shade for your home. Then imagine your eco-minded neighbor installs solar panels and demands you cut down your trees so sunlight can reach his panels. You might think: It's my property! The problem is - your neighbor has the law backing him up, according to the April 7 "CBS Evening News." Sounds like a case…

NBC’s Global Warming Magic: Cap-and-Trade to Make Solar Energy Affor

March 14th, 2008 2:44 PM
One of the global warming community's favorite alternative energy resources is solar energy. Since it emits no greenhouse gas, it gives alarmists a warm and fuzzy feeling. However, that feeling has affected NBC's global warming reporter Anne Thompson ability to apply basic economic principles to her stories. According to Thompson, there are two drawbacks to solar power - 1) You're at the mercy…

NBC’s Thompson: Let Them Eat Wind or Solar Power

February 22nd, 2008 2:20 PM
Global warming alarmist Anne Thompson has shown a propensity for having little regard for economic reality. Thompson offered viewers on the February 21 broadcast of the "NBC Nightly News" a variety of reasons why building a badly-needed coal-fired power plant in an isolated part of Nevada is a bad idea. "Critics say emissions are exactly the issue, because coal-fired power is the nation's…

'Nightly News': Antarctic Ice Changes Man’s Fault; No Other Possibil

January 15th, 2008 3:02 PM
The penguins soon won’t have a home and it’s all our fault. You might get that impression after watching the January 14 “Our Planet” segment on “NBC Nightly News” about the ice shift in Antarctica. “In 2006, the Antarctic peninsula near South America lost 60 billion metric tons of ice; 132 billion tons disappeared in West Antarctica,” said Anne Thompson, NBC News chief environmental affairs…

Without Proof, NBC Presumes Global Warming to Blame for Wild Fires

October 23rd, 2007 9:00 PM
ABC and CBS stuck Tuesday night with news stories on the impact of the roaring California wild fires, but as houses were still burning NBC Nightly News found it an opportune time to make the case that global warming caused the fires. NBC's sole expert, however, delivered a circular argument in which the lack of scientific proof did not detract at all from his media-shared presumption that…

‘Nightly News’ Continues Down Warpath Against Bottled Water

October 18th, 2007 6:17 PM

ABC, CBS and NBC Hail 'Sweet Vindication' for Al Gore

October 12th, 2007 9:45 PM
All three broadcast network evening newscasts led Friday night by celebrating Al Gore's receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, portraying it as “sweet vindication” for him while presuming his global warming views are beyond dispute and speculating about the “tantalizing prospect” of a presidential run. ABC anchor Charles Gibson teased: “Tonight, the man who almost won the White House did win the most-…

Disgraceful Global Warming Hysteria at NBC: ‘Meltdown in Greenland

September 19th, 2007 12:28 AM
The media's global warming hysteria is clearly becoming unhinged. First, ABC News published a photo essay at its website Friday prominently displaying computer generated images of U.S. cities drowned by climate change raised seas. Then, on Monday's "Nightly News," NBC's environmental correspondent Anne Thompson, reporting from Greenland, cautioned viewers that the "summer thaw, picking up…