Open Thread: Will Weiner Resign

June 8th, 2011 10:47 AM
After admitting on Monday to sending lewd messages and pictures to a number of women, some Democrat and Republican leaders are urging Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign his congressional seat. Nancy Pelosi has called for an ethics investigation, Harry Reid has refused to defend Weiner's actions, but perhaps most out-of-the-blue is former DNC chair and Democratic Senate candidate Tim Kaine's call…

Joan Walsh Says She Looks 'Stupid' For Defending Weiner - Then Continu

June 8th, 2011 10:05 AM
To a liberal media member, politics means never having to say you were wrong. On Tuesday's "The Ed Show," Salon's Joan Walsh said she looked "kind of stupid" for defending Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) last week, then went right on defending him (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Defiant Morning Joe Defends Burying Weiner-gate: 'We'll Talk About Wha

June 8th, 2011 7:58 AM
Editor's Update: Thanks to tipster Jim Trotter who reminded us that back in February, Joe and the Brew Crew spent almost 4 minutes talking about Chris Lee's shirtless pic. (video at link) Yesterday, this column jibed Joe Scarborough & Co. for blacking out, during Morning Joe's first half-hour, coverage of Anthony Weiner's epic news conference of the day before. Today, a defiant…

Bozell Column: Media Go Leaner on Weiner

June 7th, 2011 10:25 PM
Last July, ABC and NBC highlighted a temper tantrum from Rep. Anthony Weiner, alleging on the House floor that the Republicans were denying health care to the heroes of 9/11. To Diane Sawyer, Weiner spoke for all of America: “Every now and then, someone seems to express the nation's frustration with the endless wrangling and delay in Congress.” Remember Weiner when liberal journalists roll…

DUers and Kossacks Punch Themselves Silly for Believing in Weiner

June 7th, 2011 9:43 PM
The sounds of the slaps you hear are those of the DUers at the Democratic Underground and the Kossacks at the Daily Kos slapping themselves silly for ever believing Anthony Weiner's very obvious lies. The only thing that makes them angrier than their gullibility being publicly exposed is the fact that Weiner apologized to Andrew Breitbart. That really drove them over the edge and contributed…

MSNBC's Uygur on Weiner: 'You Know How Many Times I Lied To Girlfriend

June 7th, 2011 9:01 PM
MSNBC's Cenk Uygur made an on air admission Tuesday that might not only raise some of his boss's eyebrows but could also make a few ex-girlfriends very unhappy. As he defended Congressman Anthony Weiner's (D-N.Y.) handling of the sex scandal that's riveted the nation for more than a week, Uygur said to his guests, "You know how many times when I was single, and I had girlfriends, you know how…

Gullible Wolf Blitzer: I 'Sort of Believed' Weiner's Lie

June 7th, 2011 6:41 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer admitted Monday that he believed Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) when the congressman told him in an interview that he did not send a lewd photo of himself over Twitter. Blitzer related to CNN's Piers Morgan Monday evening his thoughts immediately after the interview. "I'm saying to myself, you know what, it sounds to me like it may have been his picture, but it was out there…

NYT Gives Breitbart His Due, Admits Media Hold Him at Arm's Length

June 7th, 2011 5:53 PM
New York Times media reporters Jeremy Peters and Jennifer Preston recognized conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart (pictured below) for breaking the Weiner-gate scandal that resulted in a dramatic press conference Monday afternoon where both Brietbart and Rep. Weiner spoke. "Conservative Blogger, a Go-To Source for Political Scandal, Looks for Legitimacy" was printed in Tuesday's Metro…

Video Flashback: Liberal Media Defended Weiner by Slashing Andrew Brei

June 7th, 2011 5:36 PM
As NewsBusters' Lachlan Markay pointed out, the Weinergate scandal showcased a variety of liberal media conspiracy theories. One of the most prevalent theories focused on besmirching conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who broke the story wide open Monday with a series of posts on featuring lewd photos of Rep. Anthony Weiner. "Look, Breitbart is a proven liar, okay?"…

Recap: The Most Ridiculous Leftist Defenses of Anthony Weiner

June 7th, 2011 4:10 PM
UPDATE: Check out reaction from some of the chief Weiner-defenders below the break. The so-called Weinergate scandal provided a true spectacle of media bias and conspiracy theorizing. While there was certainly plenty of good reporting throughout, many opted to take Rep. Anthony Weiner's claims at face value and search for other culprits or scapegoats. Others devised more malicious theories…

CBS Worries Weiner’s Scandal Means Obama Will Lose a Vital Critic fr

June 7th, 2011 10:51 AM
Asked by new CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley why Congressman Anthony Weiner “matters,” CBS Capitol Hill reporter Nancy Cordes on Monday night maintained he’s vital as a critic pushing Obama from the left. “The President has a lot of critics on the right,” Cordes noted, “but Weiner is one of his most outspoken critics on the left wherever liberals feel that the President is straying too…

Open Thread: Flashback to Weiner's Shameless Lies to ABC

June 7th, 2011 9:04 AM
Anthony Weiner finally came clean about Weinergate, but not before an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl that ABC is pushing in light of Weiner's confession yesterday. In the tape, Weiner insists he is the innocent victim of a hoax and lectures Karl for assuming anything else. The whole thing is a bit off-putting in light of yesterday's events. After Karl asks why Weiner was following a…

WaPo Bows Deeply to Scott Pelley for Skipping?...No, Delaying Weinerga

June 7th, 2011 7:43 AM
The Washington Post published a seriously misleading headline Tuesday. At top of the Style section, it read: “Anthony Weiner is everywhere – except CBS: Anchor Scott Pelley takes the high road in his debut, focusing on other news.” It would be natural for readers to think Pelley skipped Weiner’s confession entirely on Monday night. But TV critic Hank Stuever was merely thrilled and impressed…

Barbara Walters: If Palin Can Be Considered for President, Weiner Can

June 6th, 2011 6:56 PM
Barbara Walters said Monday that if Sarah Palin can be considered as a possible presidential candidate, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) can stay in Congress despite the current sex scandal he's involved in. Significantly more shocking, "The View" co-host Joy Behar actually came to Palin's defense (video follows with transcript and commentary):