Chrystia Freeland Blown Away by Weiner's 'Classy Touch

June 6th, 2011 5:37 PM
Chrystia Freeland made a series of bizarre statements on MSNBC today that were overshadowed only by Anthony Weiner's contrite presser during which the Democratic congressman admitted to tweeting the infamous crotch photo and lying to cover it up. Before the press conference, the Reuters editor-at-large quipped that the Twitter controversy showed that Eliot Spitzer, who resigned as New York…

Open Thread: Weiner Comes Clean, Refuses to Resign

June 6th, 2011 4:30 PM
In an ongoing press conference, an emotional Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted that he sent lewd photos to six women over the past few years. The New York Democrat refused to resign, however, depsite expressing his "deep regret" for his actions. Weiner also seemed to acknowledge the possibility that Andrew Breitbart, who took questions before Weiner took the stage, has in this presence a photo even…

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS News Correspondent for Blaming Network's Slow

June 5th, 2011 1:42 PM
Old and new media clashed on CNN's "Reliable Sources" Sunday. After CBS News Congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes blamed Andrew Breitbart for her network's slow response to the ongoing Weinergate scandal, Gawker staff writer Maureen O'Connor said, "I think even if that's the case, it was very quickly that you could have looked into this story and verified it for yourself" (video follows…

Mark Shields: 'What the Hell is a Member of Congress Having Portraits

June 4th, 2011 10:03 AM
While many liberal media members spent the week defending Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), PBS's Mark Shields may have made the best comment about this sordid affair on Friday's "Inside Washington." Shortly after NPR's Nina Totenberg said we really shouldn't care about this scandal because "it's a great lark of a diversion," Shields asked the definitive question, "What the hell is a…

NPR's Totenberg: 'We Shouldn't Care About Weinergate - It's a Great La

June 4th, 2011 9:20 AM
One of the really enjoyable aspects of this week's scandal involving Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) has been watching the perilously liberal and devoted media shills tell America how unimportant the whole thing is. A fine example was Nina Totenberg who said on Friday's "Inside Washington" that we really shouldn't care about this because " it's a great lark of a diversion" (video follows…

Anthony Weiner: The Ick-arus of Capitol Hill

June 3rd, 2011 4:23 PM
How long before Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner conducts his next meltdown press conference flanked by two adult-movie "goddesses" a la Charlie Sheen? Like the delusional bad-boy actor, Weiner actually thinks his self-destructive act is winning, too. The tweetaholic congressman spent the week dodging and deflecting questions about what he called a "randy" image that appeared in his official,…

On Twitter, Katie Couric Wonders If Weinergate Is a 'Legit News Story

June 3rd, 2011 6:48 AM
Due to perpetually low ratings, we won’t see how former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric would dismiss Weinergate. But on her Twitter page on Thursday, Couric tweeted: “I'm curious if anybody thinks this Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal is a legit news story or just fodder for late-night comedians...thoughts?” So much for Couric's Twitter motto: "True journalism separates fact from fiction…

CNN, CBS Zero In on Breitbart's Role in Spreading Word of Weiner Scand

June 2nd, 2011 10:35 PM
Both CNN's Anderson Cooper on Wednesday's AC360 and CBS's Nancy Cordes on Thursday's Early Show highlighted conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart's early part in spreading news of the lewd photo Tweeted from Rep. Andrew Weiner's Twitter account. Cooper played up Breitbart's supposedly "questionable credibility," while Cordes reported how "supporters of Weiner note that it was [the] right-wing…

MSNBC Anchor Touts Weiner's 'Transparency,' Dismisses 'Stupid' Scandal

June 2nd, 2011 9:07 PM
MSNBC's Thomas Roberts spun furiously for Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) Thursday, dismissing the Twitter controversy as a sideshow undeserving of the media's attention. "He's being pretty transparent," opined the daytime anchor, turning to Republican strategist Joe Watkins. "Joe, wouldn't you agree?" After Watkins agreed but suggested Weiner's refusal to clarify whether he is the man in the…

Jon Stewart Mocks CNN's Lazy Weinergate Coverage

June 2nd, 2011 7:30 PM
Comedian Jon Stewart took "the most trusted name in news" to task for the network's reluctance to investigate the Twitter controversy that has embroiled Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.). Although the Comedy Central host is a personal friend of Weiner, he lambasted CNN on the May 31 "Daily Show" for glossing over the issue while political blogs relentlessly pounded the pavement over the weekend to…

Joy Behar's Vast Conspiracy: Someone 'Is Out to Get' Weiner

June 2nd, 2011 4:19 PM
According to Joy Behar of 'The View,' someone is "out to get" Anthony Weiner because "they don't like his politics." Behar and her co-host Whoopi Goldberg advanced a conspiracy theory on Thursday and included the possibility that the Congressman could have been at a beach and had an innocent photo digitally manipulated. Meanwhile, Barbara Walters pronounced dead the political goal of the…

Maddow Gets Weiner to Admit That Pickle in Twitter Pic Could Be His

June 2nd, 2011 4:14 PM
Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner was probably expecting softball questions from Rachel Maddow last night. That's not quite how it played out. On Friday, the same evening he previously appeared on Maddow's MSNBC show, a risque photo of Weiner was sent from his Twitter account. An uproar in the blogosphere and broader media quickly followed, with Weiner denying he sent the photo but not…

NBC Wonders How 'Rising Star' Weiner Can Get Pic Scandal 'Behind Him

June 2nd, 2011 12:53 PM
At the top of Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Meredith Vieira worried about the impact of the Twitter photo scandal on Congressman Anthony Weiner's career: "Will the scandal and his response to it derail his political ambitions?" Talking to chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd later, Vieira pointed out how "the people who write the headlines in New York City are obviously having a heyday…

Former D.C. Prosecutor: It Would Be Crime for Weiner to File False Pol

June 2nd, 2011 10:48 AM
Joseph E. diGenova, former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said today it would be a crime for Rep. Anthony Weiner (D.-N.Y.) to file a complaint with the police claiming his Twitter account had been hacked if he knew it had not been hacked. Last Friday, a Tweet that included a lewd photograph was sent from Weiner’s Twitter account to a 21-year-old woman in Seattle, whom the 46-year…