Arianna Huffington Whines When PolitiFact Doesn't Support Her Half-Tru

July 6th, 2010 10:28 AM
In today's "Careful What You Ask For" segment, liberal publisher Arianna Huffington is crying at her website because the folks at PolitiFact didn't back up her claim that Halliburton has defrauded American taxpayers of hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraq.Making this most delicious, Huffington asked to be fact-checked by the group!For those that have forgotten, the former outspoken…

Mary Matalin Battles Libs Arianna Huffington and Mark Green in New Rad

June 28th, 2010 10:43 AM
A new talk radio show was launched this weekend that will certainly get a lot of attention from producers across the fruited plain.Called "Both Sides Now," the program pits far-left internet publisher Arianna Huffington against conservative political consultant Mary Matalin.Unfortunately, there's a glaring problem with the format: the host is the far-left leaning Mark Green who used to be the…

Arianna Huffington Comes Out in Favor of Flat Tax -- for Greece

June 14th, 2010 3:44 PM
Sometimes even the seemingly most unreasonable characters as far public policy goes can be reasoned with if the circumstances are right. Just sometimes it takes someone like Steve Forbes to pull it off. On the June 14 broadcast of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Forbes explained that a flat tax might be the medicine that Greece, a country on the fiscal brink needs. "Well, when you engage in binge…

Still at It: David Frum Takes Shot at the Club for Growth

June 13th, 2010 2:29 PM
It's called "Left, Right and Center," which claims to be a "civilized yet provocative antidote to the screaming talking heads that dominate political debate." But there's not a whole lot of truth in advertising for KCRW Santa Monica's radio program, which is also podcasted on the Internet. The show normally features Robert Scheer, editor of the left-wing investigative Web site and a…

Congrats To Arianna On Her 'Best' Webby

June 11th, 2010 1:47 PM
One has to give credit where credit is due. The Huffington Post is 2010's 'People's Voice Winner for Best Political Blog' and Arianna Huffington will receive her Webby Monday night in New York City. We are in awe of her humility... 'I need to decide what this year's speech should be, and would love your input. Submit your five-word speech in the comments section. We'll publish the best ones on…

Huffington on ABC’s This Week: ‘Absolutely a Thousand Percent Bush

June 6th, 2010 2:13 PM
“Sooner or later, we’ll blame this on George W. Bush,” George Will presciently predicted on Sunday’s Week during the roundtable’s look as how President Barack Obama is handling the gulf oil leak. Seconds later, the Huffington Post’s Arianna Huffington didn’t let Will down, declaring “the truth is, that right now we have precisely the regulatory system that the Bush-Cheney administration wanted.…

Arianna Huffington Exploits Coal Mining Tragedy, Cries for Bigger Gove

April 14th, 2010 10:14 AM
The co-founder of progressive blog The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, has attributed the West Virginia mining disaster, along with virtually every other accident under the sun, as a direct result of  small-government and corporate greed in the April 13 Huffpo column "The West Virginia Mining Disaster and the Financial Crisis Have the Same Root Cause." "Officials say it's too soon to…

George Will, Cokie Roberts and Sam Donaldson School Arianna Huffington

April 11th, 2010 12:44 PM
For the second time in six days, liberal publisher Arianna Huffington stuck her foot in her mouth on national television only to get corrected by numerous others on camera.Appearing on Sunday's "This Week" on ABC, Huffington foolishly claimed that Supreme Court justices John Paul Stevens and David Souter would never be appointed by a Republican President today due to "how far the Party has…

HuffPo: Academic Thesis Worse Than Felony Sexual Offense

April 6th, 2010 3:19 PM
Pop quiz: which of the following political candidates would you be less likely to vote for: one who had written things offensive to many women in a master's thesis, or one who was convicted of trying to solicit sex from a minor?If you think the felony conviction is a more condemnable offense for a political candidate, you may want to give up your dream job as a Huffington Post columnist. In the…

Rudy Giuliani and Joe Scarborough Humiliate Arianna Huffington

April 6th, 2010 1:13 PM
Arianna Huffington stuck her foot in her mouth during Tuesday's "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, and ended up being totally humiliated by host Joe Scarborough and guests Rudy Giuliani and Mort Zuckerman.As the subject of Florida's Senate race was broached, Huffington decided to attack the former Mayor of New York City rather than address the qualifications of Republican candidates Charlie Crist and Marco…

Arianna Huffington Expresses Sympathy For Glenn Beck

March 10th, 2010 12:34 PM
Liberal publisher Arianna Huffington on Tuesday expressed sympathy for Fox News host Glenn Beck.Appearing on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" to talk about Beck's bizarre interview with Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) earlier in the day, Huffington said, "And, to his credit, Glenn Beck...apologized to his audience for wasting an hour of their time."She surprisingly continued, "I never thought anything would…

Roger Ailes on Arianna Huffington's Paranoia Hypocrisy: 'You Ever Read

March 3rd, 2010 10:56 AM
Define hypocrisy: Arianna Huffington claiming that Fox News President Roger Ailes plays off of Americans' fear and paranoia.Indeed, while Huffington Post columnists call American political leaders criminals, terrorists, and Nazis and occasionally fantasize about their deaths, Huffington has the gall to claim, "If you’re looking for the usual flame-throwing, name-calling, and simplistic attack dog…

CBS Promotes Arianna Huffington Bashing 'Dastardly' Banks

March 1st, 2010 4:41 PM
In a segment on the banking industry on CBS's Sunday Morning, fill-in anchor Anthony Mason cited the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" and wondered: "Who would you say is today's equivalent of the movie's villain, the dastardly Mister Potter?" His answer: "If you ask the Huffington Post's web mistress Arianna Huffington, it's these guys." Footage rolled of big bank CEOs. Mason touted Huffington's…

HuffPo + Religion Still Equals a Liberal Blogspot

February 25th, 2010 12:04 PM
Would you like some religion with your brie? “Huffington Post” and “religion” may sound like an oxymoron, but the two are attempting to go together. The liberal blogspot – which regularly features Bill “Religulus” Maher – announced on February 24 that the website was launching HuffPo Religion. Founder Arianna Huffington touted it as being, “a section featuring a wide-ranging discussion about…