Huffington Repeats Charge of ‘Disturbing’ & ‘Violent Imagery

February 21st, 2010 11:10 AM
Appearing during the "Roundtable" segment on Sunday’s This Week on ABC, Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington continued her campaign to portray conservatives as promoters of violence as she recounted what she referred to as the "violent imagery" of Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s speech at CPAC in which he, alluding to Tiger Woods’ troubles, suggested that a golf club should be used to "…

Tony Blankley Rebuts Arianna on 'Undertones of Violence' at CPAC

February 20th, 2010 11:03 PM
Arianna Huffington just keeps slamming our Olbermann floor mats. Plugging her own appearance on the public-radio show Left, Right, and Center (based at Santa Monica NPR station KCRW), the Huffington Post blurb writer suggested CPAC was based in Texas: "Taking the temperature of the conservative GOP: To judge from their conference in Austin, they're quite cheery, yelling Run Dick Run to Dick…

On MSNBC, Arianna Huffington Suggests MRC Mats are 'Displays of Violen

February 19th, 2010 5:54 PM
On Thursday night's Countdown, Arianna Huffington suggested to Keith Olbermann that the MRC's playful Stomp Out the Liberal Media floor mats are "displays of violence," as is a Pelosi pinata.Earth to Arianna: do we have to remind you again that your site published Alec Baldwin's Cheney-murdering fantasies and John Cusack's bluster about conservatives ("I piss down the throats of these Nazis")?…

Arianna Huffington Denounces 'Extremist' Beck Yet Employs Sharia Advoc

February 8th, 2010 7:11 PM
Does Arianna Huffington consider Glenn Beck more radical and dangerous than an advocate of Islamic Sharia law? She's let off a lot of hot air lately criticizing Fox News president Roger Ailes for employing Beck, but it turns out that on the Huffington Post's payroll is an envoy to the United States from the Somali Unity government, led by the Islamic Courts Union. The ICU is a strong proponent of…

Hewitt and Huffington Fight About Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin

February 7th, 2010 3:26 PM
Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt and liberal publisher Arianna Huffington squared off on Sunday in an epic ideological battle about Fox News's Glenn Beck and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.With Howard Kurtz moderating on CNN's "Reliable Sources," the outspoken pair found very little to agree about.Unfortunately, Kurtz was by no means an impartial host oftentimes letting Huffington off…

Arianna Huffington, the 'Ultimate Poster Girl for Change

February 6th, 2010 7:39 AM
The February issue of the rich-folks magazine Town & Country promises a special issue on "Wonder Women" – not just "Super Cindy Crawford," but "Amazing Arianna Huffington." Liberal magazine writer Leslie Bennetts spread the praise on thick on Arianna’s savvy and appeal. After a fourteen-hour flight from Tel Aviv, there’s this: "Although she slept only on the plane, she is alert and articulate…

Beck Demolishes Huffington: She's 'Media Matters After a Few Drinks

February 2nd, 2010 11:28 PM
Glenn Beck on Tuesday addressed recent attacks by liberal publisher Arianna Huffington and in so doing thoroughly demolished the proprietor of the Huffington Post on national television.Beck did such a good job that even the left-leaning website Mediaite took his side.As NewsBusters reported Sunday, Huffington went on ABC's "This Week" and accused Beck of "inciting the American people" to commit…

Huffington: Fox News 'Tumor' Label 'A Legitimate View'; Alleges Beck

February 2nd, 2010 5:32 PM
If someone's going to play speech police, one might think it would be wise to make sure her own house was in order prior to hurling charges. But, for Arianna Huffington, editor of The Huffington Post, there are two sets of rules. Huffington, in an appearance on HLN's Feb. 2 "The Joy Behar Show," defended a Jan. 12 post by the Huffington Post's TV-Radio critic Bill Mann, which he called the…

Glenn Beck Says Arianna Huffington Asked Him To Write For HuffPo

February 1st, 2010 5:38 PM
Fox News's Glenn Beck claimed Monday that liberal publisher Arianna Huffington asked him to write for her when they met at last year's Time 100 Most Influential People in the World dinner.This revelation should come as quite a shock to readers of the Huffington Post who are regularly treated to the most vile depictions of Beck by Huffington and her contributors.Potentially more shocking is this…

Joy Behar Takes Huffington's Side vs. Ailes Armed With Untruths

February 1st, 2010 4:50 PM
It was a metaphysical certitude the classic battle between Fox News's Roger Ailes and liberal publisher Arianna Huffington on Sunday's "This Week" would send many in the mainstream media over the top, and comedian Joy Behar didn't disappoint.As "View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg gave the audience the background of the matter Monday -- "Fox News president Roger Ailes pointed out that on the Huffington…

Fox's Roger Ailes Battles Huffington, Krugman and Walters

January 31st, 2010 2:35 PM
There was a marvelous fireworks display on Sunday's "This Week" when Fox News chairman Roger Ailes squared off against liberal media powerhouses Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, and substitute host Barbara Walters.The one standing at the end likely didn't vote for Barack Obama.In the second half of the Roundtable segment, Walters began by asking her conservative guest about the White House's…

2.5 Cheers for Andrew Breitbart's Daily Caller Op-Ed

January 12th, 2010 8:54 AM
Andrew Take-No-Prisoners Breitbart of Big Hollywood, Big Government, and Big Journalism fame has an important column that appeared yesterday at Tucker Carlson's new enterprise, the Daily Caller. In it, he clearly delineates the difference between "the news" as establishment media outlets want it dispensed and the "market for information" that technology has created. Its only shortcoming is that…

ABC Profiles Campaign Urging Folks To Move Money From Big Banks

January 9th, 2010 3:21 PM
It goes without saying that what America's struggling banking industry doesn't need is for all of its depositers to withdraw their funds.Regardless of this seemingly obvious truth, the folks at ABC and "World News with Diane Sawyer" actually did a report Friday profiling a campaign started by the far-left website the Huffington Post to get people to pull their money from the larger national banks…

Huffington: Afghanistan 'Immoral' & 'Dumb War,' Liberal Podesta 'Sound

December 13th, 2009 1:50 PM
On This Week with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, December 13, during the show’s Roundtable segment, liberal blogger Arianna Huffington argued that the war in Afghanistan is "the gold standard of a dumb war, immoral and unnecessary," during a discussion of President Obama’s recent speech at West Point announcing that he would send more troops to Afghanistan, and his speech in Oslo accepting the…