NY Times 'Reporter' Sengupta Bats Down Every Haley Criticism of UN
April 1st, 2017 8:31 PM
On Thursday New York Times reporter Somini Sengupta “reported” on United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley’s criticizing the United Nations in a speech to that international body, in “American Envoy Calls U.N. Human Rights Council ‘Corrupt.’” The text box: “Praising the U.S. and assailing a panel without evidence.” From the start it read less like a news report than a line-by-line hostile fact-check…
NYT Hits 'Dehumanization' of Palestinians, Ignores Years of 'Apes, Pig
July 21st, 2014 10:47 AM
Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren's front-page Monday story, "In the Battleground of Words, Hatred and Muddied Reality," strived for a tone of equal blame and moral equivalency, dubious enough when talking about a war started by the anti-Israel terrorist group Hamas.
Yet Rudoren clearly slanted against Israel in her unbalanced condemnations of rhetoric vs. reality in the region, claiming…

The New York Times' Wretched Anti-Israel Bias Comes in All Too Clear
July 11th, 2014 8:48 AM
Three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped on June 12 while hitchhiking home in the West Bank. They were found dead on June 30, murdered by Hamas militants. Palestinians attacked the ambulance carrying their bodies. Later Hamas launched rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, while Israel countered with air strikes on specific terrorist targets.
The paper's coverage of the ongoing situation has been…