CBS Downplays Ugly Side of Protests Against Condoleezza Rice's Commenc

May 5th, 2014 12:45 PM
In April, CBS and NBC found no time to cover the protests against Michelle Obama's planned graduation speech to high school students in Kansas. But both networks on Monday hyped the bullying of Condoleezza Rice from speaking to Rutgers University. Some of protest signs included an ugly caricature of the first female African American Secretary of State. Instead of discussing this, CBS This…

Establishment Press Virtually Silent as Left-Driven Controversy Over D

April 12th, 2014 10:17 AM
Based on searches at their respective sites at 9:40 a.m. ET this morning, the Associated Press, the New York Times and the Politico do not have stories on the fever-swamp left's two-days-old attempts to force storage company DropBox to reverse its appointment of Condoleezza Rice to its board of directors. The three outlets just cited, and the rest of the national establishment press, with the…

Juan Williams Calls Out 'Disgraceful Double Standard' as Rutgers Facul

March 8th, 2014 8:25 PM
Few have defended the Obama administration, and especially Obamacare, as vocally and in my view often unreasonably, as Fox News's Juan Williams. He has gone so far as to call Republican Party opposition to Obamacare its "original sin," and absurdly claimed that "massive opposition" from Republicans is what forced's rushed rollout. One blind spot Williams does not have involves…

No Social Conservatives on CBS's List of 'Eye-Opening Women

March 4th, 2013 3:41 PM
On Monday, CBS This Morning launched a week-long set of interviews for Women's History Month, but the majority of the women they picked for their list of "Eye Opening Women" are dedicated liberals, particularly on social issues. The morning newscast first conducted a fawning interview of former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was part of the Supreme Court plurality that upheld the Roe v. Wade…

Leno: Kerry Breaks Glass Ceiling - First White Male Secretary of State

January 31st, 2013 9:38 AM
Jay Leno made a very interesting observation Wednesday night regarding the confirmation of John Kerry as Secretary of State. Commenting during his Tonight Show monologue, the host said, "John Kerry is the first white male to hold that job since 1997."

WaPo Furthers Liberal Media’s ‘Racist’ Narrative at RNC: ‘Rep

August 30th, 2012 4:39 PM
The liberal media can’t seem to help themselves. While counter-arguments are occasionally acknowledged, most journalists of the progressive persuasion are not interested in fair and balanced coverage of politics. Facts and figures are seemingly subjective in the whole scheme of things. Severely limited studies and polls seem to provide them with all the information they need. Oh, and almost…

Chris Matthews Ridiculously Asks Condoleezza Rice About Birtherism

August 30th, 2012 2:16 PM
Following Condoleezza Rice’s inspirational convention speech, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews decided to hurl a ridiculous question about birtherism to the former Secretary of State.  Continuing with the racist narrative on MSNBC, Mr. Matthews decided to ignore the crux of Ms. Rice’s speech and instead drag up an issue that numerous Republicans have disavowed since the beginning. 

Chris Matthews: RNC Message Is A Return To Slavery

August 30th, 2012 12:22 PM
For months, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews has been on a near-daily if not daily tirade accusing the Republican Party of using dog-whistle racist tactics to defeat President Obama.  Since the start of the Republican National Convention, Matthews has amped up his racial hyperbole to 11 by overtly claiming the Republican Party wants to return to a time when slavery was legal. Matthews’ insulting…

Chris Matthews Hints Ryan's 'Very Nasty' Speech Was Directed to Racist

August 30th, 2012 1:01 AM
Minutes after Paul Ryan finished his RNC speech on Wednesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed the Republican vice presidential candidate for supposedly ignoring blacks during his "very constricted, very negative, very nasty speech," and suggested that he was directing the address to racists: "It's clear that Paul Ryan was talking to people who think about rights as something...produced by Thomas…

On NBC: Williams and Brokaw Use Condi Rice Speech to Depict Republican

August 30th, 2012 12:23 AM
On NBC’s live Wednesday coverage of the GOP convention both Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw used Condoleezza Rice's speech to paint the GOP delegation as close-minded on immigration, education reform and Barack Obama’s background. Right after the former Secretary of State's speech, Williams snarked: "Portions of that speech could have been delivered at next week [DNC] gathering in North Carolina…

Updated: Save for Gov. Nikki Haley, MSNBC Omits Coverage From Minority

August 29th, 2012 12:27 AM
Update/Correction: MSNBC aired South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's speech. Haley is Indian-American. | A funny thing happened on race-obsessed MSNBC tonight. The liberal network failed to give viewers coverage of the speakers who happen to be member of racial minorities.  As Francesca Chambers, Editor of Red Alert Politics, reported on August 28th: When popular Tea Party candidate Ted…

Nation Magazine: 'Condi Rice's Membership at Augusta National Is Nothi

August 21st, 2012 8:57 AM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz isn't the only liberal media member disappointed with Augusta National Golf Club's announcement that it's admitting two women including Condoleezza Rice as members. The Nation magazine actually published a piece Monday titled "Condi Rice's Membership at Augusta National Is Nothing to Celebrate":

Ed Schultz: Augusta Should Have Admitted Michelle Obama and Hillary Cl

August 20th, 2012 9:23 PM
The Augusta National Golf Club did an amazing thing Monday: it finally admitted women as members, with one of them being African-American Condoleezza Rice. But that wasn’t good enough for MSNBC’s Ed Schultz who whined on his program later that evening that Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton should have received this honor instead (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Republican VP Short List = Nasty Media Hit List

August 8th, 2012 12:13 PM
In just a matter of days, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney will announce his choice for his 2012 running mate. No matter who Romney picks, however, the liberal media's line of attack is already clear. The Media Research Center reviewed news coverage of several potential picks, and found many have already been caricatured as too far right or outside the mainstream.