Leno: Condi 'Perfect Choice Because of the Fact She’s a Woman and Sh

July 14th, 2012 1:18 PM
NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno took what some might call a cheap shot at presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Condoleezza Rice Friday. After he mentioned the rumor about the former Secretary of State being considered for vice presidential nominee, a mock ad for "Rice and Romney: The New American Treat" was aired which included the lyric, "She’s the perfect choice…

Liberal Radio Host Glad Breitbart's Dead, Would Pour Weed Killer on Hi

March 6th, 2012 4:26 PM
A few days ago, conservative author Ann Coulter summed up the left's reaction to the death of Andrew Breitbart with this statement:  "Even in death he shows liberals in their true colors".  With that, those true colors, the same rage and venom being spewed in Breitbart's direction, continues. Last week, we saw Rolling Stone publish a piece in which author Matt Taibbi lamented how happy he was…

Scarborough Takes on Colin Powell: Him Going on TV to Defend Himself M

August 29th, 2011 11:36 AM
The liberal media are predictably gushing over Colin Powell's supposed rebuke of Dick Cheney on Sunday's "Face the Nation." Bucking the trend was Joe Scarborough Monday who on the MSNBC program bearing his name said Powell going on "Face the Nation" to defend himself proved Cheney right about heads exploding over his new book (video follows with transcript and commentary):

AP Parrots Henry Waxman's Lie About the Still-True 'Sixteen Words

December 21st, 2008 12:52 AM
It seems that some in Congress are so upset that our troops and their president have achieved what looks like victory in Iraq to seasoned, on-the-ground observers like Michael Yon that they feel compelled to get in their final digs to somehow discredit the war's legitimacy.One such congressman is Democrat Henry Waxman of California (image originally found at the Washington Post), whose Committee…

John Harwood Has Never Seen This Cartoon

July 16th, 2008 8:03 AM
How insulated is the MSM? In how much of a liberal cocoon does it exist? For an answer, consider the vile cartoon displayed here.  My guess is that the great majority of NewsBusters readers are familiar with it.  But John Harwood—of the New York Times and CNBC—has never seen it.That became clear on today's Morning Joe. The topic was the TV comedy world's double-standard, in which Republicans are…