
NBC’s Guthrie Fails to Ask John Kerry About His Charlie Hebdo Comments

November 23rd, 2015 10:34 AM
On Monday’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled Secretary of State John Kerry on the United States’ strategy to defeat ISIS yet the NBC host failed to question Kerry on his recent inflammatory comments in which he suggested a rationale existed for the terrorists that attacked Charlie Hebdo's headquarters in January. 

Lefty Blogger: GOP’s Fake Issues Distract Public From Real Issues

November 22nd, 2015 1:28 PM
The left tends to believe that Republicans, for whatever reason, are a lot better than Democrats at messaging and salesmanship. In that vein, Martin Longman argues that GOPers have a flair for fabricating issues -- “non-problems,” Longman calls them -- which distract the public from real problems. “There was the non-problem with Fast & Furious,” wrote Longman in a Friday post. “There was the…

Blogger: On ISIS, GOPers Make Obama ‘Look Like Alexander the Great’

November 21st, 2015 11:56 AM
President Obama deserves high marks for his ISIS policy only if you’re grading on a curve and the other students are Republicans who “can't be bothered to take any of this seriously,” suggested Kevin Drum in a Thursday post. Drum charged that GOPers “blather about Obama being weak, but when you ask them for their plans you just get nonsense…Obama's ISIS strategy has [not] been golden. But…

NYT's Krugman: Bullying, Cowardly GOP All About Panic Over Paris

November 20th, 2015 9:40 PM
Why do right-wingers "panic "over the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Ebola epidemic, and Obama-care? Because they're bullies and cowards, Paul Krugman explained in his Friday column, "The Farce Awakens." While the news pages of the New York Times have been relatively sober in the aftermath of the attacks by radical Islamists in Paris, Krugman has been his same old nastily sarcastic self, to the…

CNN's Costello Hounds Democratic Rep. Over Syrian Refugee Vote

November 20th, 2015 5:30 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello badgered Democratic Rep. Kurt Schrader over his vote in favor of additional scrutiny for Syrian refugees applying to enter the U.S. Costello spotlighted how "some on Twitter have not been kind — calling you a traitor to Oregon and...xenophobic," and how "some say the intent of this bill is to really create so many checks that it will be impossible for any…

Sally Kohn: Christian Fundamentalists, ISIS, Perpetually Hostile

November 20th, 2015 3:07 PM
On Friday, Sally Kohn took to The Daily Beast to argue that we should all be heartened by the fact that  “The Religious Fundamentalists Are Losing.” In making her case, Kohn compared Christian ‘hardliners’ – you social conservative ones who are pro-life and pro-traditional marriage – with DAESH, or ISIS as many in the West know it.

NYT's Kristof Pens Smug Refugee Screed as Editors Cry 'Xenophobia'

November 20th, 2015 1:03 PM
Nicholas Kristof's column for Thursday's New York Times was full of sanctimony and misinformation on the issue of the United States accepting Syrian refugees, in the wake of the atrocities committed by radical Islamists in Paris. Meanwhile the lead editorial accused the GOP of fostering "xenophobia" by calling for a pause in allowing refugees from Syria into the country. But a normally liberal…

Mohyeldin: 'Emphasize We Don't Know Identity' of Mali Gunmen

November 20th, 2015 7:22 AM
Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with coverage of the unfolding terror attack in Mali, and promptly turned to Ayman Mohyeldin for a report. The very first words out of Mohyeldin's mouth were "it's important to emphasize we still don't know the identity of these gunmen who have taken the hotel hostage." Great point, Ayman. I mean, sure, they were yelling Allah Akhbar, and released…

NYT's Crass Krugman: Paris Changes Nothing, Personally Attacks GOP

November 19th, 2015 10:05 AM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, economist turned Democratic hack, displayed his usual lack of class in the face of human tragedy in a series of blog posts, turning the Paris massacres by radical Islamists into personal attacks on Republicans ("It took no time at all for the right-wing response to the Paris attacks to turn into a vile caricature that has me feeling nostalgic for…

Nets Censor Arrest of Five Syrians in Honduras with Stolen Passports

November 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
Amidst their ongoing coverage Wednesday night of the terror attacks in Paris, the major broadcast networks failed to report on news that five Syrians had been arrested in the Central American country of Honduras with stolen Greek passports and intended to travel to the U.S.

Hasselbeck Grills W.H. Spokesman Over Obama Calling Paris a ‘Setback’

November 18th, 2015 8:55 AM
On Wednesday’s Fox & Friends, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck pressed White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest over language used by Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama following last week’s ISIS terrorist attack in Paris. 

NBC's Engel Doubts Paris Will Bring U.S., Others Together to Stop ISIS

November 18th, 2015 7:17 AM
In a welcome change of pace for MSNBC programming on Tuesday night, liberal primetime host Rachel Maddow was given the night off in favor of NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel, who anchored the network’s 9:00 p.m. Eastern coverage of the Paris Islamic terror attacks and closed with a brief but astute commentary on how it’s doubtful that Paris will change the global ISIS strategy.

Halperin: Kerry 'Tired' When Speaking of 'Legitimacy' of Charlie Hebdo

November 18th, 2015 7:09 AM
Suggestion for John Kerry: if traveling makes you so tired that you say things undermining the war against radical Islamic terrorism, do us all a favor—stay home on Nantucket and conduct your diplomacy by Skype . . .  On today's Morning Joe, here's how Mark Halperin explained Kerry's despicable statement about the "legitimacy" and "rationale" of the Charlie Hebdo attacks: "Secretary Kerry has a…

Vox Writer: Right Prefers ‘Martial Rhetoric’ to Actually Bombing ISIS

November 17th, 2015 9:27 PM
Last week, ex-Bill Clinton adviser Paul Begala snarked on CNN that during the most recent Republican presidential debate, the candidates mentioned Hillary Clinton so often that they came off as “creepy…in a stalker sort of way…Maybe it's affectionate…Maybe they’re like junior high schoolboys.” Vox's David Roberts has joined Begala in likening the GOP contenders to middle- or high-schoolers, but…