
CBS Runs CAIR-Heavy Piece on Islamophobia Fears Post-San Bernardino

December 7th, 2015 10:06 PM

On Monday, the CBS Evening News ran a full story about fears of continued Islamophobia in America following the terror attack in San Bernardino and turned to none other than the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for help, but neglected to mention CAIR’s extremist tendencies and how an official recently blamed the United States and the West for the spread of terrorism.

Daily Kos Writer: Cruz a Fitting Leader For a ‘Christian Caliphate’

December 7th, 2015 9:34 PM
In 2010, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas published his book American Taliban, which detailed his belief that “fundamentalist Muslims [are] basically hard-right Christians…American [religious conservatives] may be more constrained by American society and laws than their Middle Eastern counterparts, but…their goals are the same.” This past weekend, one current and one former Daily Kos writer…

NYT Sunday A1 Likens Trump to Fellow 'Demagogues' McCarthy, Buchanan

December 7th, 2015 11:55 AM
Reporters Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman made Sunday's New York Times front page with a deep and deeply fear-mongering analysis of “demagogue” Donald Trump’s stump speeches: "95,000 Words, Many of Them Ominous, From Trump’s Tongue." But things that two Times reporters find “ominous” may not scare a more moderate reader, such as pointing out that ISIS chops off the heads of their victims.

NBC’s Lester Holt: Will Obama’s Speech ‘Be a Defining Moment?'

December 6th, 2015 8:02 PM
Seconds before President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office on Sunday night, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt gave viewers a quick preview with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd and wondered to Todd if the speech will mark “a defining moment for this presidency.”

Salon Pundit: Has GOP Rhetoric Already Inspired a Terrorist Attack?

December 6th, 2015 12:17 PM
In a column posted last Monday, two days before the San Bernardino massacre, Heather Digby Parton warned of Americans with “violent desires” who might find “inspiration” to stage mass-casualty attacks not in jihadist propaganda, but in rhetoric used during “a Republican presidential debate.” Parton linked the fatal shootings at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs to remarks by GOP…

Prof Claiming No Bernardino Terror Link Gets Debunked in Seconds

December 4th, 2015 11:46 AM
It was a priceless TV moment. Here was law professor Sahar Aziz on Jose Diaz-Balart's MSNBC show complaining about anti-Muslim bias in the US and insisting we don't know the motive behind the San Bernardino massacre. Aziz called the San Bernardino attack a "workplace violent act," pointing to the lack of any claim of responsibility or link to a terrorist group. But literally seconds after Aziz…

Chuck Todd Shudders at Coming ‘Islamophobia’, ‘It’s Going to Get Ugly'

December 3rd, 2015 4:06 PM
MSNBC Live with Tamron Hall had Chuck Todd on for two segments related to the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on Wednesday. When confronted with the idea that this could be terrorism, as many labeled the Colorado Springs shooting, Todd hesitantly said, “I don't know if we want to go down that road, Tamron, just yet. I think, I think let's let all this play out. But I have, I have very, I have…

ABC, CBS Omit Obama Walkback on ISIS, Disconnect w/Joint Chiefs Chair

December 1st, 2015 9:45 PM
On Tuesday night, ABC and CBS refused to acknowledge a pair of points in its respective stories concerning news that additional U.S. special forces will be stationed inside Iraq to fight ISIS and will engage in combat roles. Along with not mentioning that the move represented the latest example of backpedaling by President Obama on a pledge to not put U.S. troops on the ground, the two networks…

NYT's Egan Rages at 'Rabid Brown Shirts in Dockers' at Trump Rally

November 29th, 2015 9:03 PM
Two recent opinion pieces in the New York Times, one by a veteran reporter turned columnist, another featured in the Times' Sunday magazine, launched viciously hard-left attacks on Republicans on the issues of immigration and refugees. Timothy Egan's column, "Donald Trump's Police State," went so far as to compare Republican attendees at a Trump rally to "rabid brown shirts in Dockers" and that…

CAIR, Packaged: NY Times Cries 'Islamophobia' With Gullible Coverage

November 26th, 2015 3:00 PM
It took two weeks after the mass slaughter by radical Islamists in Paris, but the New York Times finally finds itself comfortable with raising the false spectre of American "Islamophobia," with an enormous assist from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the so-called civil-rights organization many consider a Muslim pressure group, and whose ties to Hamas have been documented in…

Stephanopoulos Praises Obama’s ‘Forceful Rhetoric’ on ISIS, Paris

November 25th, 2015 1:43 PM
While awaiting President Barack Obama’s remarks on Wednesday concerning national security as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, ABC News chief anchor, former Clinton staffer, and Clinton Foundation donor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t help but repeatedly gush over the President’s supposedly “forceful rhetoric” on ISIS following the Paris terror attacks.

Krauthammer: Obama 'So Exposed, So Naked on the World Stage'

November 24th, 2015 1:51 PM
On Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor, Charles Krauthammer discussed with Bill O’Reilly the growing rhetoric of the White House and its attempt to downplay or diminish the threat that radical Islam is on the world. Shortly after a clip of President Obama criticizing the media for conflating ISIS’s power, Krauthammer opened up on the President. 

Daily Kos: ‘America's Right-Wing Mass Killers’ Deadlier Than ISIS

November 24th, 2015 11:25 AM
Liberals sometimes say that law enforcement’s approach to the Mafia offers a model for how to deal with jihadists, even though the latter tend not to limit their demands to protection money. This past Sunday, Egberto Willies claimed that if terrorist attacks were “treated as they should be, like organized crime, it would neuter ISIS. After all…the group is no more powerful than a large band of…

After Paris, CNN’s Stelter Dismisses American Fear of Terrorism

November 23rd, 2015 3:48 PM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN’s Brian Stelter did his best to play up how after the Paris terrorist attack many Americans have had a “fearful, sometimes even xenophobic” reaction. At the same time, the CNN host dismissed fears of a future terrorist attack us unwarranted and irrational. He touted the standard liberal line that much of America’s reaction has been “xenophobic” based in “fear…