Network News: Cop Misdeeds Get Six Times More Time Than ISIS Terror

May 7th, 2015 3:39 PM
If you're more afraid of the cop on the corner than ISIS, maybe you should blame the media. In the month of April, according to a new survey by the Media Research Center, allegations of police misconduct accounted for one out of every seven minutes of broadcast evening news airtime, or 3 hours, 43 minutes.

New York Times Author Weaver Blames West for British Jihadists

April 16th, 2015 10:09 AM
Mary Anne Weaver appeared on today's Morning Joe to discuss her New York Times Magazine cover article "Her Majesty's Jihadists." On the one hand, Weaver paints a striking portrait of the radicalization of young Muslims in the UK, reporting for example that there are more British jihadists than there are Muslims serving in the British military. But when asked what could be done about the problem,…

Morning Joe Face-Plant: The Nation's Eric Alterman Stumped On Syria

April 6th, 2015 9:21 AM
Last week, NewsBusters brought you "Stumped," as April Ryan struggled to cite a single foreign policy success by her super-fave, President Obama. In the best Hollywood tradition, this morning we bring you a sequel--Stumped II: Syria! On today's Morning Joe, lugubrious lefty Eric Alterman of The Nation mag was stumped when Joe Scarborough asked him what the US should do about Syria. After humming…

Santorum: ISIS Quoted Me More Accurately Than the New York Times

April 2nd, 2015 3:49 PM
Rick Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania who is known for his conservative stance on several social issues, became a target in a glossy, full-color publication produced by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria under the heading: “In the Words of the Enemy.” During an appearance on the Fox & Friends early morning news show on Wednesday, Santorum found a silver lining in the grim…

Stumped: April Ryan Can't Cite an Obama Foreign Policy Success

March 30th, 2015 9:44 AM
Not even a lifeline could have helped her . . . There was a telling moment on today's Morning Joe when Joe Scarborough challenged April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks to cite some of President Obama's foreign-policy successes. Ryan was reduced to replying "that's kind of tough. Hmm, that's a tough one . . . I have to really ponder that."    

Reich Frets ‘Press' Has Made ISIS Too Much of ‘a Big Deal’

March 27th, 2015 3:33 PM
While on Thursday’s edition of The Nightly Show on Comedy Central, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich expressed concern that the media has been covering the terrorist group ISIS too heavily and in turn has been causing the group’s ranks to swell. After being asked by host Larry Wilmore to explain why “all these westerners [are] joining ISIS,” Reich dismissed that premise by declaring that “there…

CBS Surprisingly Spotlights ISIS's 'Cleansing of Iraq's Christians'

March 23rd, 2015 3:17 PM
CBS's Lara Logan refreshingly brought new attention to the plight of the ancient Christian communities in Iraq on Sunday's 60 Minutes, as they face annihilation by ISIS. Logan pointed out how ISIS, "just like the Nazis marked the property of Jews, Christian homes...have been marked with this red symbol....When ISIS puts it on your home, you either convert to Islam, pay an extortion tax, or face…

Thanks, Hillary! Morning Joe's Middle East a Smoking Ruin

March 23rd, 2015 11:22 AM
Warning: readers are advised to hide the sharp objects before viewing the clip of Morning Joe's review of the Middle East today.  The picture painted is one of the utter failure of US foreign policy, leaving a devastated, deadly region in its woeful wake. We open with President Obama's "mission accomplished" moment from last year in which he called US policy in Yemen "successful." Cut to Jim…

CBS Touts Obama Slamming GOP Letter to Iran, Blaming Bush for ISIS

March 17th, 2015 9:03 AM
On Tuesday, CBS This Morning introduced its coverage of the ongoing U.S. nuclear negotiations with Iran by promoting President Obama blaming the rise of ISIS on the Bush administration as well as his condemnation of the Republican letter to the leadership of Iran. 

NPR Boosts British Group Blaming UK Govt. For ISIS's 'Jihadi John'

March 5th, 2015 6:21 PM
On Wednesday's All Things Considered, NPR's Ari Shapiro spotlighted Cage, a British organization that ran to the defense of "Jihadi John," the ISIS member who infamously beheaded several hostages on video. Shaprio slanted toward Cage by playing four soundbites from two talking heads from the organization, as well as a clip from the terrorist himself, who has been identified as Mohammed Emwazi.

Number of Christians Kidnapped by ISIS Soars; CBS and NBC Yawn

February 26th, 2015 11:54 PM
News concerning the mass kidnapping of Christians by ISIS in Syria worsened on Thursday with reports from multiple human rights groups that raised the initial number of those taken from 150 to now at least 220. If you watched the network evening newscasts, though, you would not have known that if you had tuned into CBS or NBC. This latest case of network bias by omission comes as NBC has yet to…

CNN Guest Rips 'Victim Mentality' Justifying Islamist Terrorism

February 26th, 2015 6:25 PM
Haras Rafiq blasted the blame-everyone-but-the-terrorist mindset of many on the left on Thursday's New Day on CNN during a discussion of ISIS member "Jihadi John," who has been identified by several media outlets as Mohammed Emwazi. Rafiq singled out a British organization, CAGE, for their defense of Emwazi, who has personally beheaded several Western hostages: "I'm quite disgusted at the way…

NBC Out to Lunch on ISIS's Mass Kidnapping of Christians

February 25th, 2015 3:24 PM
As of Wednesday morning, NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover ISIS's kidnapping of up to 150 Christians from northeastern Syria on Monday. On Wednesday, Today yawned at this latest example of the Islamic extremist group's persecution of Christians. Instead, they devoted 1 minute and 13 seconds to a Slate writer's advice to parents on giving their children allowances.

NBC, Telemundo, Univision Ignore ISIS Kidnapping Christians in Syria

February 24th, 2015 9:31 PM
Early Tuesday morning, the terrorist group ISIS entered a village in northeastern Syrian and kidnapped droves of Christians with estimates ranging from 70 to as many as 150 people. For viewers that tuned into English-language network NBC and Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision for their Tuesday evening newscasts, however, they were left completely in the dark on this story as it…