Wash. Examiner: Obama Kept Reformist Muslims From Extremism Summit

February 21st, 2015 2:40 PM
President Obama is so wedded to his faulty notion that ISIS has absolutely nothing at all to do with Islamic theology that he banned a group of reform-minded Muslims from the just-concluded Countering Violent Extremism summit, the Washington Examiner is reporting today.

Daily Beast Takes Obama to Task; ISIS = Islamic Death Cult

February 20th, 2015 4:12 PM
Earlier this week I noted an excellent piece in The Atlantic examining the very real Islamic theological underpinnings that drive ISIS from the inside-out. Now The Daily Beast is taking President Obama to task for his "tap-dance around whether ISIS is 'Islamic' or not."

CBS, NBC Chide Giuliani for Going Too Far in Criticizing Obama

February 19th, 2015 9:59 PM
In covering President Obama’s refusal to refer to terrorism as Islamic extremism, CBS and NBC devoted portions of their reports on Thursday night to comments Rudy Giuliani made the day before with NBC reserving a majority of their airtime to attacking the former New York City Mayor for having “set off a war of words” and taking presidential criticism “to another level.” Andrea Mitchell declared…

Engel Rips Obama on ISIS; ‘Not a Problem That Can Be Droned Away'

February 19th, 2015 3:30 AM
While his fellow network news colleagues all but ignored any criticism of President Obama’s speech on Wednesday afternoon and his avoidance of using the term Islamic extremism, NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel ripped the current U.S. strategy for defeating ISIS during NBC Nightly News. “ISIS is spreading like a virus and months of U.S.-led air strikes don't seem to be containing…

State Department's Harf: Hey, There's a Militant Christian Group, Too!

February 18th, 2015 9:23 AM
Latest dispatch from President Obama's Department of Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ . . . Morning Joe invited the State Department spox Marie Harf on today to give her a chance to clarify what she said to Chris Matthews about the US being unable to "kill our way" out of the ISIS problem and the need to focus on the "root causes" of terrorism. After brushing off the suggestion by General…

Lefty Radio Host Suggests CSX a Greater Danger to Americans Than ISIS

February 17th, 2015 9:18 PM
Appearing on the February 17 edition of All In with Chris Hayes, liberal radio talk show host Bob Kincaid essentially argued that the CSX freight-rail company was a graver threat to Americans than ISIS. Kincaid was on the program to discuss an oil-train derailment and fire in West Virginia. For his part, Hayes did not attempt to reel Kincaid in from such an outlandish statement.

'Atlantic Piece Explains Just How Islamic ISIS Is: Very Much So

February 17th, 2015 12:32 PM
The president and his acolytes in the Democratic Party and the liberal media love to rehash the trite, politically correct nonsense that ISIS is fundamentally un-Islamic because its horrendous actions are beyond the pale of what the vast majority of peaceful Muslims worldwide would ever countenance. But in a piece for the March edition of The Atlantic, hardly a right-wing publication, Graeme Wood…

Barnicle: We Can't Call It Radical Islam 'Because We're The Crusaders'

February 17th, 2015 7:23 AM
Mike Barnicle: proud member of the Barack Obama "terrible deeds in the name of Christ" school of moral blindness . . .  Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe with a protracted and impassioned plea for America—and in particular President Obama—to call out radical Islam by name. Mika Brzezinski was dubious, citing unspecified "difficult times" in the past when presidents used the wrong…

ABC, CBS Omit Copenhagen Terrorist Swearing Allegiance to ISIS

February 16th, 2015 10:41 PM
While reporting on the aftermath of the weekend terrorist attacks in Copenhagen, ABC and CBS neglected to mention in their Monday evening reports that the man believed to have carried out the attack that killed two had pledged his allegiance to ISIS and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, just prior to the first attack at a free speech event. Even though ABC’s Terry Moran referred to the attack as…

Matthews: America 'Getting Humiliated, Sounds Like We Can't Stop' ISIS

February 16th, 2015 9:13 PM
If once is an MSNBC aberration, is twice is a trend? Earlier today we reported on Ed Schultz getting surprisingly angry over the Obama administration's weakness in confronting ISIS, calling the situation a "religious war." Just two hours later, Chris Matthews sounded a similar alarm, saying "if I were ISIS I wouldn't be afraid . . . the American people are getting humiliated . . . it sounds like…

NBC Spotlights 'Evil' ISIS Atrocities Against Yazidi Women

February 16th, 2015 4:56 PM
On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Richard Engel zeroed in on an ISIS atrocity that hasn't gotten enough media attention – its sexual enslavement of women from Iraqi minority groups, especially the Yazidis. Engel interviewed two Yazidi women who escaped from their Islamist captors, and spotlighted that "ISIS is reviving the barbaric tradition of the slave trade." He later bluntly added, "There's a…

Scarborough: Radical Christianity Could Also Lead to Violence

February 16th, 2015 8:01 AM
Joe Scarborough says he doesn't want to be "torn to shreds online" for analogizing the threat of radical Christianity to that of radical Islam.  Simple solution: stop analogizing the threat of radical Christianity to that of radical Islam. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough twice suggested such parallels, analogizing radical Islamists to "ultrafundamentalist Christians who believe every single…

Vox: At Prayer Breakfast, Obama Rebuked Those Who ‘Hate Muslims’

February 10th, 2015 11:35 AM
Max Fisher writes that Obama’s comment was “so banal it could be an after-school special. That it has provoked national controversy goes to show that there is still a mainstream thread of thought in America that Islam is an inherently violent religion, that the world's 1.6 billion Muslims are somehow different, and that non-Muslims are superior human beings.”

Networks Continue Blackout of Obama Comparing Christianity to ISIS

February 6th, 2015 4:20 PM
Following zero coverage on Thursday evening of President Obama drawing a moral equivalency between ISIS and Christians, the networks continued their blackout into a second straight news cycle with no mention of it on any of their Friday morning newscasts. The evening broadcasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC combined to exclude any mention that the President told attendees at the National Prayer Breakfast…