Once Again Chris Matthews Parrots al Qaeda Talking Point

September 15th, 2014 10:13 PM
Yet again MSNBC's Chris Matthews has blamed Islamist terrorism on the stationing of U.S. troops in "the holy land" of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, echoing a talking point of the late terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

Touré Condemns Censorship of War Photo . . . Then Censors It Himself!

September 15th, 2014 6:12 PM
Can Touré Neblett not see the incandescent irony of his statement?  His show-ending rant on The Cycle today condemned the censorship of the shocking images of war. Railed Touré: "we're blocked from seeing so much of the cost of war, of the evil of war as if we are too sensitive or squeamish or unable to handle the graphic truth." Touré focused on one particular photo, taken by photo-journalist…

Daily Beast Writer: It's Okay to Merely 'Contain' ISIS

September 15th, 2014 5:30 PM
Insisting that "crush[ing]" or destroying ISIS is simply impossible to achieve, liberal Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky devoted an 11-paragraph piece entitled "Please—Let's Not Destroy ISIS" to explaining why he "wish[es] Obama had the conviction to stand up and say" that "contain[ing] [ISIS] is what we should do."

Harris-Perry Show Spat: US Soldiers 'Forced In' by Poverty

September 13th, 2014 2:02 PM
Phyllis Bennis is a defender of Iran and its nuclear ambitions, and wants Israel wiped off the map, to be replaced by a single Palestinian state. So naturally she's a Melissa Harris-Perry fave. Appearing yet again today on Harris-Perry's MSNBC show, Bennis put her radical views on display, arguing that many US soliders aren't truly volunteers, but are "forced in by poverty and lack of other…

NBC’s Jansing: Midterms Could Change if Americans ‘Rally Around' Obama

September 11th, 2014 10:23 PM
On Thursday’s NBC Nightly News, senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing provided not only spin favorable to President Obama a day after his prime time speech on ISIS, but also suggested that this could help the President in the midterm elections. At the conclusion of her report, Jansing told viewers that: "It's a war the President inherited with decisions made now shaping his legacy and…

Matthews: 'I Remain a Skeptic' About Obama's ISIS Strategy

September 11th, 2014 9:41 PM
On Hardball, Chris Matthews describes himself as a "skeptic" about President Obama's ISIS strategy.  Matthews argues that since the president has excluded American boots on the ground, we will be forced to rely on foreign partners to hold territory, yet there are no such viable forces available.

Daily Kos Blogger: Americans Should ‘Stop Being Idiots’ About ISIS

September 11th, 2014 9:30 PM
Mark Sumner argues that ISIS “represents no threat to the United States," and that America has long suffered from “shaking-in-our-boots cowardice” over terrorism which has caused us to give terrorists “exactly what they want”: a massive military response.

CNN Hounds McCain: 'Help the Administration Succeed' with New Strategy

September 11th, 2014 7:07 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan hounded Senator John McCain to back President Obama's new strategy to combat the Islamist terrorist group ISIS and help him gain congressional support: "We talk about how you are a critic of the administration. But now that there is a strategy, Senator – now that there is going to be action...how are you going to help the administration succeed now in…

NBC Touts Obama ISIS Strategy NBC Reporter Called 'Wildly Off-Base'

September 11th, 2014 5:08 PM
On Thursday's NBC Today, several hours after NBC chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel ripped President Obama's strategy to combat ISIS as being "wildly off-base," correspondent Peter Alexander promoted the commander-in-chief's Wednesday primetime address: "President Obama announced that he would lead a broad coalition to destroy ISIS....The war will be more like those in Yemen and Somalia,…

Dana Milbank: ‘Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War’

September 11th, 2014 1:57 PM
In the wake of President Obama announcing that the United States will use air strikes to target the terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank decided to go after liberals’ favorite punching bag, former Vice President Dick Cheney. In an op-ed that appeared in Thursday’s Washington Post, Milbank proclaimed “Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War.” The…

NBC’s Richard Engel Pans Obama’s ISIS Speech As ‘Wildly Off-Base’

September 11th, 2014 7:07 AM
After President Obama’s speech to the nation on Wednesday night, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asked NBC News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel what he thought of President Obama’s analogy that the U.S. strategy in fighting terrorism in Yemen and Somalia would carry over to dealing with the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in both Iraq and Syria. Needless to say, Engel was not at all pleased with…

Carney, McCain Engage in Epic Battle on CNN Over Obama and Iraq

September 11th, 2014 2:28 AM
After President Obama’s speech to the nation on Wednesday night, CNN brought on its newly-minted senior political commenator and former Obama White House press secretary Jay Carney and Republican Senator John McCain (Ariz.) to comment on what the President’s speech regarding U.S policy in dealing withy the Islamic terrorist group ISIS. However, the next eight minutes instantly evolved into a…

CBS’s Schieffer Gushes Over Obama’s ISIS Speech

September 10th, 2014 11:27 PM
After President Obama’s speech on confronting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS on Wednesday night, each of the major broadcast networks offered some brief analysis before returning to regularly scheduled programming. Over on CBS, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer anchored that network’s coverage and had nothing but good things to say in the few minutes before CBS’s coverage concluded. Schieffer…

In One Month, Ed Schultz Goes From Dove To Superhawk

September 10th, 2014 7:11 PM
Last month, Ed Schultz argued against any "military intervention at all" in Iraq. On this evening's show, Schultz said that President Obama shouldn't rule out boots on the ground and shouldn't "outsource" fighting to forces from other countries.