
Nets Gloss Over Memo Defending Intel Agencies Despite Obama Criticisms

October 1st, 2014 9:41 PM
On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks failed to report on news that an internal memo was sent to members of the intelligence community by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper praising their efforts on identifying the rise of ISIS after President Barack Obama blamed them for not doing so in an interview on Sunday’s 60 Minutes. The memo was able to be obtained by Fox…

Obama Spreads the Blame Around for Rise of ISIS

October 1st, 2014 9:25 PM
"No one should be ashamed to admit they are wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that they are wiser today than they were yesterday." -- Alexander Pope President Obama is known for wanting to "spread the wealth around," but he has now gone a step further. He is spreading blame around for his failure to notice the rapid rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

CBS Tougher On 'Bridgegate' Than Obama Blaming Intel For ISIS Growth

October 1st, 2014 10:07 AM
Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) sat down with Gayle King for an interview that aired on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning and was met with a barrage of questions over his handling of the “Bridgegate” scandal of 2013. While King accused the New Jersey Governor of blaming others for “Bridgegate,” her colleague Steve Kroft lobbed numerous softball at President Obama during their interview on Sunday’s 60…

Imams Deny ISIS's War Crimes, Islamic Faith of Beheading Suspect

September 30th, 2014 3:58 PM
On Monday's Fox News's Hannity, Islamist cleric Anjem Choudary accused the Western media and Blackwater of framing ISIS for the atrocities that the terrorist group has freely admitted to. When host Sean Hannity raised the beheading of British aid worker David Haines, Choudary contended that "the information that we very biased....I don't take my news from Fox News or the BBC. If you…

Lamest Excuse by Morning Joe Panelists for Obama ISIS Failure?

September 30th, 2014 8:36 AM
With about a month to go before the elections, let's loosen up our lever-pulling arms by inviting NewsBusters readers to vote on the lamest excuse offered by three Morning Joe panelists today for President Obama's failure to heed the intelligence about the threat ISIS posed. 1. Columbia prof Dorian Warren: congressional intelligence committees are to blame for not raising the issues with…

ABC, CBS Ignore News Intel Community Actually Warned Obama About ISIS

September 29th, 2014 9:44 PM

Throughout the day on Monday, several sources in the intelligence community disputed President Obama’s comments in an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes that aired on Sunday night that the intelligence community and Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper are to blame for not recognizing the threat posed by ISIS. On the Monday evening newscasts of the major broadcast networks, ABC World…


Scarborough Scalds FBI for Labeling OK Beheading 'Workplace Violence'

September 29th, 2014 8:36 AM
Score one for Joe Scarborough.  The Morning Joe host today unleashed a tirade against the FBI for treating as a case of "workplace violence" the beheading by a fanatical Muslim convert of a fellow worker in Oklahoma.  Scarborough lashed out at the FBI's political correctness in claiming that there was "no indication" that the suspect, Alton Nolen, was copying the recent ISIS beheadings. Said…

Gayle King To O’Reilly: Why Do You Say Things With Such Certainty?

September 23rd, 2014 11:12 AM
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly appeared on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning to promote his latest book “Killing Patton” and was met with a barrage of questions for insisting that a mercenary army needs to be established to defeat the terrorist group ISIS. During the interview, O’Reilly maintained that we need a 25,000 “man force to be deployed to fight on the ground against worldwide terrorism.” In…

ABC, NBC Ignore Leon Panetta’s Criticism of Obama’s ISIS Strategy

September 22nd, 2014 11:10 AM
Starting Friday night, CBS began previewing an exclusive 60 Minutes interview with Leon Panetta, which aired on Sunday night, where the former Secretary of Defense said he had advised President Obama to arm the Syrian rebels as early as 2012. Despite Panetta’s criticism of President Obama’s strategy to combat ISIS, ABC and NBC have ignored the story altogether despite having multiple…

Kerry Tells MSNBC: Islamic State Not Driven By... Islam

September 22nd, 2014 9:19 AM
Could the "Islamic" in "Islamic State" be a clue?  Not for John Kerry.  Appearing on today's Morning Joe, our clueless Secretary of State insisted that what drives ISIS is a "radical, extremist, cultish" philosophy, but not—perish the thought!—a "religious attitude." Kerry was of course echoing the analysis of that noted theologian, Barack Obama, who two weeks ago declared that ISIS is "not…

Tapper to Jay Carney: Be 'Frank' About Middle East; Carney Blames Bush

September 18th, 2014 6:01 PM
On Wednesday's The Lead, CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pull former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney out of acting like an apologist for President Obama. Tapper turned to his guest, who had just spent an entire segment defending his former boss's ISIS policy, and asked, "What is the difficulty in getting Arab allies to kick in with military assistance? Jay, you don't work for the White House…

Dempsey Opens Chance of Troops In Iraq; Nets Rush to Cover For Obama

September 17th, 2014 12:55 AM

On Tuesday night, the major broadcast networks worked to quickly remind viewers that President Barack Obama has promised that no United States combat troops will be on the ground in the Middle East to fight the Islamic terrorist group ISIS despite congressional testimony by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, on Tuesday that U.S. troops returning to Iraq could…


Hayes: Concerns Over Terrorist Border Infiltration Just 'Girl Talk'

September 16th, 2014 9:42 PM
Paging the MSNBC PC police! On his All In show this evening, Chris Hayes used some indubitably un-PC language to dismiss concerns that ISIS or other terrorist groups might be infiltrating across our porous southern border. Huffed Hayes: "in the years since September 11, there have been occasional stories of this type. Sort of, a kind of girl talk mash-up of the fear about the border and the fear…

Boston Globe Reporter: ‘Bush Had No Coalition’ For Iraq War

September 16th, 2014 12:15 AM
In a conversation on Twitter with Fox News Channel (FNC) contributor Richard Grenell, Boston Globe reporter Bryan Bender continued the media’s double standard of slamming then-President George W. Bush’s international coalition for the Iraq War and President Obama’s current coalition for fighting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS.  Writing in a tweet addressed to Grenell, Bender stated that “Bush…