TV News Buries Trump's Defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria

October 23rd, 2018 8:15 AM
On network evening broadcasts, the President and his administration have received virtually no credit for this achievement. Since Inauguration Day (January 20, 2017), the three network evening newscasts have spent more than 10,000 minutes on the Trump presidency, and only 33 minutes (0.33%) involved the administration's handling of the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

ABC, NBC Ignore ISIS Member Arrested in U.S., Infiltrated as a Refugee

August 16th, 2018 11:33 PM
On Wednesday, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force raided an apartment in Sacramento, California and arrested Omar Ameen, a man wanted in Iraq on charges he murdered a police officer while flying the ISIS banner. Court documents reportedly show that he snuck into the U.S. by lying his way through the refugee vetting system, something liberals suggested was impossible. To apparently preserve that…

ABC, NBC Skip CBS Scoop that Toronto Attacker Visited ISIS Websites

July 24th, 2018 8:49 PM
Tuesday afternoon, broke a big scoop concerning the Sunday night mass shooting up in Toronto, Canada that left two people dead and 13 wounded. According to the piece on their website, the attacker frequented ISIS propaganda websites and may have lived in the Middle East for some time.

Media Are Silent as Pope Draws Attention to Christian Genocide

July 9th, 2018 4:49 PM
One of the left’s biggest weapons is identity politics, and the media will continually ignore facts to keep this weapon functional. This is especially true regarding Christians, whom the media label as bigots and oppressors. They can never be seen as victims and so the media report accordingly.

NYT Chides D.C. Bible Museum, Suggests Critics of Islam as Bad as ISIS

November 19th, 2017 3:11 PM
The New York Times jabbed at Christians and conservatives in two articles Saturday related to museum exhibitions. Emily Cochrane nitpicked the new Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., while an art critic looking at a Paris exhibit on the history of Christians in the Middle East suggested the French populist Marine Le Pen was as bad as the jihadists of ISIS.

WATCH: The Best Terrorist Takedown You'll See on TV This Week

November 7th, 2017 12:58 AM
NBC’s The Brave continues to show us not only the clearly awesome actions of military members but the global context as well. In yet another display of unashamed pride for service, the latest episode takes on the truly despicable enemy of Islamic terrorism in the West.

NYT Turns ISIS Report on Trump, for Not Mentioning Attacks on Muslims

August 16th, 2017 6:07 PM
The New York Times' Gardiner Harris came up with a Trump-centric spin on an annual report about religious persecution worldwide, which this year focused on the terrorists of ISIS, in his Wednesday report “Islamic State Criticized As Persecutor In U.S. Report.” The text box: “Singling out ISIS in a study of threats to religious freedom.” Harris had some other threats in mind: The Trump…

Big News Stories Hidden Behind Nets' Iron Curtain of Russia News

July 19th, 2017 5:22 PM
The broadcast networks' obsession with all things Russia continues: Over the last ten days (July 9 to July 18, including weekends), the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have devoted nearly two hours (114 minutes) to the ongoing probe of potential 2016 collusion -- far more airtime than they devoted to any other political topic.

Yazidi Leader Reports ISIS Cannibalism: ‘We Cooked Your One-Year-Old'

June 28th, 2017 5:52 PM
While feminist media continue to lament the so-called “war on women” in America, the real war is happening abroad – especially in ISIS-controlled regions of the Middle East. In one of the most horrific examples of the terrorist group’s violence yet, a starving Yazidi woman was held captive without food for three days, before being offered a plate of rice and meat. After consuming the meal, she…

Lebanese Christians Lament Their Plight: ‘No One Knows About It'

June 28th, 2017 2:50 PM
It’s been one year since the Lebanese Christian village of Qaa was targeted by eight ISIS suicide bombers – an atrocity that killed five and wounded 32. Had this horror happened in the west, it would have garnered copious media coverage. But the American network news shows didn’t mention it.

Diplomat Warns ‘Inadequate Awareness’ of Today’s ‘Genocidal Efforts'

June 28th, 2017 10:23 AM
History repeats itself. And, today, it’s playing out in the “parallels” between the Middle East and Armenian Genocides. According to one former U.S. ambassador to Armenia, the ISIS genocide against Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East is strikingly similar to that which Armenians faced over a century ago.

Mark Hamill Cheers MSNBC Liberal for 'Kicking Breitbart Butt'

June 18th, 2017 7:30 PM
After MSNBC counterterrorism analyst Malcolm Nance confronted Breitbart editor Alex Marlow on Friday's Real Time show, demanding that he retract an article from last April which accurately highlighted Nance "nominating" a Donald Trump property for a terrorist attack, actor Mark Hamill was so impressed with the liberal MSNBC analyst that the Star Wars icon praised him on Twitter and dubbed him a "…

Nets Practically Ignore Three Week ISIS Siege in Philippines

June 12th, 2017 4:54 PM
Marawi, a predominantly Muslim stronghold on the heavily Catholic island of Mindanao, has been racked by ISIS-inspired terrorism and violence since May 23. Yet, in the three weeks since that date, the big three networks have spent a mere 25 seconds discussing the conflict on-air.

NYT's Weisman: Don't Report ISIS Claiming Credit for 'Small' Attacks

June 10th, 2017 10:13 AM
The idea that reporting the facts about terror attacks encourages more terrorism — an idea ridiculously advanced by the likes of former Secretary of State John Kerry during the Obama administration — has apparently gained some traction in the establishment press. On Tuesday, bothered by a "FOX NEWS ALERT" (in, oh my gosh, all caps) that "ISIS claims responsibility" for the hostage siege in…