
Nets Focus on Comey, Ignore Mosul Civilian Death Spike

June 9th, 2017 3:05 PM
According to the BBC, the past two weeks have been bloody ones in the ISIS-controlled city. Although Iraqi forces have been able to recapture Mosul’s eastern section, nearly 1,000 ISIS militants and 100,000 civilians remain in the west. While attempting escape, many of the latter have been shot down and used as human shields by ISIS snipers. Since May 26, 231 civilians were murdered in what the…

House Condemns Genocide; Acts to Bring Aid, Justice to ISIS-Persecuted

June 7th, 2017 6:30 PM
Even while the big three broadcast networks have been reticent to use the word “genocide” to describe the Islamic State’s assault against Christians in the Middle East, Congress has moved far beyond talk. At a press conference this morning, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) commended the House for its swift and unanimous passage of H.R. 390, a bill he sponsored to bring practical aid to the persecuted and…

Nets Cover Manchester 20x More Than Ongoing ISIS Raid in Marawi

May 30th, 2017 4:43 PM
The ISIS cancer is slowly metastasizing into Southeast Asia, but you wouldn’t know it from the lack of big three network coverage. While last week’s terrorism in the Philippines got a total of one mention from ABC’s Good Morning America, the Manchester bombing was mentioned in twenty different network broadcasts. 

Wake Up, CNN: Griffin Channels ISIS, Holds Up Fake Severed Trump Head

May 30th, 2017 2:50 PM
In a photo shoot leaked on Tuesday afternoon by TMZ, far-left lewd comedian Kathy Griffin posed with a bloodied, fake severed head of President Donald Trump in the same vein ISIS fighters would in videos showing the beheading of their prisoners.

ABC Worries About ‘Anti-Islamic Backlash’ After Deadly Terror Attack

May 23rd, 2017 10:23 AM
Twenty-two people are confirmed dead and dozens more injured, after a suicide bomber set off a bomb in a concert arena late Monday night in Manchester, England. Even more sickening is the fact that thousands of young children and teens were at this concert. Despite the horrific nature and impact, ABC was eager to downplay the motive behind the deadly attack. In fact, ABC was more worried about…

Sen. Lankford: Christian Genocide Coverage 'Very Disheartening'

May 12th, 2017 2:04 PM
On Thursday, at the World Summit for the Defense of Persecuted Christians, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) warned of the growing threat to religious liberty worldwide and the lack of government and media action taken to confront it. Hosted by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Lankford joined global politicians, faith leaders and victims of persecution in the first-ever international summit to…

Ominous: ISIS Cautions Muslims to Stay Away From Christian Meetings

May 5th, 2017 2:04 PM
As devastating as Egypt’s Palm Sunday bombings were, the country’s Coptic Christian community is bracing for further violence to come. On Friday morning, Newsweek reported that an ISIS leader had ominously cautioned Muslims to stay away from Egyptian Christian meetings. 

Apathy and Accessory to Genocide

April 13th, 2017 4:16 PM
The recent Palm Sunday church bombings in Egypt are part of a much larger effort to extinguish Christians from the Middle East by radical Islamists. These attacks further illustrated not only the ongoing genocide taking place, but the disgraceful efforts by the media to look the other way.  

Yazidi Activist: ISIS ‘Opened Up’ Pregnant Friend, Raped Her and Baby

April 13th, 2017 2:47 PM
While the feminist media swooned over speakers like comedian Samantha Bee and politician Hillary Clinton at a recent conference, they paid little attention to others addressing the horrors committed against women abroad – or, more specifically, the plight of women enslaved by ISIS. On Friday, Women for Women International founder Zainab Salbi interviewed two women on ISIS’ abuse of those who…

Four Political References in Season Finale of ABC’s ‘Last Man Standing

April 1st, 2017 9:33 AM
During the March 31st season finale of ABC’s Last Man Standing, Outdoor Man store manager Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) was able to work in four quips with a political nature.  Mike’s daughter, Mandy (Molly Ephraim) is fulfilling a business management class assignment by shadowing Mike for twenty hours in the store. She tests out her skills in handling conflict resolution using a textbook and jumping…

MRC’s Noyes: Media Plays ‘Definitional Games’ with Terrorist Attacks

February 7th, 2017 6:36 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox Business Network’s Risk and Reward on Tuesday and called the media out for playing games with terrorist attacks. “So they have to stop trying to play games with this and definitional games and deal with this,” he explained to host Liz MacDonald, “You know, put all 78 together, and you got yourself a major terrorist threat that has been going…

‘Madam Secretary’ Finds Way to Tie Christian Militia to ISIS

January 16th, 2017 3:07 AM
In CBS’s Madam Secretary episode titled “The Detour,” Madam Secretary’s husband, Henry (Tim Daly), is brought into an FBI investigation of a Christian doomsday cult called The Covenant of John. Raided by authorities in their operation in Bolivia while he was there, Henry has knowledge of the militia group and sets out to determine if Rex Mayfield (James McCaffery), a cult member now living in…

Keith Olbermann: President-Elect Donald Trump's Behavior 'Not Normal'

November 18th, 2016 5:01 PM
Just when we thought we'd heard the last from Keith Olbermann, the former MSNBC bomb-thrower has created an online video series for GQ magazine entitled The Resistance, in which the former sportscaster and political commentator is lashing out at President-Elect Donald Trump as “the man who was elected by a minority” whose actions are “not normal.” The fire-breathing pundit also targeted former…

AP 'Fact Checks' Trump On Syria, But Contradicts Own Report

October 10th, 2016 10:19 AM
The AP claimed in a Monday "fact check" that "Trump [is] wrong that Assad fights IS." However, this headline put it more bluntly than their write-up, which asserted that the billionaire's claim about the Syrian dictator is "only partially true...Assad considers the Islamic State group to be among numerous "terrorist" groups....Assad does use air power against IS-held areas and his ground forces…