NYT Takes Defeatist Attitude to Nice Terror, Claimed 'No Terror Links'

July 16th, 2016 1:48 PM
The New York Times is notorious for downplaying or ignoring links to radical Islam in the wake of terror attacks, and its response to the truck massacre in Nice, France mostly followed that pattern, with a news columnist shrugging off the idea the war on terror could ever be won and a front-page headline confidently stating the perpetrator was “A Surly Misfit With No Terror Links....” the morning…

MSNBC Guest on France Attack: ISIS Is ‘Punks and Thugs,’ Not Islam

July 15th, 2016 4:25 PM
Like their fellow cable news outlets, MSNBC offered rolling coverage throughout the night Thursday into Friday due to the Nice, France terrorist attack and one such guest told breaking news anchor Brian Williams that ISIS should be known as “punks and thugs and mercenaries” instead of being associated with Islam. 

CNN Uses Nice to Bash Israel, Brexit Moving 'Far to the Right'

July 14th, 2016 9:25 PM
CNN intelligence and security analyst Bob Baer was on set for the network’s rolling coverage Thursday night of the terror attack in Nice, France but he seized on the tragedy to bash Israelis for responding to similar truck attacks by going “far to the right” along with those who support Brexit and the French political party National Front. 

Daily Beast Pundit: ‘Evil,’ ‘Repulsive’ NRA May Soon Taste Defeat

June 22nd, 2016 9:21 PM
With developments including the Democratic sit-in on the House floor and Sen. Chris Murphy’s yeah-he-went-there allegation that “Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS,” it’s been a busy and highly theatrical week among anti-gun forces. Michael Tomasky thinks the tide on gun issues is turning in favor of liberals, but expects they won’t win decisively until there’s “a tragedy” -- a…

Williams: ‘I Don’t Get Excitement’ Over Censoring Shooter’s ISIS Links

June 20th, 2016 4:23 PM
MSNBC journalists on Monday responded with a shrug to the announcement that the FBI would release the uncensored transcripts the Orlando killer’s 911 calls (after initially redacting parts). NBC justice correspondent Pete Williams could not figure out what the big deal was: "I must say, I don't get the excitement about all of this because we already knew what was in the redactions.”

NYT Pities Muslims Robbed of Ramadan, Goes After GOP Not Saying 'Gay'

June 19th, 2016 8:30 PM
After the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9-11, New York Times reporter Liz Robbins found time to pity some Muslim high school students who had their feelings hurt, on the front of Saturday’s edition: “Young New York Muslims, Robbed of a Respite.” Another article left no mistaking which political party was on the right side of the issue: "President Obama called it both 'an act of terror…

Rolling Stone Writer: NRA ‘Greatest Threat to Our Homeland Security’

June 19th, 2016 6:27 AM
Omar Mateen claimed at various times to be aligned with terrorist groups including ISIS, Hezbollah, and the al-Nusra Front. Tim Dickinson does not consider any of those bloodthirsty outfits “the greatest threat to our homeland security today.” That description, Dickinson argues, best fits the National Rifle Association. “The NRA's unhinged gun advocacy,” he wrote in a Wednesday article, “has…

Daily Kos Writer: Only ‘Idiots’ Think Saying ‘Radical Islam' Matters

June 17th, 2016 8:52 PM
In a Monday piece, the writer who goes by Doctor RJ dismissed opponents of the PC agenda as “white conservatives” who believe they’re being victimized by “a thought-policing left,” whereas in reality “this is not a situation where people are being silenced from expressing an opinion.” As the Doctor sees it, “When we break the political correctness argument down, it’s really about idiots wanting…

After Smearing Christianity, CBS Notices Brutality of Islam to Gays

June 16th, 2016 12:54 AM
Roughly 24 hours after attacking Christianity as contributing to the Orlando terror attack on the gay night club, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News did their due diligence in devoting a full segment to how a slew of Islamic countries punish anyone who is or suspected of being gay with death. 

NYT Rips Trump Playing to Demagogic Fears, Claims Motive 'Unknowable'

June 15th, 2016 11:29 PM
The New York Times despises Donald Trump's use of the issue of Islamic terrorism during his run for president. Patrick Healy and Thomas Kaplan's front-page story accused Trump of "a classic tactic of demagogy" in “Old Political Tactic Is Revived: Exploiting Fear, Not Easing It," while new writer Max Fisher went to amazing lengths to suggest there's some doubt as to the killer's motive in “Trying…

NYT's Cowardliness on ISIS Turns Repellent; Trump Foments 'Genocide'

June 15th, 2016 5:47 PM

The New York Times lead editorial Wednesday on the Orlando massacre, “The Threat to Gay Americans,” was notable both for the words it did contain – names of Republicans who the Times repugnantly held responsible for fostering the hatred that led to the mass murder – and for the words it didn’t contain: “Radical Islam.” That’s despite Omar Mateen, the actual mass murderer, calling a local TV…

Needed: A declaration of war

June 15th, 2016 11:38 AM
Credit President Obama for finally using the words he has desperately tried to avoid during his presidency. He correctly called the mass shooting in an Orlando gay nightclub Sunday morning, which killed 49 and injured 53, "an act of terror." It was, writes The New York Times, the "deadliest attack on a gay target in the nation’s history."

Bernstein Warns: Trump Will Inspire ‘an Anti-Muslim Pogrom’

June 15th, 2016 8:10 AM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, liberal CNN political commentator Carl Bernstein chided Hillary Clinton and other Democrats for "parsing" on the words "Islamic terror" and warned that Donald Trump will inspire an "anti-Muslim pogrom" in the U.S. unless Muslims have a Million Muslim March against terrorism.

NYT's Rote Reaction to Islamic Terror: Gun Control, 'Demagogic' Claims

June 13th, 2016 4:12 PM
The New York Times reacted to the Islamic terror massacre in Orlando in predictable fashion, with muted gun control editorials in its news reports and warnings to Donald Trump not to “demagogue” the issue of radical Islam. Omar Mateen, who claimed loyalty to ISIS and went on a rampage at a gay nightclub in Orlando, killing 49, declared allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call. Yet some Times…