
NewsBusted Series Finale: Thanks for a Great Nine Years!

May 31st, 2016 10:52 PM
As Jodi Miller announces in the video below, the May 31, 2016 episode of NewsBusted marked the final edition in a great nine years providing NewsBusters readers with a humorous take on the week’s top stories. This post features the final episode, with a special thank you message from Jodi herself, as well as links to the archive of past episodes.

Twitter's Traitors

May 11th, 2016 2:31 PM
Social media giant Twitter's got 99 problems, yet the politically correct company is far more worried about the "optics" of cooperating with federal agents trying to stop jihadist plotters online. Hashtag it: #TwistedTwitterPriorities.

CNN's Cooper Invokes 'Jewish Extremists' As Argument Vs. Muslim Ban

May 3rd, 2016 12:54 AM
On Monday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, after New York magazine's Andrew Sullivan slammed Donald Trump's proposal for a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants, host Anderson Cooper grasped at straws to suggest an equivalence with banning Jews because "Jewish extremists" have "committed acts of terrorism against Israeli leaders" as he pushed back against conservative CNN commentator Kayleigh McEnany's…

Daily Beast Asks: 'Could Legalizing Pot in Europe Help Stop ISIS?'

April 20th, 2016 6:42 PM
An Italian anti-Mafia prosecutor wants to make marijuana use legal in an effort to cut off profits for ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) streaming in from its drug trafficking through Libya, according to an article posted on Wednesday by Barbie Latza Nadeau, Rome bureau chief for the liberal Daily Beast website. “It's well known that ISIS leaders are are punishing those who use…

Pelley Frets to Kasich He’ll ‘Tear Out ObamaCare,’ Send U.S. ‘to War'

April 12th, 2016 8:31 PM
As part of an interview with GOP presidential candidate John Kasich that aired on Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley fretted that Kasich might “tear out ObamaCare, root and branch, start all over again” and signal to the American people that they will be “going to war” to defeat ISIS. 

NYT's Kristof Minimizes Terror: Brussels' Real Danger Climate Change?

March 26th, 2016 5:56 PM
Nicholas Kristof’s Thursday New York Times column is yet another grossly timed, tone-deaf, inappropriate attempt to minimize Islamic terrorism and change the subject, “Terrorists, Tubs and Snakes.” The text box: “Brussels just survived bombings, but it could fall to climate change.” Kristof has made a bad habit of such callous columns that go to ludicrous lengths to contextualize the terrorist…

NYT's Brussels Reaction: Sanctimonious Soft-Pedaling of Islamic Terror

March 22nd, 2016 7:36 PM
Americans woke up to horror -- the deadly bombings in Brussels, for which Islamic State has claimed responsibility. Even after the capture, there were ominous hints about Brussels’ continued vulnerability in Tuesday’s New York Times, in a story by Alissa Rubin which went to press before the latest terror. Yet Rubin still managed to downplay the insular, hostile, terrorist-breeding ground nature…

Brian Williams Slams State Dept. Spox for Arguing ISIS Is on the Run

March 22nd, 2016 6:55 PM

During the 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC’s live coverage concerning the terror attacks in Belgium, breaking news anchor and former NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams shot back at State Department spokesman John Kirby when Kirby claimed that the attacks in Brussels illustrate why Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS are on the run.


Networks Yawn at ISIS Inspiration for California Stabbing Spree

March 18th, 2016 5:09 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts on Friday all failed to cover the FBI's revelation on Thursday that Faisal Mohammad, a University of California, Merced student who went on a stabbing spree in November 2015, was inspired by ISIS. Instead of covering this development, ABC's Good Morning America devoted one minute and 25 minutes to a proposed regulation in San Francisco against "man-spreading…

Maher Calls Cruz 'Creep' and 'Liar,' Likens Rubio's Religion to ISIS

January 31st, 2016 11:48 PM
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, GOP presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were both on the receiving end of HBO comedian Bill Maher's latest anti-conservative vitriol as he called Cruz a "creep" and a "practiced liar" while comparing Rubio's religious beliefs to those of the terrorist group ISIS.

Vox Writer: GOP Candidates ‘Living In a Fiction’ Regarding Jihadism

January 16th, 2016 12:07 PM
During the 1980s, a favorite talking point of liberals was that President Reagan tended to confuse movies with reality. In a Friday article, Zack Beauchamp accused a current Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, of doing something similar, and alleged that the GOPers who took part in Thursday’s prime-time debate stand for a “view of the world [that] is as much a work of fiction as” Michael…

Green Beret/UFC Fighter Threatened by ISIS; You'll Love His Response

January 15th, 2016 3:49 PM
ISIS has made a habit of targeting Americans. Though this time it appears the “JV squad” has picked a fight with the Varsity.

Kelly Obliterates Lib Media, WH for Moving on from ISIS Attack on Cop

January 12th, 2016 2:26 AM
Leading off Monday’s Kelly File on the Fox News Channel (FNC), host Megyn Kelly took the liberal media and the Obama administration to task for having all but moved on from the January 7 attack by an ISIS-inspired Muslim on a Philadelphia police officer with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest downplaying the event hours earlier to ABC’s Jonathan Karl.

Fusion Poses Radical Q's to Hillary on Reparations, ‘White Terrorism’

January 11th, 2016 11:38 PM
If the sex education question to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders didn’t already set the tone in Monday night’s Iowa Brown and Black Forum on Fusion, the questions grew even more asinine during Hillary Clinton’s portion when questions on race ranged from hyping the dangers of “white terrorism and extremism” to what white privilege meant to her to the need for reparations.