
Matthews Praises Injured Philly Cop, Fails to Mention ISIS Angle

January 11th, 2016 8:41 PM
While he deserves some credit for devoted his "Let Me Finish" closing commentary segment to praising Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett, Hardball host Chris Matthews curiously excised any reference to the fact that the attacker, Edward Archer, told police he was motivated by his allegiance to ISIS and his hatred of police for, in Archer's view, upholding laws that counter the teachings of…

NBC Drops Covering Iraqi Refugee Arrests; Led With It On 'Today'

January 8th, 2016 10:58 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News failed to cover the arrests of two Iraqi refugees in Texas and California on terror charges. This omission came hours after the network's morning show, Today, led their broadcast with the story. The same evening, ABC and CBS's evening newscasts both covered the arrests of Aws Mohammed Younis al-Jayab and Omar Faraj Saeed al Hardan, who are accused of having connections…

New York Times Chides GOP’s ‘Bad and Ugly’ Focus on Islamic Terror

January 6th, 2016 12:05 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters took a testy tone on Tuesday with Republican presidential candidates who dared raise substantive concerns about the Obama administration’s ineffectual response to the Islamic terror threat: “Republicans Turn Up Heat in Iowa as They Set Aside Good for Bad and Ugly.” The text box read: “A new mood for the new year among the G.O.P. contenders.” Actually, it’s…

ABC News: Hillary 'Predicted' ISIS Would Use Trump in Video

January 2nd, 2016 8:55 AM
On Saturday's Good Morning America, co-host Dan Harris suggested Hillary Clinton "may actually have been right" about Donald Trump turning up in ISIS videos. And during the subsequent segment, reporter Mary Bruce said Hillary "predicted" Trump "would" be used in ISIS videos. There's only one hitch: Hillary hadn't "predicted" what ISIS "would" do. On December 19th, during a Democratic debate,…

Zakaria: Obama Thinks Cable News 'Massively Exaggerates' ISIS Threat

December 19th, 2015 4:26 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, during a discussion of President Barack Obama's news conference, CNN's Fareed Zakaria downplayed the threat to the U.S. posed by ISIS as he forwarded the President's view that ISIS "does not pose an existential threat," noting that President Obama "often points out that gun violence takes many, many more people" in the U.S. than radical…

New Republic Writer: GOP Anti-Terror Ideas ‘Beyond Xenophobia’

December 19th, 2015 11:49 AM
Debbie Wasserman Schultz may not want you to know about it, but there’s a Democratic presidential debate on Saturday evening, and Beutler believes that the candidates therein “would be doing the country a service by placing the right wing appeal to paranoia in its proper context—and then rejecting it forcefully.” In a Friday piece, Beutler described this week’s Republican presidential debate as…

NYT Flushes Obama’s Damning ‘Cable TV’ Admission From S.B.Terror Story

December 18th, 2015 12:18 PM
President Obama spoke off the record to news columnists, in a defensive response to Republican criticism that he has seemed passive and uninterested in the face of Islamic terror attacks against the United States. In a news story about the meeting New York Times reporters Peter Baker and Gardiner Harris revealed this damning admission from the president: "In his meeting with the columnists, Mr.…

NBC's Mitchell Claims 'A Lot of Discrimination' Against Muslims

December 17th, 2015 9:56 PM
Nearing the end of her MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday, NBC Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell claimed that "there is a lot of discrimination" against Muslims as she was introducing President Barack Obama's 1:00 p.m. speech. After suggesting that some of the "rhetoric" at Tuesday's GOP presidential debate was "really a recruitment tool for ISIS," she…

Tina Brown Cheers Lindsey Graham Calling Trump 'Poster Boy for ISIS'

December 17th, 2015 8:54 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's New Day on CNN, former Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown lavished praise on GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, as she pined for him to make it onto the main debate stage, and three times gushed that the South Carolina Republican "rocked." She also rejoiced over Senator Graham characterizing Donald Trump as "a poster boy for ISIS," as she asserted…

Colbert Skewers Adelson as ‘Kuato’; Meyers Jokes GOPers Support ISIS

December 17th, 2015 3:02 AM
On Wednesday, the late-night comedy show hosts gave their thoughts on the previous evening’s Republican debate and, naturally, the jokes skewed to the left. Most prominent, Late Show host Stephen Colbert trashed conservative donor Sheldon Adelson as a “part-time Kuato” (a reference to the alien in the movie Total Recall) and Late Night host Seth Meyers joked that each of the nine major candidates…

Lefty Blogger: ‘Real Winner’ of GOP Presidential Debate? ISIS

December 16th, 2015 9:57 PM
Many of the lefty writers who analyzed Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate at the Venetian suggested that had the event been promoted as if it were a Vegas show, the marquee might have read “Fright Night,” or perhaps “Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid,” given how much the candidates hyped the threat of jihadist terrorism.

MSNBC Guest: GOPers Want to 'Mass Murder Civilians' to Fight ISIS

December 16th, 2015 7:42 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's MSNBC Live, Linda Sarsour of the Arab-American Association of New York received no pushback from host Jose Diaz-Balart over her inflammatory assertion that some of the Republican presidential candidates "think they can mass murder civilians across the world" to defeat the ISIS threat. She also absurdly claimed that the U.S. killed 650,000 civilians in Iraq,…

CNN's Cuomo Stumbles, Denies 'All Jihadis are Muslim'

December 16th, 2015 1:26 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo made a gaffe regarding the religious faith of ISIS and other similar groups on Wednesday's New Day. When Senator Lindsey Graham accused Donald Trump of "playing into ISIL's hands," Cuomo replied, "Sixty percent of your party agrees with him. They think all jihadis are Muslim." Since jihad is a concept from the Islamic faith, a jihadi, by definition, would indeed be a Muslim…

GOP Strategist to Matthews: We Could Blame Your Old Boss for ISIS

December 15th, 2015 8:05 PM
Former John McCain presidential campaign advisor Steve Schmidt pushed back against Chris Matthews on tonight's Hardball when the latter whipped out his tired Bush-caused-ISIS talking point.