Joanna Weis

Politico Shocked at Positive-Thinking Americans Outside Media Bubble
April 29th, 2017 3:37 PM
The story is a revealing look inside the liberal media bubble. Over here at Politico is this headline “The Strange Psychological Power of ‘Fox & Friends.’” But it’s the sub-headline that provides the real look inside both the liberal media bubble and the left-wing mind. That would read: “Unrelenting positivity has a powerful warping effect on your thinking. So how is that affecting Viewer No…
One More Feminist Upset Over Aging Inequalities
January 2nd, 2010 9:42 AM
If you bother to read Joanna Weiss' column in today's Boston Globe, expect to get a sense of déjà . . . lu. Like untold polemics that have preceded it, "Hollywood’s burden on aging women" stamps its feet over the unequal treatment of aging in men and women.You know: male stars are allowed to age gracefully, but women must struggle ever-harder to conform to a youthful stereotype of sex-appeal.…