NYT Meets Cute With ‘Conservative’ Hoover and ‘Centrist' Avlon (Wrong)

July 13th, 2018 3:59 PM
Reporter Penelope Green feted a "cute" new politically mixed couple in nauseating fashion and with a partisan edge in the New York Times. The mischaracterizations started in the subhead: "Margaret Hoover and John Avlon: Lessons of a Post-Partisan Union -- A great-granddaughter of a G.O.P. president and a centrist CNN anchor make peace. Green led off by ludicrously labeling Hoover a “conservative…

CNN Downplays Trump Admin Exposing Some Illegal Parents as Frauds

July 11th, 2018 1:56 PM
On Tuesday evening, CNN's Wolf Blitzer seemed oblivious to the importance of verifying that illegal immigrants with children actually are the real parents after they drag the children across the desert to enter the U.S. illegally instead of simply walking into a legal port of entry, as the CNN host pressed HHS Secretary Alex Azar over why the Trump administration has not reunited children with…

Toobin Frets Over Kavanaugh on Abortion, Gays; Work for Ken Starr

July 10th, 2018 10:09 AM
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, during discussions of President Donald Trump selecting Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court, CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin again fretted over the possibility that the Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and allow discrimination against homosexuals.

CNN's Avlon Says Trump Rhetoric Is 'Ratcheting up Threats'

June 29th, 2018 12:07 PM
On Friday’s edition of New Day, CNN chief political analyst, John Avlon presented his commentary on the recent Capital Gazette shooting. In his analysis, Avlon appeared to suggest that President Trump’s rhetoric towards the American news media was in some way responsible for the shooting saying, “And this rhetoric, while not directly responsible, is really ratcheting up threats against…

Toobin Frets Gays Will Be Barred from Restaurants After Kennedy Loss

June 28th, 2018 1:02 PM
On Thursday's New Day, liberal CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin continued freaking out over Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement as he not only renewed his predictions of Roe V. Wade being overturned, but he also forecast that religious conservatives who own businesses would bar gays from patronizing their restaurants and hotels. Liberal CNN co-host John Avlon left open the…

CNN Frets Sessions Calling Out Liberal Hypocrisy on Separating Kids

June 27th, 2018 1:32 PM
On Wednesday's New Day show, co-hosts John Berman, Erica Hill, and John Avlon took time to fret over a clip of Attorney General Jeff Sessions insightfully pointing out the hypocrisy of liberal elites who have gone wildly over the top in attacking the Trump administration for separating illegal immigrants from their children, as required by law.

Even CNN’s ‘New Day’ Found Time for Maxine Waters’s Deranged Rant

June 25th, 2018 2:26 PM
While ABC’s Good Morning America was asleep at the wheel on Monday morning having failed to cover California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters’s call for Americans to physically confront members of the Trump administration, CNN’s New Day miraculously found nine minutes and 43 seconds for Waters.

CBS/CNN Panels: Totally Fine to Take Trump's Comment Out of Context

May 20th, 2018 2:58 PM
As has been stated previously, the liberal media made total fools out of themselves last Wednesday night when they rushed to claim President Trump had slammed all immigrants as “animals.” And when the video of the full context came out, nearly all of them issued corrections and retractions. Yet despite the media’s own retractions, panelists on CBS’s Face the Nation and CNN’s Reliable Sources…

Surprise: CNN's Mudd Rips Kamala Harris For Treatment of Haspel

May 11th, 2018 3:45 PM
Rarely does a CNN panelist come out swinging in defense of a Trump administration nominee while going after a Democratic Party senator. But on Wednesday, CNN's Philip Mudd, who like most on-air personalities at the network has been harshly critical of the Trump administration and its officials, reacted strongly to harsh questions California Democrat Kamala Harris directed at Trump CIA nominee…

CNN Media Panel Fears Fox News Is Controlling the Government

April 22nd, 2018 4:23 PM
Deep in the bowels of the internet, you’ll find conspiracy theorists who believe lizards are in control of the government, but on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” you’ll find people who believe the government is run by a Fox. Fox News that is. It has been a growing concern among left-wing media hacks that, since President Trump took office, conservative media now had the access and influence President…

CNN Finds It Shocking That Trump & Cruz Made Up After Campaign Ended

April 20th, 2018 9:16 PM
On Friday's Wolf show, CNN host Wolf Blitzer and liberal CNN political analyst John Avlon made a big deal out of the fact that Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been willing to lavish praise on President Donald Trump despite their presidential primary contest -- as if two politicians of the same party making up after running heated campaigns against each other were somehow unprecedented. In fact,…

CNN Panel Members Unanimously Slime: Fox News Is 'Not News'

April 18th, 2018 12:42 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of whether conservative FNC host Sean Hannity should have divulged earlier that he has an association with Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen, there seemed to be unanimous agreement that Fox News is "not news."

CNN Paints 'Fox & Friends' Segment as Racist

April 2nd, 2018 5:22 PM
To CNN's horror, President Trump unleashed a series of new tweets Monday morning, picking up where he left off in his "tweet storm" on Sunday. As she briefed the anchors of New Day, White House Reporter Kaitlan Collins could not tell if "these tweets actually represent a change in policy for this President or if they’re just simply him venting after watching cable news."

CNN Mocks POTUS for Hanging Out With Fox News Hosts

April 2nd, 2018 12:01 PM
During Monday's edition of New Day, a discussion ensued about President Trump's most recent "tweet storm" where he addressed the hot button issue of DACA. CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins said that the President's meetings with Fox News hosts over the weekend plus "hard-liner" Ann Coulter's "recent media tour calling Trump a disappointment" as the rationales for the tweet storm.