
Surprise: NYT's Blow Admits Smollett Could Be an ‘Insane’ ‘Psychopath’

February 18th, 2019 2:57 PM
CNN’s New Day provided more tone deafness Monday morning on the part of the establishment media in reaction to reports that actor Jussie Smollett orchestrated and staged an early-morning attack against him last month in Chicago. But there were some surprising takes, most notably New York Times columnist Charles Blow admitting that, if reports are true, that makes Smollett an “insane” “psychopath…

CNN Swoons for ‘Fresh’ ‘Energy’ Inside ‘Force of Nature’ Cory Booker

February 1st, 2019 1:48 PM
Along with California Democrat Kamala Harris, it’s becoming evident that, at this early moment in the 2020 presidential campaign, fellow Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) has become a liberal media darling and that was on display on New Day moments after his Friday morning announcement. In a 12-minute stretch, CNNers marveled at the “energy” and “freshness” emanating from such a “force of nature” that “…

CNN, Politifact Downplay 2,000 Homicides Committed by Illegals

January 17th, 2019 10:59 PM
On Thursday's New Day show, CNN's John Avlon presented another of his infamous "Reality Check" segments which is more akin to liberal spin than an actual effort to clearly inform viewers about the issues. The CNN analyst argued against a border wall as he cited Politifact to dismiss claims of 2,000 homicides being committed by illegal immigrants in one year being reported by ICE for FY2018.

Camerota: ‘Shame on’ Dems If They Don’t ‘Seize’ on Shutdown Impasse

January 14th, 2019 3:10 PM
Our friends at Grabien spotted a solid example on Monday morning’s New Day of CNN bias as co-host Alisyn Camerota asserted that it’ll be “shame on” Democrats if they “can’t seize on” the President’s “waffling” during the government shutdown, adding that “this is their moment.” Yikes. It sounds like she was trying to be a coach giving her players a motivational pep talk before playing in a…

Cable News Repeats Myth Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Citizens

January 9th, 2019 4:17 PM
Between Monday evening and Wednesday morning, a significant number of journalists and regular commentators across CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News have cited claims from a handful of flawed studies claiming that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than do American citizens. But, as previously documented by NewsBusters, the conclusions of these studies are highly questionable while a few…

CNN Misleadingly Claims Trump Not Required to Separate Illegal Kids

December 18th, 2018 8:15 PM
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as John Avlon hosted the show's regular "Reality Check" segment, he again demonstrated that this part of the show is more about pushing liberal spin than it is about actual fact-checking or making the audience informed as he misleadingly claimed that the Trump admnistration was not required by law to separate children from illegal immigrant parents.

CNN Hypocrites Mock Trump Fox Pick for U.N. Ambassador

December 10th, 2018 3:16 PM
CNN spent another segment on Monday’s New Day, mocking Trump’s pick of State Department spokesman Heather Nauert, to replace the departing U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley. Nauert used to be an anchor for Fox and Friends before joining the Trump administration in 2017 and was an ABC News correspondent before that.

CNN Contradicts Itself Trying to Disprove Trump on Cop Killer

November 2nd, 2018 4:45 PM
On Friday morning, as CNN's New Day show tried to prove that President Donald Trump was spreading misinformation about an illegal immigrant who murdered two police officers, CNN host Alisyn Camerota and CNN analyst John Avlon contradicted each other in the same show regarding who was President when he first entered the country as the two also ignored the possibility that liberal policies in…

Nets Paint Georgia GOP as Targeting Minority Voters w Exact Match Law

October 26th, 2018 12:01 PM
Over the past few weeks, the broadcast networks -- and especially CNN and MSNBC -- have promoted claims by Democrats that thousands of minority voters in Georgia have been discriminated against because at least 53,000 new voter registrations were put on hold as "pending" until mistakes could be corrected. But those same networks have ignored recent revelations about why those applications were…

CNN: Vote Against GOP 'Bigotry' Over Transgenders' 'American Values'

October 22nd, 2018 10:22 AM
After the New York Times shared a leaked White House memo that suggested the Trump administration would cut Obama era policies which gave special privileges and protections to those who identified as “transgender,” the media has reacted predictably with outrage. On CNN’s New Day Monday, political analyst John Avlon and hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota used the gender issue as well as the…

CNN Claims Voting Rights 'Under Siege' by GOP, Spreads Misinformation

October 15th, 2018 7:33 PM

On Monday's New Day, CNN co-host John Berman claimed that voting rights in the U.S. are "under siege" in some states controlled by Republicans as he introduced a "Reality Check" segment by left-leaning CNN analyst John Avlon. The left-leaning CNN contributor misinformed the audience by repeating misinformation about voter purge laws in states like Ohio and Georgia as he wrongly suggested that…


CNN Frets Trump Is Thwarting 'Progress' on Gay Rights

October 3rd, 2018 11:59 AM
On Wednesday morning, CNN's New Day show devoted its "Reality Check" segment to complaining that President Donald Trump has not been as liberal on gay rights as they expected he might be when he was running for President.

‘Happens All the Time’: ‘Reliable Sources’ Downplays Lanny Davis Snafu

September 2nd, 2018 6:35 PM
CNN’s already shaky credibility took a pretty big hit last week after Michael Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis came out and admitted he was the key source behind their erroneous reporting that suggested President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting in advance. Despite host Brian Stelter being on vacation, nothing was different during Sunday’s Reliable Sources with John Avlon at the helm, as he…

CNN, MSNBC Slam Ingraham Commentary as 'White Supremacist'

August 13th, 2018 5:12 PM
For much of the day on Friday and into the weekend, various hosts on both CNN and MSNBC were hard at work smearing Fox News host Laura Ingraham as someone who uses her show to promote "racist" and "white supremacist" views as they reacted to a commentary she gave on The Ingraham Angle show in which she advocated for merit-based immigration and lamented dramatic "massive demographic" changes.