CNN's Avlon: Obama is 'Prophet Figure' Who 'Presages' a Changing US

June 26th, 2015 2:09 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, during a discussion of whether it has been a "defining week" for the Obama presidency, CNN commentator and Daily Beast editor John Avlon declared that President Obama has been a "prophet figure" who "presages" the political implications of the nation's "changing demographics."

CNN Experts Insist Conservatives Don't See Jenner as a 'Human Being'

June 3rd, 2015 11:08 AM
In reaction to Bruce Jenner's transition and Mike Huckabee’s controversial comments on transgenderism and gender-neutral bathrooms, a panel of CNN experts ripped the former Arkansas governor for his supposed insensitivity. The June 2 edition of OutFront featured Daily Beast editor-in-chief John Avlon and HLN host Dr. Drew Pinsky, and they both lambasted Huckabee repeatedly by insinuating that he…

CNN: New Clinton E-Mails 'Dispute' GOP's Benghazi 'Narrative'

May 22nd, 2015 5:43 PM
Friday's New Day on CNN played up that the Hillary Clinton e-mails revealed by the New York Times "dispute the narrative that has been around for two years that she was trying to cover something up" about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, as Alisyn Camerota put it. The CNN anchor also wondered, "Isn't this the opposite of what the GOP has been saying about her – that she...tried to keep it…

CNN Panel Drops 'Clinton Scandal' Joke About Hillary's Chipotle Stop

April 15th, 2015 3:59 PM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, a panel of journalists and pundits yucked it up over Hillary Clinton's recent incognito visit to a Chipotle restaurant in Ohio, and made light of her scandals. Maggie Haberman of the New York Times joked that Clinton "dominated Marco Rubio's rollout – which was a very impressive rollout – with pictures looking like she was robbing a Chipotle." Anchor John Berman…

The Media vs. the "Radical, Right-Wing, Scary, Dangerous" Ted Cruz

April 6th, 2015 9:01 AM
This week liberal reporters welcomed Ted Cruz to the 2016 presidential race by blasting him as "hardline," "right-wing," "radical," "dumb," "scary," "dangerous" and "slimy" -- all in the first 24 hours. And: the networks hype the "growing outrage" over Indiana's religous freedom law, with one pundit saying that Republicans who came out in support Mike Pence were having a "premature intolerance…

Daily Beast Editor Likens Mike Pence to Segregationist George Wallace

March 30th, 2015 1:01 PM
On Monday's New Day on CNN, Daily Beast's John Avlon likened Indiana Governor Mike Pence's defense of his state's new religious freedom law to George Wallace's fight for racial segregation. Avlon asserted that Republican politicians "don't want to say they're in favor of bigotry. So what you get is that incredibly awkward stonewalling by Mike Pence." He added that "this puts him in the same…

On CNN, Liberal GOP Guest Blasts Ben Carson on Marriage

March 4th, 2015 7:21 PM
Socially liberal Republican consultant Margaret Hoover went on a tear against Dr. Ben Carson on Wednesday's New Day on CNN for his remarks earlier in the program on same-sex "marriage." Hoover twice attacked the potential Republican presidential candidate as "untethered to reality," due to his views on homosexuality, and for his apparent audacity to even consider running for top federal office.…

CNN's Avlon Bashes 'Far-Right' Meeting of 'Crazy Caucus' in Iowa

January 26th, 2015 5:32 PM
John Avlon unsurprisingly bashed conservatives on Monday's New Day on CNN during a panel discussion on potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates. Avlon labeled the recent Iowa Freedom Summit "the dean of the crazy caucus, Steve King's, cattle call," and asserted that the media covered the conference because "it's the place most likely for a Republican aspirant to say something incredibly…

'No Labels' John Avlon Blasts Lewinsky 'Witch Hunt' Against Clinton

October 21st, 2014 5:05 PM
John Avlon, who has modeled himself as a "no labels" moderate, acted as a liberal on Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as he gave his take on Monica Lewinsky's recent "cyberbullying" speech. Avlon praised the "so thoughtful and funny speech, and contended that "it reminds us 16 years after that constitutional crisis – that celebrity-driven scandal – the human collateral damage in that political witch…

‘The Neo-Cons’ Favorite Democrat’? CNN’s New Day Embraces Hill

August 11th, 2014 12:10 PM
Are the folks at CNN abandoning President Obama’s foreign policy? Well, yes, but only to throw praise upon former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of a likely 2016 presidential run. On the August 11 edition of New Day, a panel discussed President Obama’s airstrikes in northern Iraq and Mrs. Clinton’s comments about his often disjointed foreign policy. Reacting to Hillary telling The…

CNN's John Avlon: Ted Cruz Turning IRS Scandal Into 'Partisan Hackatho

June 27th, 2014 12:35 PM
On the June 27 edition of CNN Newsroom, a panel discussed new calls from Ted Cruz that the IRS scandal needs a special prosecutor. John Avlon of The Daily Beast wasn’t buying it, trashing the Texas senator for leading a supposed witch hunt. He also argued that the root of the problem was the Citizens United ruling, and that the real solution is more campaign finance reform. When host Carol…

Daily Beast's Avlon Slams Tea Party on CNN; Praises GOP Establishment

June 25th, 2014 4:40 PM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, The Daily Beast's John Avlon and his wife, Margaret Hoover, gloated over the recent defeats of Tea Party-backed candidates in Republican primaries. Avlon strongly hinted that the grassroots conservatives movement was full of crazy people: "Don't call it the establishment. It's the sanity caucus." Anchor Kate Bolduan wondered if former House Majority Leader Eric…

CNN's Bolduan Rips Conservative Super PAC's 'Sexist' Jab at Hillary's

June 23rd, 2014 2:45 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan blasted conservative super PAC America Rising for a supposedly bigoted attack on Hillary Clinton. The group recently attacked the former secretary of state as being out of touch: "If Hillary is going to run for president, she might be advised to take a lengthy sabbatical from her $200,000 per pop speaking tour and private shopping sprees at Bergdorfs to…

Daily Beast's Avlon Sees 'Iron Lady' Hillary in Contentious NPR Interv

June 13th, 2014 5:40 PM
On the June 13 edition of CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello and company defended Hillary Clinton from the media’s criticism of her interview with Terry Gross of NPR. John Avlon of The Daily Beast cheered that “you got a glimpse of authenticity from Hillary Clinton” in the exchange. Costello took a different route for defending Hillary [MP3 audio here; video below]: