CNN Cheerleads Budget Deal; Rebukes 'Fringe' Tea Party Dissenters

December 12th, 2013 1:18 PM
CNN hosts and analysts actively cheered the House budget deal and scoffed at Tea Party conservatives who opposed it, on Wednesday and Thursday. "I think this is great, what we're hearing here. You've got Boehner saying the fringe types, back off. We're here to do a job. We have to compromise," New Day co-host Chris Cuomo relished the Speaker's rebuke of the Tea Party on Thursday morning. […

CNN Reports PolitiFact's Coulter 'Pants on Fire,' Hannity 'Mostly Fals

October 27th, 2013 6:32 PM
Is it possible for CNN's John Avlon to at least pretend to be impartial? On Sunday's Reliable Sources, in the closing segment about PolitiFact's just announced new website PunditFact, Avlon showed three reports by the organization: one giving conservative author Ann Coulter a "Pants on Fire," another giving Fox News host Sean Hannity a "Mostly False," and a third giving MSNBC's Lawrence O'…

CNN Keeps Paddling Republicans Who Voted to Defund Obamacare

September 23rd, 2013 5:58 PM
On Monday morning's New Day, CNN continued whacking Republicans who voted to defund Obamacare after comparing them to "inmates" who were "running the asylum" on Friday. CNN contributor John Avlon said the "defund" movement has a "racket element" and is pure "fantasy." Correspondent Jim Acosta called some House Republicans "shutdown supporters" though that was incorrect since the continuing…

Ben Stein Calls CNN Nixon Film 'Extremely One-Sided

August 1st, 2013 4:55 PM
Former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein took a shot at new CNN film "Our Nixon" on Wednesday, calling it "extremely one-sided." The film will air on CNN Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET. This comes as CNN plans to roll out a film about Hillary Clinton, the maker of which is "excited" to tell of her "fascinating life and work." Stein acknowledged that the Nixon film "is a great documentary. But it's…

Perilously Liberal John Avlon to Host CNN's First Reliable Sources Wit

July 6th, 2013 11:40 AM
It appears Jeff Zucker wasn't interested in creating a more fair and balanced Reliable Sources now that former host Howard Kurtz has left CNN for Fox News. Quite the contrary, TVNewser reported Friday that the first host of the program will be the perilously liberal Daily Beast contributor John Avlon.

Read It Twice: Newsweek Predicts the Demise of Rush Limbaugh's Show

May 9th, 2013 7:15 AM
Predictions of the demise of Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio are a dime a dozen. That liberal wish has been a repeated incantation. But it’s more amusing when the demise talk comes from .... “Newsweek.” Come again? Who’s yesterday’s news? John Avlon of the Daily Beast asserts Rush Limbaugh “Bleeds Millions From His Carriers as Toxic Talk Slumps.” Ahem, nobody’s bought Rush’s show…

CNN's Legal Analyst Smacks Down CNN's Hype of Republicans Supporting G

February 26th, 2013 3:16 PM
CNN's own legal analyst scoffed at CNN's notion that 75 Republicans supporting legal gay marriage is a "big turning point" for the party. Anchor Ashleigh Banfield did her best to drum up the matter on Tuesday, for the network that has repeatedly shown a bias favoring gay marriage. "Next, a big turning point in the Republican party. 70 high profile Republicans just signed a brief supporting…'s Montopoli Says GOP Held Hostage by Tax Interests; Ignore

November 28th, 2012 1:51 PM
It’s the Republicans who are in a bind.  They’re beholden to the will of the evil genius Grover Norquist.  They’re scared to death of The Club for Growth. That's the trite liberal media narrative that's  Brian Montopoli furthered earlier this morning in a piece in which he forecast that the Republicans, and only Republicans, are in for a bruising in the coming weeks should a "fiscal…

CNN's Avlon: Bachmann Survived a 'Bad Night for Wing-Nuts

November 7th, 2012 4:11 PM
CNN contributor John Avlon dumped on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) early Wednesday morning, when he quipped that she was re-elected on "a bad night for wing-nuts." "And I mean, look, it was a bad night for wing-nuts last night, but Michele Bachmann is straight through in a redrawn district that was drawn to be more conservative," Avlon said after CNN projected that Bachmann would win re-…

CNN Panel Whacks 'Out of Touch' Romney for Horse In Olympics

August 2nd, 2012 12:04 PM
In a move out of the liberal playbook, CNN hammered Mitt Romney on Thursday for appearing out of touch because his horse is competing in the "elitist" Olympic event of dressage. "He's back here in the United States, preparing to pick a vice president, and possibly trying to avoid charges that a sport involving horse ballet might not make him the most relatable candidate for the average voter…

CNN Uses Aurora Shooting to Force Anti-Gun Agenda on Viewers

July 24th, 2012 5:45 PM
CNN used Friday's tragic shooting to force the gun control debate back into headlines this past weekend, and multiple network anchors made a blatant liberal push for further gun regulation. The advocacy began just hours after the atrocity, despite both President Obama and Mitt Romney abstaining from politicking on the day of the massacre. "America has got to do something about its gun laws.…

Newsweek Staffer Joked She'd Say to Cheney: 'Give Me My Heart Back

March 28th, 2012 4:11 PM
Brent Baker told me I only found half the story in Newsweek’s coverage of Dick Cheney’s heart transplant. Posted in the middle of the Kent Sepkowitz hit piece was Monday’s edition of their daily NewsBeast in-house video. In the first seconds, the “highlight” was Newsweek/Daily Beast assignment editor Allison Yarrow saying of Cheney: “But can you imagine being that organ donor?...I would never…

With Pictures of House GOPers On Screen CNN Rips Congress for Not Pass

March 12th, 2012 11:54 PM
CNN's Erin Burnett on Monday did a segment correctly castigating Congress for not passing a budget in over 1000 days. The only problem was that while she did this, pictures of House Republicans were shown on the screen despite the blame resting solely with Senate Democrats (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN Demeans Republicans as Drag Queens

February 7th, 2012 11:28 AM
Dismissing Missouri's GOP Primary as nothing more than a "beauty contest," CNN contributor John Avlon used an image of Republican candidates in ball gowns and tiaras to make his point. The segment aired on Monday's OutFront around 7:15 p.m. "I just want to give people time to soak in that beautiful graphic," Avlon mused as the picture of Republicans as beauty queens appeared in the background…