CNN's John 'Happy Talk' Avlon: Obama Can Talk of Recovery, Like Reagan

January 29th, 2012 9:39 PM
CNN analyst John Avlon may have worked a while back for Rudy Giuliani, but on Saturday morning, he sounded like an Obama White House spinner. On the show Your Bottom Line, host Christine Romans asked if the economy will hurt or help Obama. Avlon tried to compare Obama in 2012 with Ronald Reagan in 1984. This is dicey because the unemployment rate had plunged 3.6 percentage points from its…

CNN's Avlon Whistles Gingrich for 'Excessive Celebration' Penalty

December 2nd, 2011 3:40 PM
During Thursday's Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN contributor John Avlon flagged candidate Newt Gingrich for an "excessive celebration" penalty. Gingrich, he claimed, was letting his recent success in the polls get to his head. Gingrich's bragging from his "Newt-centric universe," Avlon lectured, could turn off potential voters as "the more Newt starts to shoot from the lip, the more he runs the…

Former Congresswoman Smacks Down Bill Maher for Calling Fox's Megyn Ke

September 24th, 2011 10:34 AM
Former Congresswoman Jane Harman called out Bill Maher Friday evening for saying Fox News's Megyn Kelly was a "blonde twink" who's "not bright." Appearing on HBO's "Real Time," Harman responded by noting that Maher had just minutes before discussed with author Ron Suskind the sexist treatment of women in the Obama White House, and then said, "I want to point out that the last time I was on…

CNN: Was Cheney 'More of a Hawk' Than We Thought

August 25th, 2011 12:32 PM
Referencing Dick Cheney's revelation in his new memoir that he urged President Bush to bomb a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, CNN's Kyra Phillips posed this obnoxious question to her panel: "Was Cheney even more of a hawk than we gave him credit for?" The upcoming release of Cheney's memoir, "In My Time," should re-ignite the media's decade-long war on the former Vice President, as he…

CBS Panel Cool on 'Far Right' GOP Candidates, 'Bush Looks Like Abraham

August 22nd, 2011 3:30 AM
As Saturday's The Early Show on CBS hosted John Avlon of the Daily Beast and conservative commentator Margaret Hoover for a discussion of Texas Governor Rick Perry and other GOP presidential candidates, both guests had skeptical views of the current field, with Avlon finding some of Perry's recent statements "sort of irresponsible," and quipping that "George Bush looks like Abraham Lincoln…

CNN's Kyra Phillips Alludes to Bachmann As 'Crazy

August 15th, 2011 5:31 PM
ESPN's LZ Granderson labeled Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) as "crazy" Monday, and CNN anchor Kyra Phillips seemed to credit his judgment. Granderson, a CNN contributor, said of a Bachmann candidacy that "the people aren't going to vote for crazy. And she [Bachmann] still registers as crazy with a lot of independents." Phillips immediately responded that "If you could go back decades, there…

CNN's John Avlon Blasts Tea Party Congressmen for 'Demagoguing' the De

July 25th, 2011 4:56 PM
Once again, Tea Party-critic John Avlon took aim at "hyper-partisanship" in Congress but focused the blame squarely on House Republicans while saving a tiny bit of blame for Democrats. In a July 25 op-ed for, he hit Republicans for walking away from a generous deal by President Obama to settle the debt ceiling debate. "We are learning that activists and ideologues pushing anti-tax…

Howard Kurtz Shocked Republicans Prefer Obama Jokes Over Those About R

June 19th, 2011 10:04 PM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, some liberal media outlets were spreading the idea that a Barack Obama impersonator was pulled off the stage at a Republican event this weekend because he was telling racial and gay jokes. Although CNN's Howard Kurtz at least figured out that the real reason Reggie Brown was yanked was because he was starting to insult Republicans, the "Reliable Sources" host…

ABC Seeks out John Avlon of the Lefty Daily Beast to Bash 'Weak' GOP

May 16th, 2011 12:13 PM
Good Morning America on Saturday looked to political columnist John Avlon of the liberal Daily Beast to bash the "fairly weak" Republican field and chide the primary process for creating "extreme" candidates.  Co-host Bianna Golodryga never mentioned the ideology of the website or of Avlon's frequent attacks on conservatives. Avlon briefly departed from his negative outlook to praise Mitt…

CNN's John Avlon Spins 'Birther' Issue Into 'Very Concerning' Problem

April 21st, 2011 3:47 PM
CNN contributor John Avlon, labeled an "independent," was all but sounding the death knell for 2012 Republican presidential hopes on CNN Thursday. Avlon took Republican criticism of notable figures such as Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann and spun it to tout that the GOP is in trouble. "This is the sound of Republicans getting nervous," Avlon ominously sounded. "It really…

Avlon On GMA: Obama's Hot Mic Rap 'Heightens His Reputation For Leader

April 16th, 2011 8:18 AM
Call me a cynic, but I've been dubious about just how accidental were President Obama's supposedly "hot mic" remarks about his budget negotations with the Republicans. Does a president who has been frequently criticized for a lack of toughness really mind being "caught" sounding muy macho? My skepticism was sharpened by GMA's report on the matter this morning.   The graphic referred to…

CNN Contributor Avlon Invokes Reagan in Pro-Gun Control Column

March 18th, 2011 6:20 PM
John Avlon again attacked conservatives, this time on the gun rights issues, in a Thursday column on Avlon bashed the "bumper sticker policies" and the "reason-free activist crowd" of Second Amendment activists. The Daily Beast writer also invoked Reagan's past support of gun control measures in another attempt to sever today's conservative activists from the former president's legacy…

On ABC, Daily Beast’s Avlon Complains ‘Obama Derangement Syndrome

March 6th, 2011 11:24 PM
 On the Sunday, March 6, Good Morning America on ABC, as the Daily Beast’s John Avlon appeared as a guest to make predictions about which Republicans will ultimately choose to run for President, he ended up complaining that "Obama Derangement Syndrome" has recently "gotten worse" and "deserves to be called out" because it is "divisive" and "unnecessary." Host Dan Harris asked Avlon about his…

John Avlon Rips 'Far Right' Social Conservatives Over CPAC on

February 9th, 2011 6:51 PM
CNN contributor John Avlon took yet another shot at mainstream conservatives in a Wednesday column on Avlon blasted the "far right" Family Research Council and other conservative groups for their opposition to GOProud's sponsorship of CPAC, and accused conservatives of being on "the wrong side of history" with homosexuals, just as they supposedly were with the "last great civil right…