NYT Op-Ed: Dallas 'Willed the Death' of JFK

November 17th, 2013 3:05 PM
The left will never get over the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, a self-described Marxist who had previously claimed to be a communist, assassinated John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The latest evidence of that detachment from reality came online Saturday evening at the New York Times, and appeared in today's print edition. Writer James McAuley, described as "a Marshall scholar…

Remembering 50 Years Since the Passing of C.S. Lewis

November 14th, 2013 4:39 PM
Corrected from earlier (see below) | Three famous men died on Nov. 22, 1963. The one getting the most attention, understandably, is John F. Kennedy. Less so the other two: Aldous Huxley, author of the futuristic novel "Brave New World," and Clive Staples Lewis. Of the three, it was Lewis who not only was the most influential of his time, but whose reach extends to these times and likely…

Tom Brokaw Unleashes Grandpa Rage at How Twitter Would Have Destroyed

November 12th, 2013 3:49 PM
In Tuesday's Wall Street Journal, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw is feeling Barack Obama's pain in an article titled "Imagine the Tweets During the Cuban Missile Crisis." The pull quote was "The JFK who charmed the press would have had a harder time in today's media world." Translation: JFK wouldn't have had as many eager myth-makers as he did. Brokaw despaired about how he was working on a JFK…

Newsroom Jokes About JFK Were Slow to Surface

November 3rd, 2013 9:25 AM
Longtime Los Angeles Times political reporter Robert Shogan died this week at 83. The Times appreciated him with the GOP consultant Mike Murphy's  title "the Colombo of American political journalism." The Washington Post obituary noted Shogan "leavened some of his books with accounts of newsroom irreverence that did not appear in the next day's paper." For example, this line about JFK:

Bob Schieffer on JFK Assassination: ‘Nothing Like This Had Ever Happ

October 27th, 2013 1:57 PM
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, it seems a metaphysical certitude there are going to be some really absurd statements made by the liberal media concerning this tragedy. I suggest none will be as preposterous as CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer actually claiming Sunday, “Nothing like this had ever happened” (video follows with transcript and…

Ann Coulter Discusses New Book With NewsBusters: Evidence Suggests Lib

October 14th, 2013 12:24 AM
On Friday, NewsBusters had the privilege of being the first organization to interview New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter about her new book, “Never Trust a Liberal Over Three - Especially a Republican.” What follows is the first part of the discussion (video follows with transcript):

MSNBC's Matthews: 'Great Irony' That Only Two GOP Senators Voted Again

August 29th, 2013 2:46 PM
Appearing on MSNBC's All In show on Wednesday, August 28, MSNBC's Chris Matthews called it a "great irony" that only two Republican Senators opposed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, an implicit suggestion that the modern GOP opposes voting rights. The MSNBC host's observation came as he recounted that many Democratic politicians in the 1960s, including friends of President Kennedy, were…

Wrong, Jesse Jackson -- JFK's Murder Had Nothing to Do With Civil Righ

August 26th, 2013 5:05 PM
Ever notice how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their divisive ideological brethren see anything and everything happening today through only one prism, that of race? It's also how they view history, even when the specific event cited had nothing to do with it. (Audio after the jump)

Networks That Yawn Over IRS Scandal Find Time for 50-Year-Old JFK Vaca

July 29th, 2013 5:34 PM
The same networks that have been minimizing and ignoring the growing scandal at the Internal Revenue Service all found time to fawn over 50-year-old footage of President Kennedy vacationing with family. A World News graphic on Sunday night thrilled, "Return to Camelot." Anchor David Muir breathlessly narrated the video to cloying, emotional music provided by ABC: "President Kennedy teeing off…

Bill Maher Rips Chris Matthews for Attacking Weiner While Idolizing Cl

July 27th, 2013 11:45 AM
Bill Maher on Friday attacked the media – particularly MSNBC’s Chris Matthews – for hypocrisy concerning how they handle sex scandals based on whether or not they like the politician involved. The HBO Real Time host correctly pointed out that the Anthony Weiner-bashing Matthews absolutely adored John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton who were both involved in far worse sexcapades than the New York…

Was Martin Luther King Wiretapped ‘Because He Was Campaigning for Ci

June 11th, 2013 6:17 PM
With attention drawn to government surveillance of citizens, some in the media are recalling that this has long been an issue.   Columnist Phil Kadner of the Southtown Star, a publication of the Chicago Sun-Times, did so in a recent column, "Do you want security or freedom?":  When Communists were suspected of conspiring to undermine our country, innocent political activists were targeted in…

RFK Jr. Condemns G. Gordon Liddy as Admirer of Hitler - Kinda Like JFK

June 6th, 2013 3:46 PM
Given that his grandfather, Joseph P. Kennedy, was one of the most notorious appeasers of the last century, you'd think Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might refrain from maligning anyone else as a Nazi sympathizer. Turns out it wasn't just Grampa Joe with a soft spot for Der Fuhrer -- so did his second eldest son and future president John F. Kennedy during trips to Germany as a young man, according…

Bozell Column: One Man's Fascination With Hitler

May 28th, 2013 11:11 PM
Here’s  a story you probably haven’t heard, unless you read Drudge or Breitbart. The Independent (U.K.) has published a story (from which I pull freely), as have a couple of Jewish outlets. That’s all I can find. You tell me if it qualifies as “news” that the “news “ media should be covering. It involves a young man who would someday become one of the best-known and most powerful men in the…

The PBS Fall Season: Black History, Latino History, Streisand, and Pil

May 16th, 2013 8:07 AM
PBS has announced its new fall schedule, and it unfolds like a reinforced liberal stereotype. It includes a "landmark" six-hour series on Latino-American history narrated by Benjamin Bratt, and a six-hour series on African-American history narrated by Henry Louis “Beer Summit” Gates, from America's colonial period "up to the present day — when America has a black president yet remains a nation…