Maher: ‘The Last Person in Texas to Get Near a Schoolbook Was Lee Ha

April 27th, 2013 10:27 AM
Bill Maher proved once again Friday that there is no floor to his indecency. As he mocked this week’s opening of the Bush Library in Dallas, Texas, during his opening monologue on HBO’s Real Time, the host actually said, “The last person in that state to get near a schoolbook was Lee Harvey Oswald” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Harvard Law Prof Charles Ogletree Gushes Over 'Generosity' of Hugo Cha

March 7th, 2013 6:50 PM
Gee, why would anyone get the impression -- GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, for example -- that Harvard Law School is fertile wetlands for left-wing politics? In Cruz's case, his suspicions are well-founded -- the man graduated from the school in the mid-1990s. For those of us who aren't Harvard alum, its faculty members often supply evidence to bolster that perception. (audio clip after page break)

Liberal Radio Host Mike Papantonio Smears Scalia Elder as Fascist Lead

March 4th, 2013 7:40 PM
I always look forward to Mike Papantonio's appearances on radio, since he invariably says something that leaves me shaking my head in bemusement and pity. Papantonio, an attorney and co-host of the "Ring of Fire" radio show, was guest hosting on Ed Schultz's radio program Friday and talking about the legal challenge to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the Supreme Court. (audio clips…

Media Hail JFK's 'Poetry,' Ignore That His Agenda Didn't Match His Wor

January 22nd, 2013 3:40 PM
With this week's inauguration, several media stories recounted past inaugural addresses. One oration prominently featured and applauded was the speech given by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. On CNN's Web site, it was listed as one of "The six best inaugural addresses."  U.S. News & World Report's site included it as one of "The 5 Best Inaugural Addresses," noting that it set "the…

WaPo Contributor Complains Media Haven’t Discussed Mormonism

October 24th, 2012 11:27 AM
You know Obama supporters are getting desperate about their candidate’s electoral prospects when they start to play the anti-Mormon card. In an October 23 opinion piece in the Washington Post, Barbara Reynolds launched a broadside against Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, arguing that he has become the “face of Mormonism” in America and complaining “I find it strange that the media are not opening…

Lies My Textbooks Told Me: Cuban Missiles and Kennedy’s Resolve

October 18th, 2012 4:08 PM
With the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis approaching and new documents surfacing about just how close to World War III the United States and the Soviet Union came in 1962, it’s interesting to look at how the incident is regarded in the media and, especially, how it’s taught as history. The Cuban Missile Crisis is commonly portrayed as a firm display of President John F. Kennedy’s…

Walter Williams Column: 'Trickle-Down' Attack on Tax Cuts Is, Always H

October 8th, 2012 12:36 AM
Dr. Thomas Sowell's "'Trickle Down Theory' and 'Tax Cuts for the Rich'" has just been published by the Hoover Institution. Having read this short paper, the conclusion you must reach is that the term "trickle down theory" is simply a tool of charlatans and political hustlers. Sowell states that "no such theory has been found in even the most voluminous and learned histories of economic…

Newsweek: Obama In Top 10 of Presidents Since Teddy Roosevelt

September 26th, 2012 4:14 PM
Despite having failed to stop let alone reverse the rising of the seas, Barack Obama has made Newsweek’s newest ten best presidents list, which gives readers a top ten of the chief executives since 1900. Newsweek, whose list unsurprisingly is dominated by liberal Democrats, gave this justification for selecting Obama in a caption in a photo slide: Picking a sitting president in a tally of…

Fineman Lauds 'Amazing Statesmanship' of Eisenhower Advising LBJ to Pu

July 15th, 2012 11:31 AM
Appearing as a panel member on the weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Huffington Post editoral director Howard Fineman - formerly of Newsweek - praised former President Eisenhower's decision to advise then-President Johnson to "carry out Jack Kennedy's agenda" in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. Fineman ended up referring to Eisenhower's advice as "amazing statesmanship and…

Camelot Magic Lives on in France Through Shrine to Pierre Salinger, En

July 11th, 2012 3:48 PM
The media mythology of Kennedy's Camelot lives on in the news pages of Wednesday's New York Times, in a puzzling tribute by reporter Ralph Blumenthal to a French village museum devoted to Pierre Salinger, the Kennedy press secretary who later served for years as chief foreign correspondent for ABC News: "Medieval French Village Echoes With the Voice Of Kennedy’s Camelot." If the French loved…

Matthews Tells Gingrich George Washington Was an Elite 'With a Couple

May 24th, 2012 6:27 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews doesn't just hate Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's money. During an interview with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Hardball Thursday, the host disparaged George Washington as an elite "with a couple of hundred slaves" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Obama Calling Fluke Reminds Chris Matthews of Kennedy Phoning Coretta

March 6th, 2012 11:42 PM
During live coverage of Super Tuesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews harkened back to a famous historical phone call from then-Senator John F. Kennedy to Coretta King, after her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was arrested, as he suggested that President Barack Obama's recent phone call to Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke would be similarly remembered as important to this year's…

Soledad O'Brien Implies That Santorum Lost Catholic Voters by Attackin

February 29th, 2012 6:03 PM
John F. Kennedy may be a hallowed name within Democrat circles, but CNN's Soledad O'Brien seemed to argue Wednesday that he is revered among Catholics too, so much so that they won't vote for a candidate who attacks him. After Tuesday night's Michigan GOP primary, O'Brien tried to get Rick Santorum's press secretary to admit that the candidate lost Catholic voters in the state because he…

Diane Sawyer 'Couldn't Believe' Santorum Challenged JFK on Separation

February 27th, 2012 8:43 PM
In the wake of new sexual revelations concerning John F. Kennedy and a nineteen-year-old White House intern, you would think media members would shy away from putting the former president on a pedestal concerning his religious beliefs. Yet there was ABC World News anchor Diane Sawyer Monday telling George Stephanopoulos of his previous day's interview with Republican presidential candidate…