
Meghan McCain: Massive Support for Voter I.D. Spells Doom for Dems

June 22nd, 2021 4:41 PM

On Tuesday’s The View, co-host Meghan McCain completely shut down fellow co-host Joy Behar’s whining about Democratic Party efforts to rig the electoral system being “doomed” to fail in Congress. Behar was particularly upset by a recent poll that showed an overwhelming majority of Americans support Republican voting reforms like requiring an I.D. to cast a ballot.


Silly Celebs Dismiss DeSantis, Bully Rand Paul and Taunt Trump

May 29th, 2021 10:00 AM

Those silly celebs were at it again this month, attacking their favorite conservative Republican targets. Actor Seth Rogen attacked “fascist” Ted Cruz for “words” that “resulted in death.” HBO host John Oliver slimed Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis as “a man with a vibe that screams ‘will flirt with your teenage friends.”’ The following are the worst celebrity outbursts from the month…


Media Heads EXPLODE When Sen. Tim Scott DESTROYS Their Narrative

May 4th, 2021 10:00 AM

Republican Senator Tim Scott caused media heads to explode when (in his response to President Joe Biden’s address to Congress) he declared “America is not a racist country.” The following is just a sampling of the most sickening attacks on Scott in the wake of his GOP response to Biden’s address to Congress


Oh, NOW the Lefty ‘View’ Hosts Find GOP’s Jenner a Threat

May 1st, 2021 12:21 PM

Four years ago, The View host hyped a possible Caitlyn Jenner presidential run. Now the liberal hosts see Jenner as a threat to a powerful Democratic governor. Liberal co-host Joy Behar last Friday denounced the reality TV star as an inexperienced Trump stooge. Discussing Jenner’s entry into the California gubernatorial recall race, Joy Behar fumed at the Republican threat to Gavin…


Celebs Rant Against ‘Lying, Cheating,’ Vote-Suppressing GOP ‘Bullies’

April 5th, 2021 9:35 AM

The hate the Hollywood Left has for the GOP was palpable this past month as they attacked conservatives for being a bunch of “lying, cheating” bullies who can only win elections by cheating.


View’s Behar: 2020 Shy Trump Voters Are ‘the Same' as Racist President

October 30th, 2020 11:58 AM

For a Halloween even edition of The View on Friday, the show’s liberal hosts discussed their fears. Shockingly, it mostly revolved around election day. Joy Behar conceded to be frightened of the so-called “secret Trump” voter. She slimed these Americans (and validated why they don’t tell people who they are supporting) by saying that any shy Trump fan will prove in 2020 they are just…

Gross: ‘View’ Star Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Flirting’ With Barrett

October 14th, 2020 4:40 PM

Apparently there’s no way a smart conservative woman can succeed unless she’s using her feminine powers to get ahead.  That’s the hateful take from View co-host Joy Behar. The arch liberal tweeted this on Wednesday afternoon: “These Republican senators (Sasse and now Cruz) are shamelessly flirting with ACB. Obnoxious.” 

Can’t Touch This! Hollywood Struggles To Hurt Amy Coney Barrett

October 13th, 2020 3:59 PM

Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett is just too good. Not only is she a God-fearing conservative with pro-life views and seven children, she’s the reached the heights of career success that most secular liberal women only dream of.


FLASHBACK: Media’s Most VICIOUS and BIGOTED Attacks on Mike Pence

July 30th, 2020 9:00 AM

The following are the worst attacks on Vice President Pence from the liberal press and Hollywood elitists.


View’ Crew Devotes 25 Minutes to Bolton, ‘Patriotic' to Vote Biden

June 24th, 2020 5:36 PM

The liberal co-hosts of The View on Wednesday used John Bolton's new book as a campaign platform to lobby for Joe Biden’s election as president. The women devoted an amazing 24 minutes and 50 seconds to Bolton’s new book, lobbying the former Trump official to vote for the Democrat as the “patriotic” thing to do against the current “mob” boss president. 


11 Hollywood Lefties Who Hate Americans Who Want to Get Back to Work

May 20th, 2020 2:30 PM
In one of the richest counties in America, hundreds of cars line up for food assistance. It’s a scene repeated around the country. But mega-millionaire actor Robert De Niro wants the economy to stay shut down, warning of “a global ecological collapse.” Business owners have been fined or jailed from New York to California just for trying to serve their customers, but to fat cat celebrities Rob…

Biden-Backing Behar Wants You to Forget THIS Defense of ‘Dog’ Clinton

May 5th, 2020 4:51 PM
Liberal View co-host Joy Behar on Tuesday defended Joe Biden against sexual assault allegations, lashing out against those who would suggest Biden step aside. She hypocritically whined about the left having to be “pure as the driven” snow unlike conservatives. The View host probably doesn’t want to be reminded of her noxious defense of “dog” Bill Clinton and of Ted Kennedy.

TOP 16: Journalists Coldly Claim Trump and GOP Want Thousands to Die

April 21st, 2020 9:00 AM
From MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace whining about Donald Trump tweeting “like a punk” while thousands die to her colleague Joe Scarborough cursing Republicans for sacrificing World War II veterans to Wall Street, the following are the 16 worst coronavirus crisis quotes by journalists from the past week-and-half.

Column: Press Briefings and Ego Bruisings

March 25th, 2020 6:44 AM
One of the more tiresome partisan polkas we’ve witnessed in the Trump years is the herky-jerky dancing around the White House briefing. First, journalists insist it’s a dangerously undemocratic practice to avoid a daily briefing. Then when suddenly there are daily briefings for a public-health crisis, journalists insist it’s a dangerous practice to air these briefings live because the president…