
Angry About Acquittal, Redoing the Russia Hoax and Pushing Dems Left

February 28th, 2020 3:42 PM
Over the past month liberal journalists were infuriated by “dark” Donald Trump’s “bizarre” State of the Union performance and his “vindictive,” “viperous” victory speech after his impeachment acquittal. Lefty hosts like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell tried to redo the Russian hoax. Meanwhile liberal debate moderators like Chuck Todd actually pushed the already-liberal Democratic…

Liberal Theron Questions ‘Instant’ Suspicion Over Her Playing Fox Star

December 17th, 2019 4:10 PM
Appearing on The View, liberal actor Charlize Theron changed her tone about playing former Fox News star Megyn Kelly in a new sexual harassment film Bombshell. The actress, who said it was “harder” playing a serial killer than the conservative journalist, can’t imagine why there is “instant” suspicion against her taking the role. 

Nets Bury Kamala Harris Laughing at ‘Retard’ Insult Against Trump

September 9th, 2019 1:28 PM

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris gleefully laughed on Friday when a voter mocked Donald Trump with what is considered a slur against handicapped people. Yet, NBC has still not covered the incident. ABC and CBS have offered scant coverage and The View hosts defended the intentions of the Democratic senator. On Friday, a man at a Harris rally asked about Trump: “What are you going…


Unforgiving Behar to Kashuv: Take ‘Gap Year to Contemplate Racism!'

June 18th, 2019 2:10 PM
View co-host Joy Behar, who has a history of saying awful things she ends up regretting, had little sympathy for Kyle Kashuv, a Parkland shooting survivor who just had his acceptance to Harvard University revoked. The move by Harvard came in the wake of the revelation that, at age 16, Kashuv made racist and anti-Semitic comments in an online forum. 

Joy Behar: Climate Change Could Prevent Joe Biden From Curing Cancer

June 14th, 2019 9:04 AM
If Donald Trump announced today that he’s going to find a cure for cancer tomorrow, liberals would whine and complain that a lot of people with medical careers would unfairly be put out of work. But when Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made such an outlandish claim, the women on ABC’s The View program applauded the promise even though co-host Joy Behar warned that accomplishing such a…

The View: Key to Getting Rid of Guns Is Going Around Lawmakers

June 4th, 2019 5:08 PM
The women of ABC’s The View on Tuesday hit far-left Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell from the even farther left, quizzing the Congressman about taking the issue of gun control “out the hands” of politicians and into those who “are not beholden to the NRA.” They also demanded to know why Swalwell hasn’t, yet, come out for impeachment. 

The View: Carson Proves Trump Runs ‘Cult of Mentally Crazy People’

May 22nd, 2019 1:02 PM
The women of The View on Wednesday angrily denounced Ben Carson for an awkward moment during congressional testimony. The Housing and Urban Development Secretary didn’t know what the acronym REO stood for and made a joke about Oreos. This prompted co-host Joy Behar to blow up: “He's also under the influence of Donald Svengali who already created this cult of mentally crazy people! I mean,…

'Textbook Ignorance': Trans Soldiers Slam Military Ban On ‘The View’

April 10th, 2019 3:29 PM
The View hosted two trans women military members on Wednesday in order to get their personal accounts on President Trump’s impending trans military “ban.” The segment obviously was sympathetic to the pair, felt the U.S. armed forces cater to their gender reassignment needs, but like most View segments, it turned into another attack on the president’s shocking “textbook definition of ignorance,”…

COLLUSION DELUSION: Media In Denial Over Mueller Report

March 26th, 2019 10:30 AM
Many in the media remain in denial about the Mueller report findings, as they’ve collectively screamed “Nothing is over, until we decide it is!” From clinging to ongoing Democratic investigations to spouting conspiracy theories about a cover-up, liberal journalists and hosts have spent the last few days refusing to accept there was nothing to their precious “Russian Collusion” dreams. The…

Disney CEO Confronted on Kimmel’s Blackface: We Consider ‘Context’

March 8th, 2019 12:14 PM
Disney CEO Bob Iger on Thursday was confronted about media hypocrisy when it comes to blackface. Two of ABC’s hosts, Jimmy Kimmel and Joy Behar, have both used blackface in the past. Yet, Iger insisted that “context” must be considered for these cases. (ABC, as a reminder, is owned by Disney.) 

Unhinged Behar Hijacks Segment to Rant About ‘Thug’ Trump: 'Shameful!'

February 28th, 2019 5:05 PM
Is there no conversation Joy Behar won’t hijack to turn it into a rant about Donald Trump? The liberal View co-host on Thursday co-opted  a conversation with actor Tyler Perry from Black History Month to ranting about the “thug” Trump. She started shouting, “It’s Shameful! It’s shameful.”

NB Year in Review: Journalists Exhibiting Trump Derangement Syndrome

December 26th, 2018 8:00 AM

This week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2018. Today, it’s a look at the media’s Trump Derangement Syndrome as we present the most over-the-top attacks on President Donald Trump. When he wasn’t being compared to tyrants like Benito Mussolini, he was being branded a traitor who sold out America to Vladimir Putin. And of course he was repeatedly tarred as a hateful…


Joy Behar and the World of Liberal Privilege

December 8th, 2018 4:00 PM
Joy Behar was furious. Furious! Why? It seems that following the death of President George H. W. Bush, View co-host Joy Behar  wanted to say something nice about the late president, and settled on a comment about his signing of an amendment to the Clean Air Act in 1990. Said she, as reported here in on NewsBusters: 

Joy Behar: Democrats Lost Senate Races Due to Gerrymandering

November 7th, 2018 7:09 PM
Joy Behar frequently puts her ignorance on display but on Wednesday's The View, she went above and beyond her usual lack of knowledge. In discussing the midterm elections with Matthew Dowd, Behar wore her constitutional scholar mantle to observe that the Democrats lost the Senate races in the midterms the day before due to gerrymandering.