The Economist Hails Crowdfunding Your Abortion on the Web

September 19th, 2014 10:12 AM
This was spotlighted on Facebook by NARAL Pro-Choice America: The Economist "Democracy in America" blog is reporting that the site GoFundMe decided it would not allow women to use their site to fund their abortions. Then the writer Emily Bobrow proclaimed that the women requesting money for these “valuable” operations are brave to withstand pro-lifers, and their abortion funding requests “turn…

Media, Planned Parenthood Hype New ‘Abortion Romantic Comedy

June 2nd, 2014 3:09 PM
Here’s a new oxymoron, even for the liberal media: abortion comedy.  Opening this Friday, writer-director Gillian Robespierre’s “Obvious Child” tells the story of an aspiring young comedian, Donna Stern, who has an abortion after a one-night stand. The film, which focuses on “self-discovery and empowerment” and the “realities of independent womanhood,” garnered endorsements not only from…

NARAL Successfully Lobbies Google to Ditch Crisis Pregnancy Center Ads

April 28th, 2014 4:45 PM
The nation's staunchest pro-abortion lobby has successfully pressed Google to take down numerous crisis pregnancy center ads, Hayley Tsukayama of the Washington Post reported this afternoon (emphasis mine):

NARAL Prez to Elle: ‘We Really Do Live in a Pro-Choice Country

March 28th, 2014 3:02 PM
Sometimes, all you can say is, “Keep telling yourself that.”  Elle’s Rachael Combe recently honored NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue as one of the “10 Most Powerful Women in D.C.” For Combe’s piece, Hogue told Elle that, “Even though states adopted 53 antichoice measures last year,” Americans “really do live in a pro-choice country.” Fortunately, the polls disagree.

Dishonest Abortion Activists Attack Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS

March 25th, 2014 3:47 PM
What do Cesar Chavez, “raped animals,” Margaret Sanger fans, and Occupy-esque mantras have in common? They were all present in front of the Supreme Court today. Hundreds of left-wing activists showed up today to attack Hobby Lobby for its objection to the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate, specifically that the Christian-owned firm pays for abortifacient contraceptives in the employee health…

Elle Places NARAL President in 10 Most Powerful Women List

March 21st, 2014 10:11 AM
Calling your opponents un-American and agitating for the most extreme pro-abortion position doesn’t just get you the attention of Daily Kos or Democratic Underground. It can get you props from a mainstream women’s magazine. Elle revealed its list of the 10 most powerful women in D.C. on Wednesday – and included NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue as one of the top picks. Hogue…

NARAL President: ‘Anti-Abortion Is Anti-American

March 7th, 2014 11:58 AM
Everybody says something stupid and offensive at one time or another. But it takes a special kind of ideologue to turn it into a speech repeated over and over. And that ideologue is NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue.  We missed it the first time she told a crowd that pro-lifers are “un-American.” That was at a Feb. 4 event in Washington, D.C. marking the pro-abortion group’s 45th… Hypes How Obama Judicial Pick Is Target of Pro-Abortion Lobb

February 18th, 2014 1:35 PM
Let it not be said that MSNBC is never critical of President Obama. When he runs afoul of the abortion lobby, the Lean Forward network will take up arms and fires a few warning shots at the White House for betraying an ally in the "war on women." "Liberal revolt over Obama judges grows," blares the teaser headline over a photo of a stern-looking Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.). "A revolt against…

NARAL President: Pro-Lifers, Tea Partiers Are ‘Lying and Cheating

February 10th, 2014 5:11 PM
Remember when you could disagree with liberals and not get smeared as extreme and/or dishonest? Me neither. It’s how the left argues – especially about abortion. During a Google+ hangout on Feb. 10, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue bashed the pro-life movement and the tea party for “lying and cheating” to pass legislation. She also asserted that the pro-life stance is “outside…

Daily Beast's Powers Reminds Libs Why It's Important SCOTUS Strike Dow

January 16th, 2014 5:46 PM
Yesterday the Supreme Court heard a case, McCullen v. Coakley, which calls into question a Massachusetts law which establishes a speech-free-zone extending 35 feet from the entrance to an abortion clinic. That law provides, however, an exemption for the speech of employees or agents of said abortion clinics, effectively serving as restriction on speech which is NOT content-neutral. To the…

Sick Joke: Comedians Sarah Silverman, Lizz Winstead Host Telethon for

November 18th, 2013 3:58 PM
Actresses, comedians, women empowerment, laughter – why it must be an abortion party! In her latest piece, titled “Hello, Texas? Abortion Rights Calling,” The Daily Beast’s Sally Kohn advertised an telethon to raise money for “abortion services” in Texas, the “land of Wendy Davis and Jane Roe.” The Nov. 18 event boasts big names, including comedians Lizz Winstead and Sarah Silverman as well…

No Media Welcome at Event to Fight ‘Stigma,’ ‘Shame’ of Abort

October 29th, 2013 9:57 AM
When is an event intended to combat “the cultural stigma and shame women are made to feel around abortion” really just an “I’m ok-You’re ok” exercise in self-justification? When you won’t let media record your celebration of infanticide. Advocates for Youth, along with NARAL Pro-Choice America, hosted a reading of stories composed by women who have had abortions at the Busboys and Poets…

MSNBC's Roberts Calls Abortion Clinics ‘Choice Providers

July 30th, 2013 1:54 PM
For years, MSNBC has made it clear where it stands on the issue of abortion in America: on the side of promoting abortion rights advocates against any restriction or regulation on the taking of unborn life. Unsurprisingly, one of MSNBC’s most fervent abortion activists is Thomas Roberts, who apart from using his daily MSNBC show to promote gay marriage, has taken it upon himself to rail against…

Wash Post Touts Pro-Abortion Study Showing Arduous 'Hurdles' for Women

July 2nd, 2013 1:02 PM
The Washington Post has a tendency of hyping pro-abortion advocates in its pages and the July 2nd edition of the paper was no different. In a 17-paragraph piece in the Metro section, author Ian Shapira lamented a study from the pro-abortion group NARAL which claims that numerous pregnancy crisis centers across Virginia refuse to provide services to women if they plan on aborting their child.…