Abortion or Bust! Pro-Choice Extremism Doomed 10-Point 'Women's Equali

June 24th, 2013 7:13 PM
A stubborn, doctrinaire insistence by hard-line abortion rights advocates that a bill titled the Women's Equality Act must not pass without language further liberalizing the Empire State's abortion laws doomed the bill to failure in the New York State Assembly, the New York Times's Thomas Kaplan reported today. Even so, the Times did its best to shield the abortion lobby -- groups like NARAL…

NBC Politics Website Omits NARAL Speaker From Tuesday Speech Roundup

September 5th, 2012 6:18 PM
Last week I noted how the NBCNews.com website considered speeches by Gov. Susana Martinez (R-N.M.), Obama co-chair-turned-Republican Artur Davis, and Staples founder Tom Stemberg to not be "notable" enough for inclusion in their "curated" follow-up posts the day after their respective speeches. Well, today, NBC Politics has a post with "highlights from Tuesday night's Democratic National…

MSNBC's Wagner: Ryan's 100% Pro-life Record a Problem; Ignores Obama's

August 14th, 2012 5:40 PM
Rep. Paul Ryan's 100 percent rating by the pro-life National Right to Life Committee and his support of the "Protect Life Act" are evidence of the Wisconsin Republican's extremism on abortion and as such, should hurt the appeal of the Romney/Ryan ticket with women voters, MSNBC's Alex Wagner argued on the August 14 edition of her noon Eastern Now with Alex Wagner program. Of course the 100…

WashPost's Henneberger Notes Pro-Life Democrats' Quixotic Struggle Aga

August 8th, 2012 12:28 PM
You will probably be able to count on one hand the number of times the liberal media will wring their hands this campaign season about the national Democratic Party being beholden to the abortion lobby. To her credit, Melinda Henneberger of the Washington Post will be one of those reporters. In her page August 8 "She the People" feature on page A2, "Democrats' Big Tent is a cold place for…

Keys to Abortion Industry’s Success: Public Relations and Liberal Ne

December 7th, 2011 9:23 PM
The abortion industry’s public relations machinery has always intrigued me. At any given time I can tell which agenda items anti-life groups have directed their PR firms to push by news articles, op eds, and tweets I read. If you pay attention you see there are always particular topics the other side is swarming around. Right now, for instance, their focus is on making the morning after pill…

Amy Sullivan: Not Even the Vatican Cares About Obama's Notre Dame Spee

May 1st, 2009 5:04 PM
Dear religious pro-life Catholics, get over yourselves. Signed, Amy Sullivan.Okay, I'm paraphrasing, but the Time magazine staffer practically expressed those sentiments in two April 30 Swampland blog posts wherein she suggests that even the pope wouldn't mind hanging out with Obama on stage at Notre Dame when he accepts his honorary doctorate later this month."The Vatican apparently needs to get…