Joe Buck, left, Troy Aikman

Fox Sports: Boo Military Flyovers, Hurray For 'Kamala-Biden'

October 20th, 2020 2:57 PM

Now the starting lineups for today's NFL game ... but first, how about that Biden-Harris ticket! Joe and Kamala won't be allowing wasteful military flyovers at sports events! Before the Tampa Bay-Green Bay NFL game fans tuned into on Fox Sports Sunday, the announcers dumped a mouthful of hot mic political partisanship. Ryan Young, of Yahoo Sports, supported their mockery.

Deadspin logo

Deadspin Blames NFL COVID-19 Outbreaks on Trump

October 18th, 2020 4:45 PM

Another off-the-rails left-winger has landed at Deadspin, the destination for angry, race-baiting sports media types. Mike Freeman joined a staff of bomb throwers that already includes Carron J. Phillips, Rob Parker, Chuck Modiano and others and quickly blamed NFL COVID-19 outbreaks on President Donald Trump.

Colin Kaepernick

Radical Kaepernick Movement Demands ‘Abolish Police, Prisons, Borders’

October 15th, 2020 5:50 PM

You thought Colin Kaepernick's cops are pigs socks were bad? Those are trifling matters compared to the torrent of cop- and America-hating vitriol oozing from his "Abolition for the People" partnership with Medium Publishing. At Kaepernick's bidding, a 30-story blitz is underway searing America as a racist nation while calling for the abolition of police and Immigration, Customs and…

Adam Schefter

Deadspin Attacks ESPN's Schefter For White Privilege Over Joke

October 14th, 2020 1:24 PM

We just learned that privileged white leftists do eat their own. Julie DiCaro, a clearly unhinged white writer at Deadspin, chewed up and spit out ESPN's Adam Schefter, whom she accuses of embodying white male privilege. DiCaro excoriates him for harming others while attempting to score Twitter points.

NFL celebrates National Coming Out Day

BLM? NFL Moves On To Focus On National Coming Out Day

October 12th, 2020 12:29 PM

Black Lives Matter protest is so passé now that the National Football League's weekend focus Sunday was on "National Coming Out Day." The league released a 30-second long National Coming Out Day PSA" on YouTube Saturday, which aired during early-game Fox broadcasts Sunday.

Matthew Stafford

Detroit QB Stafford Emerges From White Privilege Closet

October 9th, 2020 5:20 PM

Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford has written his way onto sports' unofficial all-white privilege team. In the post, "We Can't Just Stick To Football" appearing on The Players Tribune blog, Stafford says police brutality, white privilege and racism are real and he should know because he grew up in a Texas town that was one of the most privileged places in the country.

Mike Pence

Deadspin Slams Trump, Pence, GOP In Multiple Attacks

October 8th, 2020 1:31 PM

The Deadspin sports blog could easily pass as "Democrat Spin" with three current stories featuring mean-spirited attacks on Republicans. Vice-president Mike Pence is portrayed as a "giant pile of crap" after appearing in Wednesday's debate, Republicans in Wisconsin are accused of engaging in voter suppression and NFL owners donating to Republicans are vilified.

Colby Covington

UFC Fighter Slams ‘Muted’ LeBron’s ‘Spineless’ Woke Attitude

September 21st, 2020 10:00 AM

Over the weekend, professional athletes and sports writers ratcheted up debate over the social justice movement currently straining sports' place in the American culture. On the left, LeBron James and USA Today writer Jarrett Bell defended social justice protest, and on the right, ultimate fighter Colby Covington and Outkick's Jason Whitlock ridiculed it.

Colin Kaepernick

Clueless In Seattle: Kaepernick Held Up As Teaching Tool In Schools

September 18th, 2020 2:36 PM

With professional sports fully captured, Black Lives Matter propaganda is now infiltrating public schools. Johnny can't read, but at two Seattle area public schools he can learn how to be an activist from one of the most radical athletes in history -- Colin Kaepernick.

Nancy Armour

USA Today: All's Well in NFL -- Despite Ratings Freefall

September 17th, 2020 2:43 PM

Pay no attention to the numbers following the minus signs chronicling the NFL's "honey, I shrunk the television rating" phenomenon that was the first week of the league's 2020 season. Thursday night football crashed on take-off, and the league's crown jewel, Monday Night Football, also cratered. Blinded by the blight, USA Today lefty Nancy Armour is singing the praises of the…

Rob Parker, Deadspin writer

Sports Blogger Links Today's Booing Fans With Racists Of Old

September 15th, 2020 1:21 PM

To all the NFL fans who booed social justice activists during the weekend's season openers, you are racists and just like racists of the distant past, too. In fact, Deadspin race-baiter Rob Parker says, "fans being racist is nothing new," and a disgrace to be expected.

NY Times: NFL's Return Keeps US in 'Fog of Denial' Over Virus, Racism

September 15th, 2020 9:51 AM

Did you enjoy forgetting about 2020 for a while while watching the NFL on Sunday (if you could overlook the social justice symbolism)? How dare you, says New York Times sports essayist Kurt Streeter. His first “Sports of the Times” column suggests we can expect regular doses of guilt-ridden consciousness-raising from a writer who would rather talk about politics. His fear-mongering…

Mike Holmgren

Former Packers Coach Rips Trump, Campaigns For Biden

September 14th, 2020 10:00 AM

The USA Today sports section never misses an opportunity to bash President Donald Trump, and former Green Bay and Seattle Coach Mike Holmgren gave the newspaper another opportunity to do that Saturday. The retired coach appeared in a virtual Green Bay press conference to announce his support for Joe Biden and accuse Trump of malfeasance in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Phil Simms, left, and Jim Nance

CBS Sports Ordered Restraints on Social Justice Comments

September 13th, 2020 7:54 PM

CBS Sports Chairman Sean McManus gave his NFL broadcast teams a crystal clear ultimatum prior to Sunday's games: no one was to interject personal opinions on Black Lives Matter, kneeling or social justice during the day's broadcasts. Yeah, a ratings bath like the one incurred by the league in Thursday's game will do that!