
Navarro Defends NFL Protests: 'Who Died, Made You Judge of Blackness?'

October 12th, 2017 8:33 PM
On Thursday's New Day, during a discussion of whether the NFL should require players to stand during the National Anthem, conservative CNN commentator Ben Ferguson and liberal Republican CNN commentator Ana Navarro got into a heated debate after Ferguson called Colin Kaepernick a "fraud" because he used the Flag to protest provocatively without even taking the time to vote.  

GQ Writer: To Placate Trump, ESPN Fed Hill to Wolves

October 11th, 2017 7:35 PM
Gentlemen's Quarterly writer Drew Magary demonstrated he can go toe-to-toe with his GQ rage mate Keith Olbermann when it comes to pumping out vile, frothing outrage. Magary cranked up the venom flow to the extreme max in his tirade on how ESPN fed anchor Jemele Hill to the wolves when it suspended her. He insinuates that the liberal sports network is following the wishes of President Trump and…

Celebs Bash Weinstein, But Praise ‘Rape-Rapper’ Eminem

October 11th, 2017 2:35 PM
Eminem’s rap lyrics used to be called “sexist” and “promoting rape.” Now it’s applauded as “beautiful” and “strong.”  

Nets Gave Trump Trashing 10 Times More Coverage Than NFL Backing Down

October 11th, 2017 11:57 AM
When President Trump voiced his opposition to NFL players disrespecting the National Anthem in September, the broadcast networks went wild with an avalanche of coverage that hailed a “firestorm of resistance” against the President and even suggested Trump was a racist. However, when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell came out on Tuesday to demand that all players stand for the Anthem, the networks…

Nets Downplay NFL Commissioner Caving to Trump in Kneeling Saga

October 10th, 2017 9:22 PM
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell handed President Trump a victory on Tuesday after he sent a memo to all 32 teams directing them to have their players stand during the playing of the National Anthem. When players across the league took a knee during the National Anthem to protest the President, the liberal media went absolutely gaga. The networks dedicated 92 minutes of coverage over two days to…

ESPN's Wilbon Wins 'Top That Race Baiter' Sports Competition

October 10th, 2017 7:41 PM
Top that race-baiter! It's the latest craze among race-obsessed sports media. Recently we read that Matthew Allen of The Root claimed the burning of NFL jerseys is akin to the lynching of Blacks, and we saw Jemele Hill's tweets claiming President Trump and his supporters are "white supremacists." Yesterday ESPN's Michael Wilbon soared to the top of this week's sports media race-baiting with…

ESPN Suspends Trump-Basher; Media Drag Sharpton into the Debate

October 10th, 2017 12:20 AM
Firings, layoffs and suspensions are almost the order of the day now at ESPN, which today suspended controversial anchor Jemele Hill for two weeks. Already on thin ice for recently tweeting that President Trump and his supporters are "white supremacists," Hill violated ESPN's social media policy for the second time. Yesterday, after Dallas Cowboys' owner Jerry Jones said he's now requiring his…

Media Divided over NFL Teams' Opposition to Protest

October 9th, 2017 8:54 PM
After more of than a year of political sideline shenanigans by disrespectful players and severe alienation of the NFL's fan base, team owners are finally coming to their senses and trying to save their freefalling enterprise. Dallas Cowboys' owner Jerry Jones says any of his players who disrespect the flag will take a seat on the bench during the game. The Miami Dolphins have now made it a rule…

ABC, NBC Deride Pence Walking Out of NFL Game As 'Stunt'

October 9th, 2017 7:00 AM
On Sunday evening, ABC's World News Tonight and the NBC Nightly News both reacted to Vice President Mike Pence walking out of an NFL game in Indianapolis by dismissing his reaction as a "stunt," with ABC fretting that he was "reigniting the fury." It did not seem to occur to either network that, when several of the '49ers players sparked the move by kneeling during the National Anthem, this…

Online Media Ridicule Pence for Leaving NFL Game After Anthem Protests

October 8th, 2017 7:33 PM
Vice-president Mike Pence and his wife Karen went to the Indianapolis Colts' football game today to cheer on their favorite team and see the club retire the uniform of former great, quarterback Peyton Manning. But when 23 members of the visiting San Francisco 49ers dishonored America by taking a knee during the national anthem, the VP left. Left-stream media predictably put on an all-out blitz…

NFL Support Plunges Amid Rising Radical Activism

October 7th, 2017 4:20 PM
Before the disrespectful kneeling, before the black power salutes, the NFL and its players' union were actively attacking America and your values. Above the surface and plain for all to see, players are disrespecting the flag and our veterans. Below the surface are the associations with George Soros, Planned Parenthood and other radical organizations which have zilch to do with football.

September TV Coverage: Bashing Trump on NFL, DACA and Cabinet Flights

October 5th, 2017 1:15 PM
With September’s news coverage now in the record books, the latest Media Research Center analysis finds TV’s hostility to the Trump presidency continues unabated. According to our analysts, the President received 92% bad press, vs. just 8% good press on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows last month.

Here’s What the Media Have Been Missing in the NFL Anthem Debate

October 4th, 2017 3:14 PM
The news has been overrun with opinion pieces relating to the recent NFL-wide protest of the National Anthem. Whether or not you believe in the protests, there are facts that have been ignored by the leftist media pertaining to this multi-billion dollar company’s political parade. In an article by the Daily Signal entitled, “Here’s How Much Money the NFL Rakes in from Taxpayers,” Jarrett Stepman…

Michael Moore: ‘We Have Got to Get Rid Of Trump,’ 2nd Amendment

October 4th, 2017 12:37 PM
In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Las Vegas, celebrities have decided to use death as a stump for their activism. And of course, who better to lead the way than professional protester Michael Moore.