
Sanders Dodges Tapper's Question: Should Menendez Resign If Convicted?

October 2nd, 2017 7:49 PM
Senator Bernie Sanders had to employ some “fancy footwork” while a guest on Sunday’s edition of the Cable News Network program State of the Union when host Jake Tapper asked the Vermont socialist whether Senator Bob Menendez should step down if the New Jersey Democrat is found guilty in his trial on charges of corruption. Instead of giving a straightforward response of “Yes” or “No,” Sanders…

Vegas Shooting Witness: While 'Everyone’s Kneeling,' Police 'Stood Up'

October 2nd, 2017 10:00 AM
Calling in to Monday’s Today show, Las Vegas shooting eyewitness Russell Bleck praised police for their response to the tragic attack and criticized some of the recent National Anthem protests in the NFL: “I mean, just God bless the police officers. I mean, in a world where everyone’s kneeling, these guys stood up and took – I mean, they knew what they were against and they ran towards the danger…

The Root: Burning NFL Jerseys Is In The Spirit of Lynching Blacks

October 1st, 2017 10:58 PM
Amid news and YouTube videos of pro football fans burning the jerseys of protesting NFL players, an African-American writer from Brooklyn alleges these actions are the modern manifestations of lynching, hanging and burning of blacks. Matthew Allen, a music journalist and television producer, made his inflammatory claims today in a blog on The Root.

Reid Wrongly Claims More Anti-Obama Threats, Lauded as 'Intellectual'

September 30th, 2017 9:56 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's All In with Chris Hayes, far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid was spreading misinformation to viewers as she claimed that President Barack Obama "had more threats against him than any President" even though the claim was discredited years ago. And, on her own show on Saturday's AM Joy, liberal guest Frank Schaeffer laughably lauded her as a "great public intellectual."  

Rush Limbaugh: The Media Have Been Corrupted by Liberalism

September 30th, 2017 4:00 AM
Rush Limbaugh made a rare television appearance this past week, returning to Fox for a sit-down with Sean Hannity to kick-off the latter’s return to his starring 9pm hour. Rush did not disappoint. While he said all kinds of things that doubtless resonated with the Fox audience, in terms of the media, he zeroed in on exactly the complaint of so many.

Sports Illustrated: Cut the 'Unity,' Get Back to Racial Inequality

September 29th, 2017 8:12 PM
We're hearing and reading more about a growing complaint from the Kaepernick apologists in the media. They're upset that Kaepernick's original protest against police brutality and racial inequality has been morphed into the suddenly offensive call for unity. Sports Illustrated's Jimmy Traina is lecturing everyone -- especially two star white quarterbacks -- to cut the disgusting unity talk and…

FS1 Smear: Packers Fans Picked 'Heartland Patriotism' Over Protests

September 29th, 2017 7:20 PM
FS1's morning dumpster fire Undisputed has been a clearing house for far-left sports punditry, so it was only cemented Friday morning when co-hosts Shannon Sharpe and Skip Bayless shamefully ripped Green Bay Packers fans as white people more interested in “heartland patriotism” than protesting during the National Anthem.

Sharpe: Racist U.S. Flag Is ‘A Piece of Cloth...Nobody Fights For'

September 29th, 2017 5:05 PM
After engaging in character assassination against Green Bay Packers fans who chose not to protest during Thursday’s National Anthem, FS1's Undisputed co-host Shannon Sharpe did the same with the American flag, declaring it to be merely a racist “piece of cloth” that “nobody fights for.”

NY Daily News: NFL Player Says Owners 'Sure Don't Want us Kneeling'

September 28th, 2017 7:35 PM
Danger, Will Robinson! All is not well in the NFL's inner sanctum. The surge in protests last weekend' has not emboldened the social justice warriors, owners or the league commissioner as the media would have you believe. Many of them are more concerned than ever about the potentially disastrous repercussions of an unpopular player revolt.

NFL Pigskins at the Public Trough

September 28th, 2017 4:31 PM
I'm calling foul on all the leftists rushing to protect the NFL's protest crusaders from President Donald Trump's criticism of their national anthem antics. Their shabby line of defense? The NFL is a "private enterprise" whose "rights" are being violated by those who dare to challenge the league's political radicalization. The anti-Trump Democratic Coalition has even filed an ethics complaint…

Spike Lee: Politics, Sports Are Linked Due to Country's Racist History

September 28th, 2017 4:00 PM
Like many of CNN’s town halls, Wednesday night’s NFL special featured multiple perspectives and balanced questioning, but the goodwill and dialogue was degraded by liberal filmmaker Spike Lee’s intolerant outbursts. Chief among them was Lee’s insistence that politics cannot be avoided in sports (and thus must be mixed) because of the country’s racist history and “genocide of Native Americans and…

Sacked! Businesses Cut Ties With NFL, Let Fans Cancel Over Protests

September 28th, 2017 10:53 AM
NFL sponsors are feeling pressure to respond after more than 200 players, coaches and team owners knelt in protest during the anthem on the weekend of Sept. 23. While most NFL sponsors have so far not ended their sponsorships, at least three organizations have reacted and others are being pressured.

NYT’s Eligon Takes on NFL Protests From Left: Capitalism to Blame?

September 28th, 2017 10:33 AM
In his lead National section story for Wednesday’s New York Times, race-issues reporter John Eligon took on the spate of National Football League players protesting the National Anthem, at the apparent instigation of President Trump. But far from applying a balanced take on a movement embraced by the racial and social justice left, Eligon went further to the left to attack the protests as being…

Alt-Left Insanity: Standing Is White Supremacy and Libs Can’t Stand It

September 28th, 2017 7:14 AM
Back in August, I warned that the left was engaging in a cultural revolution similar to the one in China in the 1960s-’70s. Sports fans now know what I mean. The left isn’t at war just with statues. Or just with the Founders or police officers or Trump or even the NFL. The left is trying to overturn everything it doesn’t like about America, all at once.